20 down, 20 to go! Would love to hear your stories!

Hey everyone!

So, I'm new to MFP. I had an account years ago, but didn't keep up with it. I'm 22, needing to lose about 20-25 more lbs. For the last 7 years or so, I have been a steady 165-175lbs. Never under, never above. Huge shock when I stepped on the scale about 3 months ago and it said 188! Ah! How on earth did I gain that much without even noticing!

Since then, I have cracked down on my eating. By clean eating alone, I dropped to 176. I have been successfully living a Paleo lifestyle for the last month and a half. (Cannot believe the difference it makes to not have any processed foods, refined sugars, dairy, gluten, soy or grains pumping through my body! ) I (try to) drink one gallon of water a day. No sodas, no juice... I stick to water, black coffee (only about once a week, if that) and almond or coconut milk. Gone are the days where I drink my calories!

I finally got a gym membership about two weeks ago, and have been trying to get in 6 days a week. I get up at 0430 and start my gym class (usually a les mills class [Bodypump, BodyCombat, Body Attack, CXWorx, RPM Cycling.. Yoga]) by 0500. They are usually an hour, then I will do 2 miles minimum on either the treadmill or inclined elliptical. I then do at least 30 minutes (5 miles min) on a stationary bike. After that I try to get in a couple push ups, a few minutes on the vibrating plate... stretch and go home! In total I'm usually at the gym from 0500 to 0730. Since I started combining exercise with clean eating, I've been able to lose a few more lbs- as of this morning I am 168.8! Broke out of the 170's and I don't plan on ever going back!

I'm trying to not let myself slack off, but there are days I am too sore to go to the gym. I'm not perfect!

My motivation to get to my goal weight of 148? Army. I am currently an EMT, and have made the decision to join the Army as a medic. I feel it is the best way for me to put my skills to use and to be able to take pride in what I do. In order to join, the maximum weight I can be is 152, 32% body fat. Currently, I'm 168, 36% body fat. My personal maximum is 148, 30% body fat, that way I'm not too worried about making weight when I go to MEPS!

I am looking forward to making some friends on here who can give me awesome advice, and will be good motivators. Looking for "teammates" that will keep in touch and keep each other accountable :)

So excited to hear everyone's stories, and sharing each others success!

Please add me as a friend, and tell me your stories below!

Thank you!!!


  • keytostart
    keytostart Posts: 7
    I do that too!!! I dropped over 20 pounds and gained it all back this summer!