Online Multiplayer Fitness Game

Do you like Role-Playing Games like Everquest, D&D, or World of Warcraft? Think your fitness plan could improve by keeping track of skills and "leveling up"? Are you as nerdy as I am??

Nerd Fitness ( is starting an Online Multiplayer Fitness Game (OMFG) which challenges you to role play your own life and improve your fitness skills the way you'd improve a character's in a game. I've linked to the original article and more information below, but here's the basic premise:
Level Up Your Life!
The Online Multiplayer Fitness Game is a live-action game unlike any other. Based around the article Real-Life Role Playing (linked below), this is a game of skill and determination.

Choose your Class, a series of 6 different categories of fitness, with different primary goals and methods required to reach those goals. It is recommended that you choose a primary class, however, you are free to attempt skills/achievements from any class.

Warrior (strength, weight lifting)
Ranger (endurance, versatility)
Scout (long distance, endurance)
Assassin (agility, speed)
Druid (flexibility, grace)
Monk (martial arts)

Choose the skills you want to develop. Each Class has it's own customized Skill Tree, which shows the strength, endurance, flexibility and general activities that suit each Class the best, divided into 6 Ranks that show how to progress from Beginner to Epic.

Interested? Post below with your class and we'll play along from MFP!

The Post that Explains Things:
More Information:
Skills and Acheivements:


  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I can't even tell you how many times I've wondered when somebody would do this!! My husband and I were just talking about it!
    I need to investigate...
  • orange_avocado
    Here's a basic character sheet to fill out.... I'm kind of making this up as I go, hopefully the OMFG forum will provide more guidance soon. For now I marked myself as Level 1 for the basic categories and will level up as I gain new skills. Level 0 in Conditioning until I grasp one of the more complex skills. Make sense? Okay, not really. Just guess when you're not sure what to do!

    Name: Yvonne
    Current Class: Gadgeteer (aka: computer potato)
    Desired Class: Ranger


    Functional Strength: Level 1

    Muscular Endurance: Level 1

    Conditioning: Level 0
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Looks very cool! I'd also love to see an MMO using the Kinect where you can exercise or whatever with friends to build your character. Just like what they are talking about but in the virtual world. Have you heard of anything like that?
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
  • orange_avocado
    Looks very cool! I'd also love to see an MMO using the Kinect where you can exercise or whatever with friends to build your character. Just like what they are talking about but in the virtual world. Have you heard of anything like that?

    I haven't, but that would be awesome! I wonder if Your Shape Fitness is at all similar? I haven't tried it yet, but I think that as you play your "skills" (ie: fitness levels) get upgraded and it keeps track? Obviously without the RPG angle, but it sounds like it could be just as useful.
  • AislynneRobot
    AislynneRobot Posts: 19 Member
    I love this website! Great articles on this and thank you for telling us about it!~