Working out...Where do you fit it in to your schedule?



  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    On weekdays I get up @4:45AM for work. I work a full time job 5 days a week and train in the evenings 2-3 days a week. I train either when I get home from work or before or after clients if I'm training. IMO if you're dedicated to something you will find the time to do it.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    First thing in the morning or it doesn't happen. I workout at home, and have to get it done before the rest of the family is up. Alarm goes off at 4:45, and I'm working out by 5, done by 6.

    It was rough at first, but it gets easier, and the awesome feeling of having it done first thing in the morning is way better than the feeling of regret at the end of the day if I slept in and didn't do it at all.
  • waygookinson
    Personally, I have a really hectic schedule too. I generally go right after work, because I'm not a morning person either. I fit in something. Whether it's a full cardio workout at the gym, some yoga at home, or just the 45-minute walk home from the office, I make myself do something most every day.
    It also helps that the trainers at my gym ask me where I've been when I haven't been there in a few days.
  • tenaciousdee78
    tenaciousdee78 Posts: 29 Member
    i just do my workout when ever it fits into my day, for example..this week im working 4 nights so i will go home get some sleep..wake up get the kids from school..then do my workout before i cook dinner, sometimes its aerobics or exercise bike or will jump on the trampoline for 20-30 mins. If im not working i go swimming or have a long brisk walk with my dog, you just have to fit it in where you can..even if u only have 15 mins to spare its better than nothing at all
  • trlynn68
    trlynn68 Posts: 11
    I have a pretty hectic life. Working, school, church, boyfriend, friends.
    I want to start SCHEDULING work outs into my day because I know if I'm not intentional about working out I seriously won't do it.

    I usually have to be at work by 10, but I'm soooooo NOT a morning person and I hate waking up earlier than I have too. I just might though because after work and school and whatever, all I want to do is go home and SLEEP. So early mornings might be my only option.

    Where do you guys schedule in your workouts? Do you like working out in the AM or PM? Any tips or advice to get up, moving and to stay consistent?

    I also have to be to work at 10am, and I have found that if I don't workout in the morning, it just doesn't happen! I'm just too tired after running all day and just want to relax at night. Just can't motivate myself to do it at night. So I get up in the morning, down some caffeine, and do a few things around the house - throw in a load of laundry, write out bills, go through mail - whatever just to wake up a little, and then I workout. Once you get used to waking up at your new time for a few days straight, it becomes habit and isn't too bad. Good luck!
  • asdelmonte
    asdelmonte Posts: 171 Member
    I do it early in the morning. The alarm goes off at 4:30am and I am at the gym or out for a run/bike ride by 5. That's the only time I can guarantee that it will get done. The rest of the day is filled with a job, a house, 3 kids, 3 pets, and a husband.

    You don't have children so it may be a little easier to fit it in if you truly cannot make yourself get up in the morning. Why don't you find a group activity you can do with your boyfriend and/or friends. You can take up kayaking, hiking, running, cycling, rock climbing, roller derby.... The possibilities are only as limited as you make them.
  • DavidSTC
    DavidSTC Posts: 173 Member
    I hated morning workouts, too ... but found that I had to do it if I wanted to get fit. Then, I realized that there's a half-hour period when I get home where I'd decompress in front of the computer. Well, I just decided to work out instead. I do a half-hour workout in the morning and after work for an hour total ... if I can. But, the main thing is, I don't sit as much. I'm always on the move. If I can't fit in a workout, it's usually because I have to do something with my kids. I count coaching my son's baseball team as activity, even if low to moderate activity.

    The bottom line: Just fit in activity whenever you can. Maybe you could walk or hike or bike with your boyfriend.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I have a scheduled calendar for workouts and I do half in the mornings I have school and half when I get home. Other days I do them when it's convenient. Maybe for you, you should try half in the morning, half at night, and on lunch breaks/school breaks take a brief walk. It all counts.


    Log mini-workouts. Make yourself accountable. Eventually you will find a rhythm that works for you. Getting started helps you build up to a routine.
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    I schedule my workouts, meaning that I put them in my calendar like an appointment.

    I do an HIIT class 1-2x a week, and strength training 2x. All of 'em are in my calendar.
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    5:00 am 6 days a week! The only sure way to get it in.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Do you watch TV? There you go.
  • Beautiful_Pain
    Beautiful_Pain Posts: 102 Member
    Its all about WANTING it....if you cant sacrifice at least 20 minutes then I dont see Hope for you.
    You can fit it in.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I ride my bike everywhere.

    Well, I'm moving closer to work so I can. 1 hour every weekday, minimum. I'd say that's a good workout.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    Whenever I can, but missing it is not an option for me, because once I miss one then it becomes easier to miss more. Last night I had a softball game right after work for my daughter, then and awards banquet at 7 for my step daughter, got home at 830-put on my workout clothes and started w/ a 20 minute core workout, followed by a 40 minute stretch.
  • richardositosanchez
    richardositosanchez Posts: 260 Member
    You need to find a way to fit it into your daily schedule. I pack my gym bag and take it in my car to work. Then after work I head straight to the gym to get the work-out done.
  • silverlining84
    silverlining84 Posts: 330 Member
    Most days my workouts are in the morning.... even after i've worked a 12 hour nightshift. I've learnt to stop making excuses. If you want results you just need to do it. I make sure my gym bag is packed in the morning and ready to go. When I work dayshifts that start at 630am I use the gym inside my work during my lunch hour. If it's a weekend and I can't get a sitter for my daughter, we do active things together such as hike or go for a run.

    I'm a 24/7 single parent that works 50+ hours a week. Where there's a will there's a way.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm not a morning person! During the work week I work out in the evening when I get home - 7pm-ish. On the weekends is up for grabs...I just make a commitment to git er done!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You don't fit it in- you make time.

    Prepare in advance- find open spaces- insist other people in your life who are supposed to be supporting you- ACTUALLY support you by letting you have your time for you.

    I go later at night- or if I can't go at all I do a HIIT work out at home.

    We are all busy- some single mom's- some work multiple jobs- some out of town relationships and stressful jobs- pets- obligations- voluneer services whatever- we all make time for it when it's important. we do it- you can to!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I workout after work, because I get up at 4:30 as it is to get ready for work and getting up earlier than that sucks pretty bad. But I also schedule anything else I want to do around the time I want to go workout, for example if I have to go grocery shopping or clean or laundry, etc. I've made my fitness a priority, and everything else, including socializing with friends and bf, is coming after.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Up at 5 am, pack husband's lunch, turn on coffee pot, grab water and workout until 5:40, shower, dress, out the door by 6 and at work by 6:30. Just don't think about it, get up and keep moving :bigsmile:

    I have all of my clothes set out the night before for work and my breakfast, snacks and lunch all set up to grab and go too. Works great, keep moving and no thinking lol