Depo shot weight gain...anyone else?



  • Chickyjd
    Chickyjd Posts: 136 Member
    I'm having my last Depo shot on Tuesday 28th... Will be interesting to see what happens with my weight this year!

    Also no sex drive for at least a year! My last visit to my GP said that would improve once I've stopped the depo...

    Have been on the Depo for 18 years on and off.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    YES. Depo is an appetite ENHANCER. That is per my gyno and the size my @ss got right quick.
    ETA I LOVE my Paraguard. Non-hormonal IUD, good or 10+ yrs. Perfect for me.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I asked about it as an option about seven years ago and the nurse told me NOT to go with it because of the weight gain (I had just lost 50 pounds). Went with an IUD instead. The weight has still crept back on over the years, sometimes I wish I had something to blame, but I'm pretty sure it's just my eating habits. Tracking food now ...
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    One thing they fail to tell you when you get the depo is that you need to supplement you diet with magnesium and calcium because it robs your body of these two elements. My daughter had the depo and once we found this out and she started supplementing, things were so much better on all fronts.
  • Lylie1985
    Lylie1985 Posts: 35 Member
    I was on the depo on and off for the last 12 years and loved it. But about 6 months ago I started reading up on it and found it can greatly increase loss of bone density. I smashed my tibia 3 years ago and am SURE depo was partly responsible. I never really thought I gained weight from the depo though as I have been able to lose weight on it and gain so think its just my heating habits. I have been off it nearly 6 months now and no periods back yet. It does really mess your body up :(
  • Lylie1985
    Lylie1985 Posts: 35 Member
    I was on the depo on and off for the last 12 years and loved it. But about 6 months ago I started reading up on it and found it can greatly increase loss of bone density. I smashed my tibia 3 years ago and am SURE depo was partly responsible. I never really thought I gained weight from the depo though as I have been able to lose weight on it and gain so think its just my heating habits. I have been off it nearly 6 months now and no periods back yet. It does really mess your body up :(

    Also welcome new friends :)
  • yup it made me gain weight too was on it for a year! also I read when you go off it can take up to 12 months to get out of your system. my last shot was November 2012 (6 months ago) I havent got my period yet. I wouldnt recommend it to anybody.
  • I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I was on the Depo Shot for 6 months (2 shots worth). I was 130 lbs when i started taking the shot and now I am 153 lbs. I gained 18 lbs! I had not gained (or lost for that matter) weight in 5 years until i took this shot. I have now switched back to the pill in hopes that this will help me lose the weight, along with exercise and healthy eating of course.

    I have heard that for some people the weight just comes off naturally a few months after getting off of the shot. I'm hoping this is the case for me, but I will keep you guys updated!
  • nikkigraf1
    nikkigraf1 Posts: 1
    My sister took that shot and she gained 50 pounds! However, when she came off the shot, she started taking ADHD medications which slowed her appetite and raised her metabolism..

    We aren't all that lucky. Stay strong, and you can keep it off!
  • lou827
    lou827 Posts: 1
    Was wondering how your experience has been since stopping depo. I've been on it for 15 years and thinking of stopping. Hopping the weight is easier to shed once I'm off it.
  • I am nearly 18 years of age.
    I just received the depo shot for my very first time yesterday (also my first time being exposed to any type of hormonal birth control).
    Today I returned from school feeling fatigued, irritable, nervous, and cramping ( I am not on my period ). Curious, I looked up depo shots and came to the conclusion many or all of these things could be related to this shot.
    Now, the weight gain:
    I am 5'6 and weight around 118 pounds. Last year I weighed 74 pounds- I have struggle with anorexia for quite some time.
    But I've reached a steady weight these past few months, and now with the knowledge from all of your stories - I am QUITE scared. I know I emotionally would not be able to handle any weight gain .
    Does anyone have anything to inform me about? Maybe thoughts or feedback? Anything is greatly appreciated.
    If I would have known the risks of this shot I never would have taken the shot. The ONLY thing I was informed of was the bone loss.
    I am anxious and scared.
    Thank you in advance.
  • ItsABreeThing
    ItsABreeThing Posts: 17 Member
    These weight gaining reports scare me! I recently got the shot and weighed 119.4 at 5'3" around June 9th. Lets see what happens in august when i go for my second dose. Keep in mind ive been a vegetarian for a year and in july im going on a raw vegan diet. I currently consume green tea and take weight loss supplements. also, because of depo, i am now a lot stricter with my calcium and vitamin d intake in order to reduce the risk of ostereoporasis.
    Is it just me or do you ladies notice an increase in breast size? Ive grown into another cup! These side effects are killer haha. My doctor said the weight gain is caused by an increase in appetite. It all depends on what you feed yourself (:
  • Hiya I'm Kaiya!
    I'm new to these boards and to Depo Provera! I got the shot last Friday June 20th, and I have not had much of the side effects(yet) besides loss of appetite. I took the pill earlier when I was younger, I am 22 now and I never gained weight from that but I was also taking anti depressants at the time as well and lemme tell you -- I hate anti depressants because I believe they make you gain weight more so than birth control (but that is just me of course).

    ANYWHO, I haven't been eating as much as I'd like to recently I have been eating under 400 calories a day, Yes I know that's starving my body but honestly I have had an eating disorder in high school I am NOT surprised this shot is causing me to not eat, I have been eating little things just to get me by. I have been drinking loads of water, so much water I have to pee every thirty minutes, I drink over the daily amount of 8 glasses a day. Its been less than a week and I lost 4.5 pounds, I am 5'2" weighed 127 when I went into get the shot, I am now 123. I don't see myself gaining my appetite back and my best friend also had this same problem, she lost over 35 pounds on the depo shot. I love my body how it is at now and I don't wanna lose or GAIN. I am not worried about gaining since I don't have cravings and even if I do I can curb them(keep in mind I used to be anorexic in high school so I can also stand the feeling of being hungry as well.) I am not going back for the second shot; I have decided that because I actually threw up the other day and I've been getting head aches as well as stomach aches which is another reason why I can't eat anything. Im tired of working out on an empty stomach but I just cannot eat.

    Anyways, I wish you ladies and the poster good luck on losing the weight. I am a strong believer that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. And remember to be more connected to your spiritual side as much as your body, listen to your spirit and meditate. Im an extremely spiritual person, and I believe being connected to your spiritual side will help you over come anything.

    Cheers! <3:tongue:
  • I can relate! I too was anorexic when I was a teenager. I know the pain of gaining weight, it also doesn't help that it seems like this illness runs through my family; my mom had it, my aunts had bulemia and my grandmother even now is anorexic. It was bond for me to also go through that stage, my mom didnt even eat while she was pregnant with my oldest brother cause she didn't wanna get fat! How sad ):

    As for your question;
    I too am on the depo provera so I know what you are saying! Especially with all the comments about the weight gain, it has scared me a little as well. Are you active? I would assume you are since you are in high school but hey I could be wrong. Here is my advice; eat healthy, eat your calories you need a day (dont be like me and not eat please because I am trying my hardest to eat my calories) and exercise. That is pretty much all you can do! Watch calorie intake but still eat and do cardio 3-4 times a week as well as weight training and you should be fine, also just DO NOT give into your cravings. Ive only been on the depo for a week but I can tell you if you eat healthy and exercise you wont gain. Good luck, Love!:happy: