Plan my work out plan!!

Ok so I am 20 years old and pretty healthy. I do smoke, and get winded easily. I have never been very phsyically active but I know I could definately get in shape. I have no idea where to even start myself as far as cardio and strength training. I work 8am - 5pm and have an 8 month old son, so time is definately a factor. Maybe some quick work outs I can do at home and work? And I am working on setting aside an hour each evening to work out as well. Fill in that hour for me with CALORIE burning excersizes. I am in no way trying to take it easy on myself! Haha Thanks in advance!


  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    If you have to stay at home and don't have a treadmill or an elliptical, DVD's are great: Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, Turbo Jam, Zumba, etc. We have an XBOX 360 with a Kinect that has a bunch of different games to workout with. The Wii would be a great gaming system to buy and that has a bunch of great workout options too. Hope this helps!!
  • jcgordon550
    I have a treadmill, whole rack of weights, stationary bike, bowflex, and a wii console at home. Sorry I forgot to mention that. I just dont know which work outs are most beneficial. And for how long, what order, etc.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I have a wii and every other day or almost every day I play the wii sports on it. That has Wii baseball, tennis, bowling, boxing, and golf. It's great family fun and you get a workout too :)

    Every other weekend, we go to my hubby's friend's house who has the Xbox 360 with Kinect and we play that Dance Central, that's an awesome one too and I'm hoping to talk hubby into getting it. :wink:

    Check out youtube as well, they have some quick workout videos on there, too!
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Check out They have tons of workout DVDs. You will definitely find something there to suit your taste. Until you get a workout DVD you can also just put on your favorite music and start doing a variety of exercises like jogging in place, jumping jacks, push-ups, crunches, squats, lunges, etc. Or just dance...that's fun. If you have gym membership, you can check out what types of classes they offer and try one of those.

    Aside from exercise, you can start making healthy food choices. See about making an appointment to see a nutritionist. Not to mention all the stuff you can find out on the Web.

    Wish you the best on your Get Healthy can do it!
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I would do 30 minutes of cardio- alternate bike one day with treadmill the next, and start with that.
    For the other 30 minutes I would do strength training- bicep curls with the dumbells, squats, lunges (with dumbells) French press (holding one dumbell with both hands behind your head and lowering/raising it, and situps. I would do 3 sets of 8 to start with, building up to 12reps for each set. You can do a good workout with an hour. The strength training will help you firm up, and the cardio has so many health benefits. Depending how hard you push yourself, it is also a good way to burn fat.
    The most important thing is to start off slowly- on the first day, just try to do 15 minutes of walking, and build up with everything.
    If I were you, ı would also try to give up the ciggies... :) ı am an ex smoker, once you truely decide to stop in your own mind, you can do it.
  • jcgordon550
    I WANT to stop smoking so bad! But I was afraid that if I tried to go on a diet and quit smoking at the same time, that I would fail both miserably. I'm gonna give myself a couple of weeks to adjust to the diet, then work on quitting :)
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Actually, I started swimming when ı quit smoking, I found that it really helped. I watched my lungs get stronger and stronger and the exercise even helped to deal with cravings. It seemed ridiculous to go for a big swim and then light up a cigarette. Anyway, I hope you are able to quit and get in shape like you want to :)