How do you stayed focused during real life stress/crises

Hi Folks,

I'm curious about this, how do you stay focused on your fitness journey during real life hardships? I can relate to this and thats why i ask the question. I am currently shuffling between 3 really big life stresses or "problems" and I have to admit, its hard for me to even want to eat, or take a walk outside. I just have no true burning desire for all that I am doing regarding my fitness program. I am doing it nonetheless....but its a daily daily battle played out in my head.

Its like there are two parts battling for my attention --- A part of me finds this all so trivial, when compared to the other "stuff" that is happening....that part wants to go into survival mode, being apathetic, doing only whats absolutely necessary, then shutting down. The other part is trying to push forward with my fitness plan with a "fake it till you make" attitude.

Let me call it what it is......i think i'm fighting off depression. What am I doing to fight the negative thoughts and handle my hardships--- I'm bombarding myself with things that make me "feel" better. Like flowers, reading, playing scrabble, seeing my mom, my dogs, praying.....i bought myself some cute summer dresses today, one in a size large, same dress in a medium....that sort of thing. I literally make a conscious effort to push forward with my fitness goals, while juggling my "situations".

Years ago, during my divorce, after being married for 17yrs, I really neglected myself and pretty much punished myself for about 3yrs. I made a promise that i will never allow that to happen again. I'm gonna keep that promise.

SO, if anyone out there can relate to this, would you mind sharing how you managed to juggle your fitness goals while dealing with life hardships?

Thank you !


  • rissavanwey
    rissavanwey Posts: 29
    I managed to drop 40# after getting laid off (from the most stressful job I'd ever had, so that actually helped). But I've gained 15# of it back since starting nursing school. I'm using this summer to get back on track and retrain myself to eat properly.....When I'm stressed, I just need to not be hungry, and I HATE to plan out meals. So now my BF and I are working together to fix both of our situations (he's 10# away from his goal after losing 90# in about a year!):
    - We are planning out EVERYTHING. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and snacks. For the entire week.
    - We are cutting out meat from 1-2 dinners each week. We'll see how that goes; for the first 25 years of my life, my 3 food groups were meat, bread, and cheese.
    - For me, it helps if I have someone to encourage me and hold me accountable. I NEED someone to look at me and say, "Do you really need that cookie?" And my BF is that person, so it works out. When I lost weight before, it was my best work friend.

    Good luck - we can do this!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Typically, while trying to diminish the stresses...I do not push myself. If I dont want to work out - I dont. I do convince myself to do "light work outs". If I do not feel up to tracking...I still log on to MFP every single day.

    There was one time when I was not working out and I was not tracking...but I continued to come onto the forums every day. When I was ready - I got right back on track.