160 pounds to lose

Hello, i am planning on losing a lot of weight.

Last year i gained about 50 pounds quitting smoking. This year i plan on working on my weight.

It is kind of depressing because my scale says error 2 because i am above its 350 limit. I believe i weigh about 360. My goal is 200. I have lost 110 pounds before.. maybe about 10 years ago. But over the years i have gained it and more back.

I use to drink one to two 2 liters of soda a day, but i quit soda back in december of last year. A couple days ago i started perportioning my food, and trying to eat smaller amounts and better foods.

Im kinda depressed about it already because im always hungry. I came across this forum and said that is a perfect crutch, a support forum. The past few months i have tried starting, but it ended up in me giving up. I always seem to be all in or all out kind of person. Hard to be in the middle. If i screw up and pig out, i normally come to the conclusion that the month was wasted. This is bad i know.


    DJLMB Posts: 43 Member
    Hi there :) I'm really glad you've decided to try again - you're already heading in the right direction! I have about 130lb to lose and it seems like an impossible task sometimes, but when I'm feeling down I just search out the before and after pictures on the 'success stories' board and boom, motivation! One day at a time and soon you;ll be feeling positive and in control.

    Add me if you like?
  • rachaelgoslan
    well done to you for taking the steps towards change, its hard sometimes but this place is great for motivation as everyone on here is ultimately after the same prize. A great support network :):wink:
  • tooyummy
    tooyummy Posts: 2
    Hi this is my first time posting to a forum like this when I am looking to lose a significant amount of weight I want to lose 100 pounds and I figured this was worth a try I've tried several times before and I haven't seen any was all have never been open enough to actually try to have a support system because I never felt comfortable talking about this with anyone but I feel like the Internet it makes it easier I'm looking for friends here so please send me a friend request my profile isn't complete because I just started but this is not a spam account and I will finish editing it however I'm not completely comfortable putting a picture of myself just yet 24 and I'm from Atlanta Georgia and I'm a woman just in case you were wondering who you're talking to lol
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    you should do that thing where your calories depends on what size you are and then you subtract and eat a little less.

    b/c you are so big, that way you can be eating more cals and not be as hungry.

    then you will gradually be eating less as you shrink but then also as you are able to do more and more activity that gives you more cals too.

    look into it, i think it will help you not be hungry and will make the whole thing less of a shock.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Making the decision is a great first step! You can do it, you just have to START. If you stick with it, it becomes routine and gets so much easier. Best of luck!
  • metulburr
    metulburr Posts: 17
    you should do that thing where your calories depends on what size you are and then you subtract and eat a little less.

    I was debating that...but i feel like if i could just go a month or two and suck it up, i could shrink my stomach to where that amount would suffice me. I actually think the more shocking part of it for me is me eating more often than not eating alot. I am so use to pigging out 2-3 times a day. Eating a little every 2-3 hours is the shock part of my body. Im so use to being hungry 2 times a day, instead of every couple hours.
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck with your weight loss! :flowerforyou:
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Hi there just wanted to say I kinda know how you feel. When I started I wasn't quite as heavy as you but I was 338lb. And I also had a huge soda habit. That stuff is pure evil i tell you! Here is a few of the things that helped me.

    1 ) Break your bodies reliance on sugar. You will need to rabidly control your sugar intake for about 2 weeks to a month. No refined sugar at all. Get all that you should eat from fruit. And make sure to eat good clean food. You need to force your body to start craving proper nutrition again. Here's the thing you are addicted to sugar because your body can metabolize it easily. But sugar doesn't have anything else you need. You are probably low on several Vitamins and Minerals and perhaps even low on protein or good fat. And as long as your body needs something it will keep telling you to eat. A multivitamin during this time may help to stave off hunger cravings.

    2) Learn the joy of exercise. I am dead serious here. Exercise is brilliant fun. But you need to get past the inertia of being very unfit first. I would suggest caffeine pills as an aid to getting you through your first few workouts. And do lots of walking. Gradually building up the distance. I started doing 20 minute walks round the block. Within a month or two I was walking 6 hours a week and burning about 2500 calories a week doing so. When you are still very unhealthy exercising from home is your best bet. Don't bother joining a gym until you feel like your home workouts aren't really doing anything for you anymore. Exercise has many rewards. The stiffness in your muscles afterwards makes you feel satisfied that you have accomplished something. And after you are not so unfit the endorphin rush after exercise will make you feel happy and energetic. It will actually get so that sometimes when you spend too long sitting down your body wants to get up and move. Not just sit on the couch and fester. And exercise does so much more than burn simple calories. It improves your bodies performance dramatically in just about every area.

    Really good luck mate. You probably are going to have this harder than I did and it was hard enough for me but i know you can do it. And I can promise you that the rewards are totally worth it.
  • alecyar
    alecyar Posts: 3
    I feel you. I'm aiming to lose 225 pounds. I'm 6'8" tall so people always think I weigh less than my (approximate) 450 pounds. I plan on on quitting smoking once I'm at a healthy weight. Going from 225 to 275 and back down again when I quit sounds better than hitting 500 and then trying to lose weight. I'm on day four and it sucks. I manage a group home and my wife can't cook. So I've been slow cooking meat and frozen veggies and dishing up two days worth of meals. Today I cheated like crazy and hate myself. It's midnight and I can't sleep because I'm so desperate to figure out to eat healthy with such financial and time constraints. My bright idea? Throw a piece of Havarti cheese on my meals and a couple servings of A-1. Wow I'm smart. Derderder!

    I really want to do this for so many reasons. I have two step kids I want to see grow up. I could aim for a promotion if I wasn't in so much pain all the time (5 years of a sedentary lifestyle, as tall as I am, With a bad back and leg already, I should have known what the outcome was.) Bringing that hrumph back to the bedroom. Being able to hike and fish more than a quarter mile in to the woods. But all there seems to be is road blocks.

    I can't afford a gym, but all the dumb bell routines have things I can't do until I've lost some weight, or I'm too tall to do them indoors, or just hurt too damn much. I can't walk more than a few blocks because of horrendous back pain, but it's the only "free" cardio there is. This food sucks, but buying the stuff I can afford in bulk is the only way I'll be able to afford this.

    This sucks, I'm depressed, I don't know if this is even going to work, and want to pause Voyager and go make a Digorno.
  • hllday
    hllday Posts: 11 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    This community is really good and supportive - I'll follow you as a friend on here so I can give some encouragement longer term if you like!

    The best thing is that you've decided to do this for your health, and that you've had the confidence not only to start but also to join this website and post; most people just lurk around for weeks on end :P

    I know it sounds like lame advice for being hungry all the time, but it will pass - have 250ml of water as soon as you start to feel a hunger pang, drink diet coke/soda, and invest in things that fill you up for longer, especially at breakfast time (like wholewheat/wholegrain toast and scrambled eggs)

    Good luck! (: xxx
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    It's great that you are giving it another shot. I'm in the same boat as well because I've just recently restarted my healthy eating plan. When you're having a bad day and you're feeling the need to binge try to remember why you started this path to losing weight. One day is not going to undo all of your progress (it would take regular binging or continuous 'bad' days to have any sort of negative impact on your progress.) Keep it up. We've got this. :D

    Anyone can add me if they wish. We can all support one another and we'll make it through this together :D
  • metulburr
    metulburr Posts: 17
    Thanks that helps a lot. I have quite a non-liking towards exercise

    Anyone can add me as a friend. I need support, and will give it if i can.
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    Welcome to MFP.

    People on here can be supportive, but most people will not support anything you are doing wrong. Just be aware that the best advice you get on here will seem offensive. Good luck with your journey.
  • metulburr
    metulburr Posts: 17
    Just be aware that the best advice you get on here will seem offensive.

    That is actually perfect. The support forum for quitting smoking was just like that, and it helped to push me to quit smoking. Sometimes i need a good kick in the *** when my values and priorities get all messed up.
  • LizN63
    LizN63 Posts: 129 Member
    Well done for quitting smoking! If you can do that, you've got this. You know you can do it - find something that works for you, there are plenty of approaches on this forum. Just make sure it's something sustainable for you - try not to go flat out and then crash and burn.

    'Hrumph in the bedroom' - love it!! :laugh:
  • messiah2505
    messiah2505 Posts: 4 Member
    It will be tough, but the first step is admitting to yourself that you want to change your weight that is half the battle.

    I was in a similar position to you wanting to lose weight but half attempted it each time.

    the more people yo have in your circle who want to lose weight for me made it easier, added an element of who can reach there goal first, reach out on here request friends who can help you.

    Be honest to yourself when you log on here as the only person your tricking is you.

    and when you have a day where you feel like going off track stop and think about it.

    but you can do it, you need to believe in your self.

    good luck.
  • Eleana14
    Eleana14 Posts: 29 Member
    Someone already said it, and I agree totally; If you can stop smoking you can do this!

    I have lost 55 pounds now, but I still have a long way to go. Add me if you like!
  • Neenmfp
    Neenmfp Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm always hungry too! With the exercise I do in the morning, once I get back I'm ravenous.. I lost 4lb I put on 2lb I lost 1lb I put on 1lb.. It's so frustrating!