Maximum calories per meal

TLCRN2 Posts: 17 Member
Just wondering what would be the maximum calories per meal if you are on a 1200-1300 calorie diet? Would eating a large amount of calories at one meal and very little at the other 2 hinder weight loss?


  • TLCRN2
    TLCRN2 Posts: 17 Member
    any suggestions?
  • Chris_58
    Chris_58 Posts: 32
    As long as you're near your calorie goal it doesn't really matter, eat what you want, when you want ;)
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    It just has to fit you.
    Some folks eat one meal, some folks eat 6.
    Some eat one big meal and the rest small, while other might eat all at the same size.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I roughly split mine 25%/25%/50% having a larger evening meal but it's really just like having a cash budget - you spend it how you want to as long as you don't go over too often.
  • vicabra
    vicabra Posts: 56 Member
    I tend to make breakfast and lunch my lowest calorie meals, and save the rest for dinner (I do not starve myself during the day). I know that what I am doing is just the opposite of what they say you should do - so far, it it seems to be working for me...
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Just wondering what would be the maximum calories per meal if you are on a 1200-1300 calorie diet? Would eating a large amount of calories at one meal and very little at the other 2 hinder weight loss?

    Max amount would be 1300. Doesn't matter when you eat the calories.

    Personally I think 1200 - 1300 is way too low for the majority of people however, and not sustainable and therefore hinders weight loss... just my 2-cents.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    There is actually some slight evidence that it's not ideal to go all in one.

    However, a) unless you're doing this every day, I wouldn't let it worry you b) from what I remember it wasn't a massive affect anyway - I still wouldn't worry about it.

    What I would be careful if it were me is eating a lot early and then finding you want more later and snacking.

    As it goes, on 1400 calories I've eaten at least 2000 calories in a meal - thanks to doing a load of exercise, so having more calories to enjoy :).
  • mickey9694
    mickey9694 Posts: 74 Member
    I eat slightly above that (~1700). I generally get a 500 or so calorie breakfast in me. It has to be rich in fat or else it won't hold me over. I'll stay satiated all day until dinner, when I get a 400 calorie dinner. Throughout the day I'll have a few snacks, which total up to about 500 calories. Another 300 or so for various items I add onto my foods. Everything has to be high in fat and/or protein cuz that's what holds me over the best. I don't even track my foods anymore, I tracked calories for the first week to get some knowledge of my caloric intake and haven't deviated from the plan since, so it all works out, I know what my approximate caloric intake is. And I won't limit myself to caloric restrictions during meals, if I eat 600 calories for breakfast instead of the usual 500, it's not a big deal
  • TLCRN2
    TLCRN2 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input.. :)
  • michellepodnar
    michellepodnar Posts: 3 Member
    I normally aim for 300 at breakfast, 400 at lunch and 500 at dinner. The other 3-400 calories are split up for snacks throughout hte day