
who is from countries other than america?! locations are an important part of food, and fitness! stay fit xx:happy:


  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    A part of India where rice and fish are staples.
  • Ryderod
    Ryderod Posts: 103 Member
    I am from South Africa
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Rice makes you fat . . .
  • Jim_G10
    Jim_G10 Posts: 132
    Scotland - we have Deep Fried Mars Bars but I don't eat them.....
  • JonDyn
    JonDyn Posts: 156 Member
    jolly ol' england gov! apple and pears
  • jamesklima
    jamesklima Posts: 4

    I am from Detroit. This is kind of a place that may not actually be part of the United States. In Detroit people get baited to stop in their cars and the dragged out of the car to be beaten nearly to death. In Detroit racism is manic. None the less weight loss and health are legitimate concerns. We need to be able to run, and run FAST with short notice.

    Soooo, come for a visit. It is often quite exciting!

    I have done "My Fitness Pal" in the past with promising result. Since I also have another home in another state I had the good fortune to be able to visit the other homestead. A GOOD thing; except that I left the Fitness Pal back in Michigan and lost my momentum as I again gained weight. Now we can continue with our internet services out of state through the "HOT SPOT" on the I=Phone. I think that with just a little effort I (Actually we, meaning wife and me) should be able to keep up the Fitness Pal except when we are on the road. Leastwise that is the plan for now.

    I am an auld fart. Seventy if truth is at all important. Have battled over-weight all of my life. Problem has been DIETING !!!. GOING ON.A DIET MEANS THAT I INTEND TO GO OFF. This simply has never worked out long term. I have had weight loss binges of twenty, forty, fifty, sixty, and even ninety pounds. Always, always, always, going off the restrictive, miserable diet results in gain. In fact gain of all that has been lost, plus a little bit for bad luck. I swear to God, the lamp post, and you dearest reader that If I had never been on a "DIET" I would be at least fifty pounds smaller than I am now. Overweight to be sure but I have achieved GROSS overweight. Now, at seventy years old reason must prevail. I am NOT on a diet. I am using "My Fitness to attempt a slow weight loss but with a permanent change of eating habits. {Thank Doc OZ for that concept}. Seventy year olds should NOT have pogo sticks, computers, or need an over sized casket.
    Ummm, You just never know.
  • laureneliset
    laureneliset Posts: 50 Member
    Hong Kong! Avoiding the dim sum and enjoying the fact I can get more or less any cuisine on the planet within 20 minutes of my front door. And hiking in the hills through country parks is only 10 minutes' walk away even though I live in the city centre.

    Oh and I've tried Scotland's deep fried Mars Bars. Guiltiest pleasure ever. I have about one a year.
  • rachaelgoslan
    Im Australian but live in Scotland lol !! Unfortunately I took to the Scottish diet a bit too much and am now paying for it. Not too far away from my goal weight 5 kgms to go anything else will just be a bonus :)
  • pendabear
    pendabear Posts: 1
    I am from Senegal, originally.
    We eat a lot of rice , and greasy meals.

    I am on a low carb, low fat diet now. And it's so hard to stay on sometimes.

    I just need to stay motivated.
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm from Canada!

    And to be honest there isn't a set of meals that we all generally eat since even where I live, in Edmonton, there is such a variety of cultures
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    Originally from El Salvador!! Carbs gallore!!! haha!! Yummm...
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    ontario canada.
    you can get pretty much anything here when it comes to food, the produce is all very good since southwestern ontario has such fertile soil and there is hardly ever a water shortage with the great lakes so near