Food allergies

save your attacks... I have a serious question.

I already have a lactoses intolerance, NOT an allergy. As i get older, and gain a bit more, I have developed more food allergies. and although I havent been to an allergist, I can 100% tell you that I am allergic to walnuts, pecans, avocados and kiwi. I can tell i am allergic to them by the hives, itchy top of the mouth and the feeling I get in my throat. I now have epi pen so i dont die...

I know a body can develop allergies, BUT, do you think the extra weight ive put on (10 pounds in 2 months due to a traumatic incident that i am in therapy for) could kick start any new allergies? i feel like that are coming out more. and it's not anxiety... it's actual hives.

ps, i hate how i feel like i am walking on egg shells when i post now because i feel like i am going to be attacked for asking a question.



  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    No attack from me.
    Focus on one issue at a time.
  • badwolf4
    badwolf4 Posts: 49 Member
    I know as I've started paying more attention to my foods I've noticed more and more intolerances *not allergies* to certain foods. Like, I've always figured sugar was a trigger for my migraines, but I never dreamed how much better I'd feel off of it. After that helped so much, I started noticing how physically bad I felt after eating meat (I've done vegetarian for morals, tick. Not this time). After that, dairy went too!

    I'm so sorry to hear you've suffered that traumatic experience, whatever it may be. Don't worry about the weight, you can deal with it when you have more piece of mind. Trust me, mind before all else, or your body isn't worth anything.

    I'd say the weight may be an unlikely culprit. I'd say once you noticed one, maybe you started picking up on the others? Certainly the weight gain could make you more conscious of what you're eating, feelings of guilt, etc. Any extra attention can make things rise up, though I personally have never experience nor encountered someone who has had experiences quite so extreme as hives.

    I wish you luck in identifying root cause, but I agree with the above poster, one issue at a time. I do hope you feel better soon and you're finding solace in your therapist (mine's lovely).

  • Ivyzmama
    Ivyzmama Posts: 108 Member
    I don't think it's your weight. Could there be anything else going on causing inflammation in your body, or making your immune system overreactive, like lupus? Otherwise, allergies can just occur like that. You should probably avoid other tree nuts as well, because the body can develop new allergies. My son has always been allergic to dairy. We were told he would probably become allergic to peanuts too, and he did. He also developed an egg allergy although the egg allergy went away later all by itself for no known reason. Allergies can come and go like that. On his dad's side, they tend to be allergic to shrimp and watermelon. (I know, watermelon? yeah.) Don't blame yourself and your weight! You're dealing with enough right now as it is. Kudos to you for working on being healthy (as we all are).
  • aliciap412
    aliciap412 Posts: 170 Member
    inflammation and weight gain can be a result of food allergies or can cause them to become more obvious to you. many people with food allergies don't have any symptoms that they're aware of for years, it is all internal. hives can be a sign of food allergies too, but its not unusual to break out in hives or a rash due to stress either.

    food allergies tend to manifest and become more severe as people age, not necessarily as they gain weight since weight gain is a result of various things for various people. allergies rarely disappear or weaken in adults even though there are cases of that on record and you'll hear people speak of these experiences. allergies in children can sometimes disappear when they hit the age of puberty.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Speaking from experience here... Food allergies can get worse over time or with each exposure. Weight gain doesn't cause them, but they could lead to bloating, (at least short-term) weight gain, and inflammation.
  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    Have you considered histamine intolorance?

    My mom was diagnosed recently, and it's like a light bulb went off...

    She was always red and swollen, generally feeling 'allergy-ish' at seemingly random times, sometimes it seemed like she must be allergic to EVERYTHING! She also developed more severe allergies, she's had anaphylactic shock many times, suffered from migraines, hives, dizzyness, kept finding more and more symptoms and started wondering 'how many ills can I suffer from?!'

    And then, PING, it's all histamine intolorance! All foods contain histamine, which isn't a problem for a normal person, but those with an intolorance for it, when they get to their 'limit', they start getting these symptoms.

    Since it's to do with hormones, it can cause weight gain, but it's not a major symptom - though my moms doctors are wondering if her histamine intolorance can have affected her majorly her whole life - my mom also suffered from rickets as a child, which is rare, so they are thinking 'hmm, 2 rare diet-related conditions in one patient? might be a link!', and they are thinking it *could* have affected her weight too, since they histamine intolorance deffinitely has gotten worse with her weight, though they can't confirm which came first.
  • kimiejo76
    kimiejo76 Posts: 24
    my hands and feet are always red and swollen. but they also have poor circulation, so i just blamed it on that.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    This reminds me of someone I used to know...

    He was kind and oh-so generous. He seemed so happy, but he had issues.

    Finally, at the urging of his wife, he saw a specialist, and everything changed!
    Turns out, it was dietary issues! The culprit? Milk & cookies!
    The thing is, he only ate them once a year, but he just ate SO DAM MUCH of 'em!
    Imagine eating 2 billion cookies and 700,000 gallons of milk in one night!!!

    Yep. I'm talking about Santa.

    So, I want to urge everyone out there... Please, please! Cauliflower cookies and rice dream milk ONLY this year!

  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    I don't think the weight gain is the cause of your allergies, it doesn't really work like that.

    I do suggest you see an allergist to have testing done to confirm that you are allergic to those things, and that it's not something else going on.
  • Jordanrae1992
    I would suggest going to an allergist and getting some real testing done. I just went last week because I was getting hives on my chest and neck everyday for years. Lately it's been getting worse, and I finally figured out why. I'm allergic to corn, eggs, white potatoes, oranges, cantaloupe, white potatoes and carrots. I was trying to eat healthy the last few months, and I was eating A LOT of what I was allergic to! I'm in the process now of cutting that out of my diet. It's been 10 days and I feel SO much better. I no longer get headaches everyday, I don't feel bloated at all, and I've lost 3 pounds! So maybe you have a different food allergy that is causing the extra weight, I know mine was causing me to gain weight.
  • eahouston
    eahouston Posts: 1,015 Member
    Sounds exactly like Oral Allergy Syndrome. It started for me in junior high school with fruits like apples, kiwis, pitted fruits... By high school, it included berries, tropical fruits, etc. Once I started college, I could add walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, carrots, celery, soy... to the list. These days, the only raw fruits I can eat are citrus fruits, grapes, and bananas. Same symptoms, so I went in for allergy testing and got an EpiPen as well.

    Have you ever tried cooking or microwaving those foods? For example, I can eat an apple pie but not a raw apple. The allergies are actually caused by cross reactions to different tree pollens. (Nothing to do with weight.) My birch pollen allergies are off the charts, and all the foods from the birch pollen family affect me the most. An allergist (or even your own past experiences) can tell you which pollens you're allergic to and which foods would affect you.

    Try Googling or even reading through Wikipedia for more info:
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Go to the doctor. Asking for a medical diagnosis over the Internet to a bunch of strangers is only going to lead to further guessing and more of a stress response,
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Yep. I'm talking about Santa.

    :laugh: I was so relieved when I figured out he wasn't real. I was always creeped out by the idea of some stranger getting in my house. I did try to stay up to meet the reindeer.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    ps, i hate how i feel like i am walking on egg shells when i post now because i feel like i am going to be attacked for asking a question.

    People don't attack you they give you advice but because the advice isn't what you want to hear you get all defensive. As with all your other issues the best remedy is to consult a Doctor but I know you do not wish to do that.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    No, the direct answer to your question is no, I personally (not a doctor) don't think your extra ten lbs has anything to do with your allergic type reactions.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    As someone who has food allergies no your extra 10 lbs is from eating too much. But stop trying to diagnosis yourself and go see a real doctor.

    No one has attacked you or whatever it is you are walking on egg shells about, you just aren't getting the answers you want to hear. But good luck to you