Struggling Mom

I have been trying for some time now to lose weight nothing dramatic but just to get somewhere that I am comfortable with. I am a new mom and I am doing the best I can to stick to a healthy diet as well as work out when I can but it never seems to be enough. Patience is also a huge factor so I am working on that as well.

Any advice or support is greatly appreciated!



  • theJTfitness
    theJTfitness Posts: 142 Member
    Basic advice for a basic question would be to eat at a deficit if you want to lose weight. It's nothing tricky. Make health and fitness a priority, not an option. You say you're a new mom. Use that little one as motivation to be the best you that you can be.
  • redtreediary
    redtreediary Posts: 69 Member
    Cute kid!

    It's so, so exhausting when they're little.

    What do you think is the *easiest* thing to fix? Do have any habits (soda, coffees, snacking) you know are bad that you could drop? Is it a time crunch factor? I know it can feel like you don't have a chance to breath, let alone come up with anything healthy to eat. (Honestly, until my kid was around 2, my short term memory was shot. It does get better.)
  • homemademama
    homemademama Posts: 199 Member
    Can we please start a "it gets better " campaign for dieting parents with infants? I think my diet consisted of coffee, chocolate and peanut butter until my youngest turned two.

    I digress.

    Move with the baby - going to the park and taking walks made up for times when I felt too guilty to take the time to work out when there were so many dishes/loads of laundry/work projects waiting for me.

    Set aside 3-5 minutes to food prep at each meal. If I chop carrots for dinner I chop a few extra and toss them in a Ziploc for snacking later. I remember that food prepping for hours (Hell, 30 minutes) is near impossible when you haven't slept in 3 days. Timing myself for 3 minutes seemed manageable.

    Good luck :)
  • Carrieendar
    Carrieendar Posts: 493 Member
    I know this feeling!!! Here are some things that have helped me (I have 4 kiddos, and not everything worked at all times, play around with things, find what works for you)

    -JOGGING STROLLER!! Jog at a trail near a playground, hit up the playground after. Bring snacks for along the way (or bottle or whatever stage of eating you are at)

    -Body Back/ Other stroller fitness group. Find one in your area. THey are kid friendly and you go workout with your babe in stroller , (there are sections where you take the baby out, too!)

    -Solemn Pledge to Yourself: I will not eat their leftovers!

    -getting the right amount of sleep. Resist the night owl urge. Get a bedtime routine going, get yourself to bed, too, at a decent hour. helps eliminate that nighttime snacking, too.

    -Join the Y or similar gym with a nursery.