Sugar Addiction

Hi everyone!

I am new to the site. I am a fitness instructor who can't seem to beat my sugar addiction. I have cleaned out my kitchen but I still seem to find it some where! Any suggestions?


  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    i am exactly the same with sugar! haribos sweets are mine vice! i need sugestions also xx
  • mangorabbit
    mangorabbit Posts: 219 Member
    As much as this is going to suck - give it up. ALL of it.
    Take (at least) a week, decide that all processed sugars are taboo, and go for it. This will involve a LOT of label reading, and patience. If you can get past those cravings that make us all crazy, it does get better. And the longer you go without the processed sugars, the less you will need/want them. It is a matter of re-sensitizing yourself to lower levels of sugar.

    You CAN do it. ^_^
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    lets try and fight this habit...mine is currently completely out of control :)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Someone else asked me about sugars, and this is what I told them:

    I hate to break it to you, but it all comes down to will-power. I used to be pretty bad about sugar myself, but I've gotten past that. You have to just buckle down and don't allow yourself to indulge in sugary sweets. There are plenty of yummy food choices out there that aren't full of sugar!! I found that for me, the longer I went, the easier it got. The first week sucks, but the second week is a little easier, the third even easier, and so on. I do have some tips:

    -Plan out your meals/snacks as much as possible. Don't allow yourself to eat unplanned foods - stick to your plans! The less you plan, the more likely you are to just grab something, which may be sugary.

    -Don't bring unhealthy sweets into the house - if they're not there, you can't eat them/make them, and most people are much less likely to actually go out of their way to get sweets when they're purposely trying not to eat them.

    -Plan out plenty of healthy (non-sugary) snacks. Examples are almonds, cut veggies with peanut butter or hummus or something like that, fresh fruit (natural sugar! still need to eat in moderation, but one or two servings a day is just fine), popcorn (without butter & salt), etc.

    -Allow yourself the occasional treat - for me, this is usually a daily or almost-daily no-sugar-added hot cocoa, though I do really love black-bean brownies made with honey instead of processed sugar. Sometimes I'll allow myself a *small* serving of dark chocolate - the darker the better.

    -Find alternatives to recipes that use less/no sugar, or that use honey or maple syrup instead of processed sugar.

    -On special occasions (birthdays, holidays, etc.) I allow myself to have a "bad" dessert - regular cake, etc., but I DON"T allow myself to use it as an excuse to keep going. I have my one small piece and that's that. If you don't overdo it, you're less likely to want to keep binging on sugary foods. If I do overdo it... I still don't use it as an excuse to keep eating bad. Each day is a new day.. each meal is a new meal. Again... it all comes down to willpower.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am new to the site. I am a fitness instructor who can't seem to beat my sugar addiction. I have cleaned out my kitchen but I still seem to find it some where! Any suggestions?

    Sugar - thorn in the side!

    Empty calories, but the most shocking thing about it is that the more you eat, the more you want, the craving never seems to leave once you start.

    I have found that I am completely unable to wean myself off sugar, it really is a matter of going cold-turkey, however, it is not as horrific as it sounds. The first day or two is usually the worse and then as the days go by and no sugar is consumed it gets easier and easier until in the end, it doesn't even cross one's mind - that is not until, you think you are "cured" of your sugar addiction and have just a little cake or just a piece of chocolate or a sweet. Then you'll find you may well be back to square one.

    Go cold turkey, take a deep breath and be prepared for cravings for a few days - it doesn't last long in the grand scheme of things, just do it.

    Just remember, weaning does not work, or not that I have found, when it comes to sugar. Cold turkey does, you just need to put your mind to it - you are stronger than sugar, crush the craving, refuse to give in.
  • Joeysgirl
    Each day is a new day.. each meal is a new meal. Again... it all comes down to willpower.

    That is GREAT advice! You can't just give up. Just think that every decision you make with eating or exercising can be making you fatter or thinner. You decide each time which to chose. Its all up to you! Don't beat yourself up about past decisions, just try to make as many good decisions as you can. It will get easier with time!
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I'm trying to kick the sugar habit too. The detox is Aweful.. I won't lie. The last two days I've felt like total crap.. but maybe I'm getting sick. But really I think it's cause I decided to kick it. I switched everything to natural sweeteners. Like yesterday my BF asked if I would make some raisin bread. So I did.. now, I'm vegetarian (he's not) and he doesn't eat many eggs so we don't keep them in the house, so I used flaxmeal and water, rice milk instead of cow milk, and agave nectar instead of sugar.. and you can't tell the difference! Now, tonight after supper, I found myself digging through the cupboards for something, and I thought it was something sweet like for dessert. But when I literally sat on the counter and thought about it, and let my body tell me what it wanted.. it wasn't sugar at all.. it was salt.. so I had a few lightly salted pistachios and that did it. So this makes me thinks that's exactly what it is, A HABIT.. for me anyway.. I didn't listen to what my body wanted/needed, I just took what I was programmed to get. It's so great to know that I'm not the only one who's made this choice. :happy:
  • mjb123
    mjb123 Posts: 19
    Thanks so much for all the great ideas. I do need to go cold turkey. Allowing myself a little bit is like allowing an alcoholic to have one drink. I can never stop. Wish me luck. It's going to be a rough few days!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Thanks so much for all the great ideas. I do need to go cold turkey. Allowing myself a little bit is like allowing an alcoholic to have one drink. I can never stop. Wish me luck. It's going to be a rough few days!

    Ack, those few days of roughness will be more than made up for afterwards, when you are no longer a slave to the dreaded stuff x
  • lindastanley82
    lindastanley82 Posts: 17 Member
    I have the same problem. I just can't have anything in the house otherwise I'll eat it.
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    I also struggle with this problem. One trick that I picked up from The Biggest Loser is the new Extra Dessert Delights gum. I keep at least two different kinds in my purse at all times. My favorites are the Key Lime Pie and the Mint Chocolate Chip. It doesn't always work, but a lot of the times it will. And they are very good!!