Is it really weight lifting the only way to be fit?


I'm a bit confused...

From what I read here, it seems that doing cardio help the weight loss but not the toning of the body... is that right?
Many people advise that the loss of weight involve also the muscle mass so at the end of the journey you will be LESS tonic that at the start... even exercising?

My questions:

cardio include all of these?: walking, running, bicycling, swimming, all the fancy cardio exercise in the web (and insanity? it claims to give you a wonderful body, is it cardio? what is it?)
When I do some cardio exercise, I definitely feels my muscle suffering :) so they ARE moving... still it is inevitable that in a deficit they cannot become stronger?
So, when I exercise, I do it just for the weight loss, not to become stronger and fitter?

isn't our body smart enough to take the proteins we give it to increase the muscles, and the energy from the rest of the food -and the fat- to all the other activities?

I think I'm missing something here...

And, in the end: do I really have to lift weights if I don't want to become all flappy loose skin?

Thank you in advance for your replies!


  • BuckTheBMI
    BuckTheBMI Posts: 106 Member
    I will let the experts weigh in Isabella but one thing to remember is that your body counts as weight. So when you are doing body weight exercises (push-ups, burpees, etc.) like in Insanity and the like you are also getting a strength workout.
  • IsabellaGiano
    IsabellaGiano Posts: 158 Member
    I will let the experts weigh in Isabella but one thing to remember is that your body counts as weight. So when you are doing body weight exercises (push-ups, burpees, etc.) like in Insanity and the like you are also getting a strength workout.

    This is reassuring, thanks!

    I still would like to understand a bit more, but just this is already good to read :)
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Resistance is resistance, the path you choose to get there is up to you. Most people suggest lifting, especially with barbell, because overtime, it offers the most resistance.

    You can find many examples of people using lifting programs like Starting Strength, Stronglifts, NROLFW, Ice Cream Fitness. etc...that have had great results. Also, you can find many examples of people just doing bodyweight exercises with great results (check out people from Barstarzz, Hannibal for King, Frank Medrano).

    So to answer your question, no , lifting is not the only way to go.
  • BuckTheBMI
    BuckTheBMI Posts: 106 Member
    I kind of think of them as the yin and yang of personal fitness. Each has its place. Cardio burns calories... which is good for working off the burger you ate for lunch. Weightlifting, or resistance exercises, boosts your metabolism which causes you to burn more calories while resting long after you lift.

    To strike a good balance you should do some form of both. If you are more worried about losing weight I would do more cardio but still do SOME sort of resistance work. If you aren't looking to lose as much weight and want to gain size, strength, or tone what you've got I would do more resistance exercises with some light cardio through the week.

    It is all about your goals. It is my opinion that you need both, in some form, to be truly fit.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    From my experience, swimming has made my triceps AMAZING. They are covered in fat right now, but before I started lifting, I read that the triceps are usually the weakest muscle. I was shocked to discover I could lift almost double the amount of weight with my triceps than with my biceps, because swimming made them strong. So I do think cardio provides strength benefits and fitness. But IMO, lifting is just as important, because I want to be MORE fit and toned than cardio alone could make me. Cardio has a built in ceiling - you'll get strong enough to move your body around, and then maintain that.
  • BuckTheBMI
    BuckTheBMI Posts: 106 Member
    From my experience, swimming has made my triceps AMAZING. They are covered in fat right now, but before I started lifting, I read that the triceps are usually the weakest muscle. I was shocked to discover I could lift almost double the amount of weight with my triceps than with my biceps, because swimming made them strong. So I do think cardio provides strength benefits and fitness. But IMO, lifting is just as important, because I want to be MORE fit and toned than cardio alone could make me. Cardio has a built in ceiling - you'll get strong enough to move your body around, and then maintain that.

    I would add that, in a way, swimming is sort of both a cardio and a resistance exercise. You are using those triceps to push your body through the water.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    No, but it's pretty much the only way to look good naked! :drinker:
  • dylan1965
    dylan1965 Posts: 10
    the only way to be fit is to get your diet in check...


    know your TDEE

    and know your daily intake compared to what your goals are
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Cardio burns calories while strength training builds and maintains muscles. You can do either one, or both, depending on your goals. Cardio will tire you muscles out, but that doesn't mean they'll get any bigger or stronger, you have to do weight training for that. If

    Your body isn't smart enough to use protein to build muscles if you're in a deficit. If you're eating a surplus AND lifting, sure, it'll use the protein to rebuild your muscle, but if you're in a deficit it needs all of the calories to just keep you going, so it's not going to waste precious energy on rebuilding muscles when there are more important things to do.

    I'd advise lifting weights, it's great for how you look but its also great for physical health. You don't have to lift as heavy, or as often, as you see people on here doing though.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    No, but it's pretty much the only way to look good naked! :drinker:

    ^^true story
  • redtreediary
    redtreediary Posts: 69 Member
    What GuitarJerry said. Do something you'll actually look forward to.
  • Dr__Girlfriend
    Dr__Girlfriend Posts: 100 Member
    If you're wanting to get into lifting, I'd really recommend Strong Curves:) I think it's like $9 online. It's a book, full of knowledge and programs, oriented for women - because let's face it, everyone has different goals in the gym. Girls may wanna build their glutes, while guys may want to build their chest (to each his own). It's refreshing. Bret Contreras is the PT who wrote it and he has a PHD in Sports Science. Anyway, it's really popular in my female lifting groups. Check it out! I'm addicted :3
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    It all depends on your goals. If you just want to be a smaller version of the current you, then pretty much any weight loss will do. If you want to be tight, fit, athletic looking or even if you just want to be strong, then some form of resistance training has to be involved. Period.
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    Nah. Have you seen a serious marathon runner or a cyclist? They are absolutely toned, very little fat. Or top ballet dancers, despite being nowhere close to a dumb bell or bar.

    Of course, they also look "weird". Esp. cyclists, with T-rex arms and muscular legs. But they are are fit.

    At some point you need to define what is your goal. Establish what "looking good" means for you. I don't need a six pack. I don't need bulging biceps. Heck, I don't even need large quads. I just want to be faster on the bike. So I only do minimal resistance training, mainly core and maintenance stuff.

    You want huge lats defining your back? work on them. Toned legs? Work on them. And so on. All of these benefit from a reasonable diet and workout regime.
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member

    I'm a bit confused...

    From what I read here, it seems that doing cardio help the weight loss but not the toning of the body... is that right?
    Many people advise that the loss of weight involve also the muscle mass so at the end of the journey you will be LESS tonic that at the start... even exercising?

    My questions:

    cardio include all of these?: walking, running, bicycling, swimming, all the fancy cardio exercise in the web (and insanity? it claims to give you a wonderful body, is it cardio? what is it?)
    When I do some cardio exercise, I definitely feels my muscle suffering :) so they ARE moving... still it is inevitable that in a deficit they cannot become stronger?
    So, when I exercise, I do it just for the weight loss, not to become stronger and fitter?

    isn't our body smart enough to take the proteins we give it to increase the muscles, and the energy from the rest of the food -and the fat- to all the other activities?

    I think I'm missing something here...

    And, in the end: do I really have to lift weights if I don't want to become all flappy loose skin?

    Thank you in advance for your replies!

    You need progressive resistance to build muscle. Progressive resistance can take many forms. It just depends what you want.

    Look at the bodies of professional runners, then look at a MMA fighter, then look at a swimmer. They are very different looking. That is because of the muscles they use. Look at baseball players compared with football players. Or, a gymnast compared to a power lifter. Their needs are different. they are built differently.

    So, just do whatever you want to do. In running for instance, the way you increase resistance is by increasing time/distance. Also, you can run hills and things like that. Whatever you do, there's always a way to make it more of a challenge. I wouldn't
    t worry about it. Lifting is very efficient, and most people find that they get all the results they wanted because it just does all the things that people want to happen when you want to lose weight. It's extremely efficient. But, the main thing is to do what you enjoy doing.

    You received some pretty good feedback already...and Jerry nailed it above. At the end of the day, think of your body as a lump of clay, now how do you wish to mode it? Do you want the leanest that a swimmer or runner has? Do you want the power/musclar of a UFC champ? Do you want the symmetry of a bodybuilder? You can get those types of bodies by modifying both the type of exercise you do and the diet that you keep. Sure, genetics has their play, but you do have the power to weld your body into what you want.

    For me, I see cardio as a means to keep a healthy heart and to burn fat. I could go into the various types (i.e HITT, LISS) but that's overkill for this discussion. Meanwhile I use weightlifting to build muscles and strength. Lastly, the type of diet I keep determines how much clay to add/subtract.

    Your body is an amazing, what tune do you wish to play?
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member

    I'm a bit confused...

    From what I read here, it seems that doing cardio help the weight loss but not the toning of the body... is that right?
    Many people advise that the loss of weight involve also the muscle mass so at the end of the journey you will be LESS tonic that at the start... even exercising?

    My questions:

    cardio include all of these?: walking, running, bicycling, swimming, all the fancy cardio exercise in the web (and insanity? it claims to give you a wonderful body, is it cardio? what is it?)
    When I do some cardio exercise, I definitely feels my muscle suffering :) so they ARE moving... still it is inevitable that in a deficit they cannot become stronger?
    So, when I exercise, I do it just for the weight loss, not to become stronger and fitter?

    isn't our body smart enough to take the proteins we give it to increase the muscles, and the energy from the rest of the food -and the fat- to all the other activities?

    I think I'm missing something here...

    And, in the end: do I really have to lift weights if I don't want to become all flappy loose skin?

    Thank you in advance for your replies!

    Cardio is great for burning a great amount of calories quickly. It also helps you build the bits of your muscles the help with endurance. So you need cardio for endurance and to improve your cardiac health.
    Resistance or strength training is shockingly for strength. It will help build muscle and make you stronger. For overall health a combination of both is best.

    I'd say check out NROL4W (new rules of lifting for women) if you're looking to strength train because that program is all about overall health and doesn't make assumptions based on outdated gender rules.
  • IsabellaGiano
    IsabellaGiano Posts: 158 Member
    First of all, thank you all!

    I'm reading -and I think that I'll re-read- all of your answers.

    Still, some of my questions remain... you say that one need resistance to build muscle. I believe you, I'm not arguing. But... why? Aren't the muscle moving in both cases?
    Now, some cardio that was painful at the beginning start to be easier... isn't that meaning that my muscle got stronger? I walk faster and longer...isn't that meaning that my legs are stronger? AND I'm in deficit AND consistently losing weight (I just entered the healthy range yesterday :) )

    I just want to understand... again, I'm not arguing! I don't have the slightest reason to negate your informations.

    As for myself, I just don't want to appear floppy, "sick".
    I'm not, actually, but reading here I fear that that is the end of my journey.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    lets just put the whole losing weight thing aside, assume your at your ideal weight.

    lifting will do more to change your apperance then cardio.

    when i hear 'fit' i think of heart health, and for that you need some kind of cardio

    Insanity is a ton of cardio, but there is enough resistance in it (push ups, jumps) that its not JUST cardio, and it will do more to achieve a muscular appearance then say running

    losing weight is more about diet
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    My question would be, fit for what?

    If you are just asking if you need to lift to be health, the quick answer is not really. If you are looking to generally maintain a healthy weight and stave off big killers like cardiovascular disease, eating right and simple walking can do that.

    If you are looking to improve your fitness, you want to do some type of resistance training based on your goals. This improves muscle abilities and fights weakened joints or reduced range of motion. What levels depends on your goal or need.

    Of course, eating right, cardio, and some strength training is the best combination.