not new...but need some more devoted pals!

ktaylor1188 Posts: 141 Member
ok, im not going to go into too much detail or this would be 3 pages ill list the basics. i used to weigh 270lbs 2 years ago. i am now at 156. i did it by counting calories and exercising daily at home. over the last three months i have joined a gym and started heavy lifting. i am loving what it is doing for my body especially having lost over 100lbs. its helping a lot! plus i enjoy it :) i have been on mfp throughout the entire two years. sure i miss a day of logging here and there but im pretty much on here daily. i keep a small list of pals because i like to get to know them and support them. i also exspect the same from them. WARNING: if you are inactive or do not support me at all i will delete you. im looking for people who are on here regularly and enjoy giving and receiving motivation :) please add me ALONG WITH a short message :) thanks in advance :D good luck to you all!



  • TRIX5884
    TRIX5884 Posts: 318 Member
    Like wise - need some more active and devoted friends! :)
  • missthix
    missthix Posts: 10
    So proud of your loss! Let me know how you it's been. I've only kept off 32 pounds.
  • JennyJ2015
    JennyJ2015 Posts: 154 Member
    congrats on the loss!! welcome to add me im on here daily and very devoted to losing weight and im a very big supporter :)
  • miniimuscles
    miniimuscles Posts: 89 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'm here daily
  • MissDesiAmaris
    MissDesiAmaris Posts: 70 Member
    I'm totally on the same page as you :). Let's be friends!
  • londette
    londette Posts: 53 Member
    You are so inspiring, congratulations on all your hard work! I would love to add you as a friend.

    follow my video journal

    facebook group Drop It
  • JoMoMOMx3
    JoMoMOMx3 Posts: 77
    i could use more support as well!
    Im about at the same starting weight you were.
  • Jemellc
    Jemellc Posts: 308 Member
    Heeeey! Im Jemell used to weigh 320 got down to 230ish but then started to put on lean muscle and alil more fat now Im at 270 but I don't look 270 weird but Im motivated.

    *P.S. I lost that weigh by doing just cardio.... now im lifting! :))
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    Always looking for new friends!! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • InTheFace
    InTheFace Posts: 1 Member
    I'm back here after being pregnant. My daughter is 6 weeks old so its time to get back in shape.

    I could use some new friends to help with motivation too, so feel free to add me!
  • Corpsebride81
    Corpsebride81 Posts: 1,188 Member
    feel free to add me
  • WorkB1tch
    WorkB1tch Posts: 17
    You can add me, and everyone else who feels like it :)
  • Beautiful_Pain
    Beautiful_Pain Posts: 102 Member
    I was your friend once or twice lol, i will send you a fR! :)
  • cloudman71
    cloudman71 Posts: 4
    Feel free to add me - not on every day but most days. Wishing you every success.
  • Barnseyboy
    Barnseyboy Posts: 8 Member
    I'm on every day without fail, always happy to encourage others, anyone can add.
  • Jiminibee
    Jiminibee Posts: 82
    I'm only 20 days in, but I am always looking for new, active, supportive friends.

    Feel free to add me - anyone of you!

    Have a kick *kitten* day! :D
  • jessiej99
    jessiej99 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm on every single day. I love to give and receive support. You all are amazing and I believe that we can do this. Feel free to add me. Thanks...;0)
  • Spaghetti_Bender
    Spaghetti_Bender Posts: 509 Member
    Feel free to add me if you want. I'm on here every single day, and i'm supportive. Just logged on here 605 consecutive days, two days ago......
  • brbbringingsexyback
    brbbringingsexyback Posts: 39 Member
    I've been on and off since 2011, I am now sticking with it and I've lost 12 lbs, I am pretty much on all day!