The weight fluctuation and in need of motivation.

missthix Posts: 10
I've only kept off 32 pounds and I still need 70 to go. Do any of you have hypo thyroidism? If you do let me know what you did to lose weight.


  • SGM_Adonis
    SGM_Adonis Posts: 1,565 Member
    No, I do't have "hypo thyroidism". I would suggest looking in the groups for people that might be of same ailment.

    As for the weight fluctuation...I've been at this getting fit game for about five years now. Have lost 58lbs that I've kept off, but over that span of time, I'm sure the total weight I've lost is closer to the 150lb range.

    It is what it is.
  • missthix
    missthix Posts: 10
    I had lost 72 back in 2011 and idk what happened. Stress!!!!
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    I did some reading and it seems that keeping your diet relatively high in protein and low in sugar and fat. As well as instigating a regime of exercise including about 45 minutes/day of brisk walking and some high intensity weight lifting is the way to go for people with your condition. Basically your hormones behave a lot like someone who is a lot fatter than you. And work to lock in your fat. You need to improve the functionality of those hormones and the above advice could be the way to go.

    I am no nutritionist and perhaps you should consult with a real one but I hope this helps you =)

    If you heavily restrict salt you might want to ease up on that too salt restriction is rough on your thyroid hormones. Don't go crazy on the salt tho ofc. Not too little not too much. Many will disagree with me on this point but I find current salt restriction recommendations to be ludicrous. If someone was eating salty everything i might worry. But an intake of 3-4000 mg per day will have little to no effect on most people other than to slightly (and i do mean slightly) increase blood pressure. Which though a risk factor for certain diseases doesn't have any causative relationship to anything. And in an otherwise healthy individual will not do anything apart from being tasty.
  • jcallejabjj
    jcallejabjj Posts: 33
    Was 127 lbs on Friday. Today, 136. WTH!

    FML!!! uaihliguhvlhtlnvkauhgtlhanltihnal

    Sorry. Had to vent.