Worried about getting "off track"

Started dieting in March (200 lbs) joined MFP in April (181 lbs). Went to the doctor yesterday (174 lbs) sick with a bad sinus infection. The doctor applauded my weight loss but said I should not exercise for a few days since I'm having trouble breathing. I went for a walk/ run anyway and she was right. I had to stop. I don't want to cut calories to make up the difference of not exercising but I'm REALLY worried about getting " off track". Any suggestions?


  • Charabbidan
    Charabbidan Posts: 24 Member
    You will only make yourself worse by exercising while ill. Every gym and workout DVD advise against exercising while unwell for this reason. Rest and continue to eat well and ensure it's good food (not fast/processed food) and you should find you're better in no time.
    Diet makes up the majority of weight loss. Exercise is there to help build strength and stamina and tone up etc. So just stick to a reasonable calorie consumption and drink PLENTY of water. Water before each meal will help ensure you don't overeat and mistake thirst for hunger. It will also help you get better sooner as you'll stay hydrated.

    I find it's easier to get back on track if I have at least kept to one element of the plan (healthy diet) while ill rather than throw it all away just because I couldn't exercise. x
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You're eating at a deficit. Eating 300 more calories for a few days without exercising is not going to make you gain weight.

    In the 16 months I've been on MFP, I've had 3 colds (2 that reached my chest, and I have asthma), 2 stomach bugs, and I had my wisdom teeth removed. I'm still here. If you let anything derail you, you'll just never get there. Life happens.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Of course she was right.. Why would you just blatantly ignore your doctor's advice? How about being more concerned about your general health than getting to a number on the scale. Sorry if that's harsh but this kind of perspective makes no sense to me.

    Your body is already working overtime fighting the infection. You stressing it further by eating at a caloric deficit AND trying to do strenous exercise is too much. A few days of rest won't kill you or completely derail your weight loss progress.

    No one needs to exercise to lose weight. As long as you eat within your daily calories you'll stay on track. Actually, it wouldn't hurt to eat a couple hundred calories over to help support the extra work your body is currently doing. Even if you're set to lose 1/2 a pound per week, you'll still be at a slight deficit. While you may not see a loss, you shouldn't gain either. Make sure you're drinking tons of water too.
  • stferris
    stferris Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the comments. I'll keep them all in mind. I didnt go against the doctors advice to make myself sicker. Just scared that if I don't stick to my routine I'll " fall off the wagon" when I've finally found something that is working. I am going to just watch my diet until I'm feeling better. Also I'm not purposely eating too few calories. I've never been a big eater ( just really bad choices) so now at the end of the day I'm under my calorie goal. This added to exercising for pretty much the first time has pushed my weight loss along. I don't want to eat if I'm not hungry( been there,done that) or eat just to fill the calories so any suggestions?