rotund newbie

ronqc Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi folks, just starting in on a long and hopefully satisfying journey to a smaller and healthier me. I have been well over my healthy suggested weight limit most of my life, but now I find, at age 50, that it is hindering my work as well as my everyday life. I am overwhelmed at the info available here, as well as seeing so many people with goals similar to mine. I am stepping off the cliff and setting my long term goal at 100 lbs. weight loss, with no time limit and knowing full well that I may fail miserably. I would like to know if many of you have fallen off the cart early on into your program, and if so, what you did to climb back on. This is a monumental task ahead of me, and though I feel positive and pumped up about this... I am already feeling the pressure.... I try to take a lunch to work, but I am on the road all day, seeing a lot of naughty things out there that people are eating... gunna need some help with fast easy lunchbox ideas....carrots and spinach only go so far...And I HAVE to drink more watewr and cut the diet cola...jeez...gunna miss it.. Oh we go, one foot forward, and straight ahead,damn the torpedoes!!:drinker: :sad: :drinker:


  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    you got this haha good luck and you wont fail if you stick with it
  • Neuroticwench
    Neuroticwench Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome! You're gonna love it here at MFP, the support you get from the community is amazing. :smile:

    I find that I just take things one day at a time. If I mess up, I acknowledge it and remember that tomorrow is another day! Also, keep in mind that it's not a diet, but rather a lifestyle change. :wink:
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    Right on, Neuroticwench! Just don't ever give up on yourself and don't beat yourself up when you slip.
  • kjub175
    kjub175 Posts: 6 Member
    I, like you, have over 100 lbs to lose. I also have a healthy teenage daughter at home who can literally eat anything she wants and not gain weight. Just like I was at her age. Now, my various medical conditions have caught up with me and I can no longer play dumb. I found several things made a difference this time, as opposed to previous diets.

    I journal everything, either right before I eat it or as I am eating. Journal beforehand and you can catch yourself before you make a mistake. When you see it in writing and how it's going to screw up the day, you might choose differently

    I use the site to track my water intake. I quit daily coffee and soda and now have 1 hot tea (found some delicious ones at Teavana) and drink only water the rest of the day. I allow a Caribou coffee "treat" and a glass of wine on weekends. Then I don't feel quite so depirved.

    And lastly, I forgive myself when I overindulge and do what it takes to get back on track as quickly as possible, rather than using that as a justification for continuing with unhealthy behavior.

    These techniques have helped me get to 34 lbs so far and hopefully will help me make it to my 115 lb goal overall. Good luck to you. The site is awesome and very supportive.
  • My suggestion is to start with small changes. Trying to give everything up at once only leads to feelings of anger and depression. Try to opt for better choices whenever possible, try to pack portioned snacks so you're less tempted to stray and try to make your own food/meals as much as possible.

    Keep a filled water bottle with you. It helps tremendously.

    Also, for me anyhow, remembering that life is still for living has been a huge help so Yeah I still have cake at birthday parties and I still have a beer at social gatherings... It's just half as big a slice as I used to have and 1 lite corona instead of 3 regular ones ;)

    Some great ideas for snacks to keep at work or in the car that'll help out:

    bag of 20-25 raw unsalted almonds
    hard boiled egg
    apples (I like them cored and sliced but they have great fiber and actually keep you full pretty good)
    low fat cheese and reduced sodium crackers (triscuits are nice)
    cut veggies and a small cup of hummus for dipping (Lock and Lock makes a cute little container for this you can get at Walmart)
    baked Scoops tortilla chips and salsa mixed with lowfat cream cheese

    As for fast food, try to keep the choices on the healthy side and drink extra water when eating out because restaurants pack on the sodium. Good choices at McDonalds include the two chicken fajitas (they still have them here in Ontario though not listed on the menu.. hopefully still in Quebec too), grilled chicken sandwiches on whole wheat bun, side salad with balsamic dressing.

    I can give you suggestions for lunches as well but I've already written a book here so if you're interested just message me.

  • ronqc
    ronqc Posts: 2
    Thanks for all the tips,encouragement, and hellos. Off to the market now...gotta find the veggie section..not sure where it is...:bigsmile:
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