Hi There

101sal Posts: 43 Member
Hello All,

Not new in here (joined, did quite well, fell off the rails, sound familiar?). I'm 43 yrs old (male) from sunny South Wales in the UK, 5' 5 (Welsh short) and drive a desk for a living. A combination of an unbalanced diet and lack of exercise saw me balloon to 105kg last year which on the BMI scale is morbidly obese!

in January this year I hit 43 and came up with a plan to lose 43lbs in 43 weeks (project 43-4-43) or a roughly a fifth of my starting weight of 100kg!

Anyway so far i've lost 12kg by calorie counting and doing a little bit of exercise on my oldest son's multi-gym but have been stuck at 88kg for a few weeks now. I've decided to up my exercise and bought a spinning bike which is fab for burning the calories so i hope this will kick me on.

My biggest trouble seems to be lack of motivation some days and its hard to diet and exercise on your own so would appreciate some new friends willing to share recipes, tips and just have a chat on here once in a while.

Join me if you would like to and let's succeed together,

Thanks for reading,



  • Loulouq9
    Loulouq9 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Shane!

    I too came here this morning looking for some support with controlling my eating and getting the motivation to go out and exercise. So, it's a great start to see that someone else is out there looking for the same......

    A couple of years ago I exercised regularly and ate a healthy diet with small portion sizes. But over recent years I've become inconsistent with my routine and my appetite for sugary foods has gotten out of control so the weight is going on. I hate the fact that half of my clothes don't fit me anymore and I'm losing my confidence.

    It's a spiral, I've lost confidence so I don't think I can do it, I then think 'sod it' I don't care and eat and find an excuse for not going out to exercise, this is only heading one way!! I know that I have to change. One step at a time.

    How about for today we log our food and check each other and I will aim to do some form of exercise, no matter how much the aim for me will be just to do something......taking it one day at a time!

    Have a good day Shane:smile:

  • boobalac
    boobalac Posts: 4
    I am 42 (f) living in USA in the state of PA.
    Yes, falling off the rails sounds familiar. I myself am back after a long break. Initially I lost 25 lbs. Gained back 15lbs.
    I rejoined a few days ago and have lost 3 lbs. so far. I have NO motivation to exercise. I am pretty frustrated with myself for that. But then again the weather here is just getting nice out, so I have hope!
    My biggest hurdle is that I am a very picky eater. I was raised in North Dakota on meat and potatoes and hearty, starchy vegetables.
    My addiction to carbs ruins my plans as I LOVE potatoes chips, salty and crunchy.
    That said I am pretty focused right now and doing well.
    I wish you luck and hope to hear from you about your progress.
  • boobalac
    boobalac Posts: 4
    Hi Louise,
    I cant relate to the lack of confidence.
    You CAN do it!
    I wish you luck!
  • Loulouq9
    Loulouq9 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you Bekki.......just one thing. Get moving. We can do it!
  • EarlyLamp
    EarlyLamp Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Shane!

    The power of MFP is to have friends who are able to follow your progress along the way.
    Knowing that people can see how good or bad I'm doing stimulates me to try my best
    at living a healthier life and lose weight.

    I added you as a friend, so feel free to accept or decline it ;)

    Good luck!
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Hi Shane and Louise, I can completely understand the falling off the wagon scenario. I first joined MFP a couple of years ago and swore I was going to lose weight for my 40th birthday. Did I do it, did I hell as like, I lost a bit almost got to target then put it all back on again and more. I said I was going to lose it for my holiday last year - I was given the opportunity to go to the States for a month and of course I didn't lose it and put on more weight again taking me to my heaviest ever.

    From January this year I said enough and have really knuckled down. I'm on here everyday, I track everything I eat, bar the odd day and I've motivated myself to move a bit more. Its a slow process but I'm down almost 10lbs, passing the point I normally plateau and gain at and I'm determined this time I'm going to do it.

    Anyway, feel free to add me, I'm from the North East of England, am 41 and believe that while I am being good, we should also enjoy our lives as we only get to live it once :drinker:
  • boobalac
    boobalac Posts: 4
    *high 5*
    Lets DO it!!!
    Tomorrow. Ill start with walking.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Hello and welcome!
  • 101sal
    101sal Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Louise,

    Thanks for your reply, sounds good to me, i've done my exercise for today :-) and i'm not too brilliant and logging everything on weekends as i tend to use saturday as a "cheat" day to have a beer as a reward but i think this is one of the things holding me back but you have to have a treat once in a while:-)

    Anyway , let's do it and see how it goes,

  • 101sal
    101sal Posts: 43 Member
    Hi There,

    I found the hardest thing in the few first weeks was weaning myself off the carbs so know how that feels, it's not an issue for me now and i don't miss them. A good tip is to switch to sweet potatoes if you can get them and habe them once in a while as a treat,

    I'll keep you posted on my progress and good luck, stick with it and it will come.

  • 101sal
    101sal Posts: 43 Member
    Cheers, invite accepted:happy:
  • 101sal
    101sal Posts: 43 Member
  • Loulouq9
    Loulouq9 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm impressed that you've get your exercise done already!
  • 101sal
    101sal Posts: 43 Member
    Don't know if its a knock on effect of losing weight and exercising but finding i sleep much better and don't need as much sleep. Up at 6:15 this morning and was on the spinning bike by 7 whilst everyone was asleep ;-) I really do thing its down to both of the above.
  • Hiya, I'm new here. Iv recently started dieting and becoming more active because I was finding it hard to breath sometimes and I just generally want to feel better about the way I look. Anyway, I started the diet on Saturday last week but didn't start logging until Wednesday and so far iv lost 2lb which I am very pleased with. For me it wasn't a case of actual dieting, I just needed to make sure I ate my 3 meals a day and didn't snack on anything I shouldn't (which was always my downfall) iv actually started doing exercise too which except for a short walk I NEVER did so I'm going to be doing a mix between strength and cardio work. I'm very very excited to get to my goal. I was 13st 2lb when I started I'm now 13st and I hope to get down to 10st which I think is a decent weight for my height...5ft 3in.

    Good luck to each and everyone of you on your journeys.
    Laura x
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Good luck with you weight loss and fitness campaign!
    I've been here a while too and back to it this week too!
    Determined too!

    Jan xxxx
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member

    I'm in the UK, been here a while and will be here for a while longer....still got a way to go.

    Take a look at my profile and drop me a few words if you'd like to be pals!

    Good luck!