My Progress-i need encouragement



  • rle2512
    rle2512 Posts: 44 Member
    I did an Atkins style diet, started out at 200 lbs about a year ago.. STICK WITH IT!!! give it two weeks the weight will quickly come off, then slow again lol. I also found sucess with intermittent fasting, and found encouragement and motivation in running. I ran my 1st half marathon in January. I am down to 147 lbs. still losing, my goal weight is 135. (im 5foot8inches) I'd make sure you are still counting calories, do everything to a tee, you will get to the point where you will know how every type of food, as well as amount of it will affect you and your size.
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    I did an Atkins style diet, started out at 200 lbs about a year ago.. STICK WITH IT!!! give it two weeks the weight will quickly come off, then slow again lol. I also found sucess with intermittent fasting, and found encouragement and motivation in running. I ran my 1st half marathon in January. I am down to 147 lbs. still losing, my goal weight is 135. (im 5foot8inches) I'd make sure you are still counting calories, do everything to a tee, you will get to the point where you will know how every type of food, as well as amount of it will affect you and your size.

    Wow that s awesome progress! I will research on that. I hope i will be able to run too.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Today, i weighed and my scale said 221.9. I dont know what I did wrong but, i am not discouraged. I know i can make it!
    Again, thanks for the good words.

    Don't think that just because the scale pops up a little bit that you did something wrong. Weight can fluctuate dramatically from day to day and even from morning to evening because of things like how much water you've had to drink, how much sodium you've consumed, how much you've had to eat during the day, how much you have "gotten rid of". I think the fluctuations are even more dramatic for those of us who are over 200lbs. The general consensus is that you should weigh yourself at the same time of day in similar clothing on the same scale in the same place (notice a pattern there :tongue: ). I am too scale addicted to only weigh once a week, so I do tend to weigh myself more often than that, but I choose one day a week to actually record my weight. I used to record my weight on Mondays, but then I realized that if I'm going to have "cheat days" it's almost always on the weekend, so my Monday weight is higher than later in the week. Now I record my Friday weigh in so that I give my body the chance to process all the exercise from the week, and to stay mindful right before the weekend starts so that I don't go crazy.:laugh:

    I love the image that the other woman posted about 3 pounds of butter is a lot of fat! That is a great way to think about it. Measuring will also be an important tool for you. You might find that certain parts of your body change at different rates than other parts. For me, my curve in my waistline (like on the side where the hourglass shape shows) starts showing up long before I ever feel any loss in the front of my belly above or below my belly button. Of course, the boobs always go first for me, but I lose cup size before width. :angry: Do you know how hard it is to find a bra that's a 46B??:grumble:

    You are doing great! Keep up with your food logging RELIGIOUSLY, and I mean every bite. No "Oh it was just a few" whatevers. Those little whatevers can add up to BIG uncounted calories. No BLTs: No Bites, Licks, or Tastes (or at least try to log them when you do). If you're looking for more support, joining one or two groups can be really helpful too. Feel free to friend me too if you like. Good luck with your journey!
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks so much for the advices.
    You know I'm addicted to weighing scales too. That I tend to weigh morning and afternoon.
    I also have two weighing scales where they say different numbers lol.
    I always get the lowest reading haha..

    Anyway, the front of my belly seems like not improving but the side, I could see the flaps slowly going away.
    And now, I'm addicted to taking picture of my self. Because I want to see the changes immediately.

    I know you all understand me, I have been in a yoyo. And most of the time, I am into a plateau.
    That really frustrates me,

    Now, I watch and portion my food more carefully.
    I used to sip a little soda but now, totally not doing it. Water and more water.

    No more candies and other sweet. This morning, I tried not to put 4 tsp of creamer ( I want mine sweet and creamy). Then I realized, I could do unsweetened and not-so creamy coffee.

    Eating rice has been a problem for me. I just couldn't get rid of that. But for 3 weeks, I have stopped and changed that to wheatened bread instead.

    Again, thanks a lot. Hearing from people like you, makes me feel I need to keep going on my journey and never stop..
    Today, i weighed and my scale said 221.9. I dont know what I did wrong but, i am not discouraged. I know i can make it!
    Again, thanks for the good words.

    Don't think that just because the scale pops up a little bit that you did something wrong. Weight can fluctuate dramatically from day to day and even from morning to evening because of things like how much water you've had to drink, how much sodium you've consumed, how much you've had to eat during the day, how much you have "gotten rid of". I think the fluctuations are even more dramatic for those of us who are over 200lbs. The general consensus is that you should weigh yourself at the same time of day in similar clothing on the same scale in the same place (notice a pattern there :tongue: ). I am too scale addicted to only weigh once a week, so I do tend to weigh myself more often than that, but I choose one day a week to actually record my weight. I used to record my weight on Mondays, but then I realized that if I'm going to have "cheat days" it's almost always on the weekend, so my Monday weight is higher than later in the week. Now I record my Friday weigh in so that I give my body the chance to process all the exercise from the week, and to stay mindful right before the weekend starts so that I don't go crazy.:laugh:

    I love the image that the other woman posted about 3 pounds of butter is a lot of fat! That is a great way to think about it. Measuring will also be an important tool for you. You might find that certain parts of your body change at different rates than other parts. For me, my curve in my waistline (like on the side where the hourglass shape shows) starts showing up long before I ever feel any loss in the front of my belly above or below my belly button. Of course, the boobs always go first for me, but I lose cup size before width. :angry: Do you know how hard it is to find a bra that's a 46B??:grumble:

    You are doing great! Keep up with your food logging RELIGIOUSLY, and I mean every bite. No "Oh it was just a few" whatevers. Those little whatevers can add up to BIG uncounted calories. No BLTs: No Bites, Licks, or Tastes (or at least try to log them when you do). If you're looking for more support, joining one or two groups can be really helpful too. Feel free to friend me too if you like. Good luck with your journey!
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    This is how i look like today 5/9/2014. I think i see improvement.


  • 1tiamat
    1tiamat Posts: 138 Member
    Keep working on it! Just remoind yourself that this is the new lifestyle you are living. You are doing good!! It took me 4 months of working out 4-6 times a day just to lose about 27 lbs. I went an entire month and only lost 3 lbs. It was very frustrating, but then next month I lost almost 9. Sometimes I think your body, like your mind, tests to see if this is long term or not. If you quit too early you might just be 2 more workouts till you get over that bridge.

    I love this quote:

    Pain is temporary, it may last for a minute, an hour, a day, or even a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit however it will last forever.

    And this one

    It's not over until I win!
  • 1.Don't make it a diet make it a lifestyle change, diets don't last forever and you can only maintain them so long before you crash.
    2.Give yourself time hunny slow and steady is far better than rapid weight loss that comes back within 3 months
    3.Everyone has a start, dont judge your beggining based on someone elses halfway mark

    You will do fine just stick with it, it sucks for about 3 months then you get use to it, give yourseld a cheat meal once a week in the beggining(Adventualy you will naturaly drop this to every once in awhile(Special occasions or birthdays).
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks so much,
    I usually get frustrated when i will weigh and will not lose anything. But then quitting is not in my vocabulary right now.
    I will have to think of long term effect of my hard work.
    I will put in mind those two quotes!
    Keep working on it! Just remoind yourself that this is the new lifestyle you are living. You are doing good!! It took me 4 months of working out 4-6 times a day just to lose about 27 lbs. I went an entire month and only lost 3 lbs. It was very frustrating, but then next month I lost almost 9. Sometimes I think your body, like your mind, tests to see if this is long term or not. If you quit too early you might just be 2 more workouts till you get over that bridge.

    I love this quote:

    Pain is temporary, it may last for a minute, an hour, a day, or even a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit however it will last forever.

    And this one

    It's not over until I win!
  • futurejedi
    futurejedi Posts: 111
    This is how i look like today.


    Keep pushing
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    1.Don't make it a diet make it a lifestyle change, diets don't last forever and you can only maintain them so long before you crash.
    2.Give yourself time hunny slow and steady is far better than rapid weight loss that comes back within 3 months
    3.Everyone has a start, dont judge your beggining based on someone elses halfway mark

    You will do fine just stick with it, it sucks for about 3 months then you get use to it, give yourseld a cheat meal once a week in the beggining(Adventualy you will naturaly drop this to every once in awhile(Special occasions or birthdays).

    Im so proud of myself today. I think im already adapting the lifestyle ive chosen. Healthy lifestyle.
    I was not even tempted to eat fastfood when everybody was eating ( though im not really a fastfood person) .

    I dont crave for sodas and sugary stuff ( which was my problem before) now.

    Thanks a lot.
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    This is how i look like today.


    Keep pushing

    Thanks . I will!

    I am getting ready for focus T25.
    Purchased work out clothes and will start as soon as my t25 arrives.
    I cant wait to see myself reaching my goals!
  • rringer1
    rringer1 Posts: 2
    Very good points. I could not agree more.
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    You'll be glad you have these photos when you reach your goal weight. I never took any and I always wish I had. Also, you should take measurements too. Sometimes, especially if you're working out, the scale doesn't move for a bit , but you lose inches. It helps you to see that it really is working. And, like everyone else has said, it's a lifestyle, not a diet. Just learn how much a portion is and how much you can eat while still losing weight and sit back and enjoy the ride. It takes effort, and it's not always easy, but it's doable and sustainable in the long-term. Good luck!

    I have been taking lots of pictures. Nobody should be looking at the pics in my phone lol.
    Thanks a lot.
    I am inspired of your pics in another thread.
    I will surely take your advice.
  • ChasingMyBliss
    ChasingMyBliss Posts: 803 Member
    Keep working hard. This process takes time. You will get there!!!
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Keep working hard. This process takes time. You will get there!!!

  • Fat2FitMyDrive
    Fat2FitMyDrive Posts: 83 Member
    Keep up the great work and remember slow and steady wins the race! Results are results, progress is progress. Even when you find yourself struggling to find value in your hard work look back at your starting point and remind yourself that you don't even want to be there again! My opinion on scales is simple... Stop weighing yourself! Pick 2 dates a month and ONLY weigh yourself on those dates. Daily or even sometimes weekly weigh ins can be detrimental to your progess because your weight can fluctuate as much as 5-7lbs in a single day. 1 pound of fat will almost fill up a gallon jug whereas a pound of muscle is about the size of a grapefruit. A pound is a pound, but building lean muscle tissue by working out creates denser lean tissue vs. the bulky fat mass. You are doing awesome! Just keep believing in yourself and make sure to tell yourself I AM WORTH IT! Every ounce of sweat and tears you may shed over this process will be worth it!!!
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    Keep up the great work and remember slow and steady wins the race! Results are results, progress is progress. Even when you find yourself struggling to find value in your hard work look back at your starting point and remind yourself that you don't even want to be there again! My opinion on scales is simple... Stop weighing yourself! Pick 2 dates a month and ONLY weigh yourself on those dates. Daily or even sometimes weekly weigh ins can be detrimental to your progess because your weight can fluctuate as much as 5-7lbs in a single day. 1 pound of fat will almost fill up a gallon jug whereas a pound of muscle is about the size of a grapefruit. A pound is a pound, but building lean muscle tissue by working out creates denser lean tissue vs. the bulky fat mass. You are doing awesome! Just keep believing in yourself and make sure to tell yourself I AM WORTH IT! Every ounce of sweat and tears you may shed over this process will be worth it!!!

    You re right, i need to stop weighing myself everyday.
    It does make me feel so frustrated.
    And sometimes i feel like i am not doing the right thing.

    Thanks for the encouragement. I am so determined to make it this time.
    All my life i have struggled with my weight.
    This time, im going to make it and keep it!
  • TRIX5884
    TRIX5884 Posts: 318 Member
    The Scale - is such a mind teaser. I had a very bad problem with weighing myself every day. Take my advice - DON"T DO IT! Weight yourself once a week. Even if you're tempted - just walk away. One a week gives you a much better visual than every day. It can be way to much mental mind *kitten* to do it every day. The last thing you want is to have "Scale anxiety" every day. The other person said 2 days a month - that's cool too. Me personally - I just prefer a weekly thing. It helps me keep on track on a week to week basis and that is what works for ME. You have to find what works for YOU! Keep up your great work!
  • Heirgreat
    Heirgreat Posts: 262 Member
    You got this ---0.K. it is slower than you wanted but when is the last time you stepped on the scale and it was down or even the same weight! Beside the scale will stall at time you got to go by whether you are documenting EVERYTHING that goes in the mouth or not, are you walking /moving even once an hour even stretching --you are and can do this......don't let the old tapes in the head ruin your progress--you are doing it-can't wait to hear more from you-- keep going you got this now
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Ok, so here's what I have to say about this thread and reading your own comments OP... I think if you obsess over daily pics and several times a day weighing, you will make yourself quit! I will admit to you that in the beginning I was THE SAME WAY and almost quit several times. I didn't see the changes in myself even with taking pics every day. also stepped on the scale up to 3 times a day. It isn't good for you to do that so much. Trust me!! You will stress yourself out until you give up! Once a day MAX, same time every day, wearing same clothing. I now only weigh myself 2 times a week at the most, but usually 1 time a week. I used to take a picture once every 2 weeks, now I do it once a month unless I'm doing some weights with my exercises.

    Also, even though people are going to tell you that they lost _____ lbs in _____ weeks, and if it is FASTER than you PLEASE don't compare yourself to them, because 1 lb a week is HEALTHY and good! So you are already making progress! And, like someone else said, 3 lbs may not have seemed like a lot to you, but think about that tub of butter thing. Or when I reached 10 lbs, it took me 2 months to lose that, and I thought it was sooooo slow, and I was going to give up, then my fiance said "pick up this bag of potatoes" and I did, and he said "you lost THAT off of you, why would you give up now?" and he was right, why give up?

    I've had a plateau for a month,a nd I let it derail me a little and i gained back some weight, but ya know what, I'm back here, and I'm getting back to what I need to do to get healthy. I have been working on my healthier lifestyle for over a year, and I ultimately lost 30 pounds, gained 7 back in 2 months, and now I've lost some of that.

    Also, sometimes the scale would say I didn't lose or even gained, but some of my clothes did feel different, looser, so you can't always go just by what the scale says.

    Its awesome that you have reached out to get help. Please beware of the negative people who will say mean things, there's always people like that, just try to ignore them. Just remember that the weight didn't just suddenly appear in a week or a month, so it will not be gone that quickly. You're losing it at a healthy pace, and even if the scale goes up 2 lbs one day, the next day it could be back to what it was before, depends on all kinds of things like sodium, if I eat a high sodium meal, it will make me retain water and I will gain, which is why I stopped weighing myself every day, also that "time of the month" will make a difference, too, for me I usually gain anywhere between 1-4 lbs just in water retention during that time of the month, and it will start a day or two before I actually start that time of the month, so just be aware that could happen.

    You are doing great, keep it up, don't get discouraged by simply a number. It took me 3 months before I really started seeing a difference that I was like "woah!" mostly because for me, I work from home so most of my clothes are baggy lazy clothes (stretchy knit pants/yoga pants, oversize shirts) so I didn't notice it and no one saw it because I was covered in baggy clothes. So, its good that you take pics of yourself, just dont do it to the point where you will get discouraged if you don't think you see results. there are things my fiance and kids tell me they see that I don't see myself. You will always be your harshest critic and pick at the tiniest things about yourself, its how we humans do, so don't be too hard on yourself. I still have about 60 lbs to go before I reach my goal weight, and I know it will be a long road, but I also know I will be working for the long term goal of being healthy and not getting diabetes or heart disease that runs in my family, not just what the scale says. :) Keep plugging in and reaching out to people, for me that is what has made such a huge difference for me in geting back on when I fell off the wagon! :)

    Keep up the good work girlie!!! You can do this!!
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