LOST 5 lbs already in May, still on a roll!

Weigh in this morning – down another pound! This is a milestone weight for me, as this is my exact weight I was when I got pregnant with my second baby! I have reached my baseline weigh, not it’s just a matter of getting rid of the fluff as I like to call it. It’s time to get fit!

I got some amazing sleep, as it is Saturday and this is the day I get to sleep in, meaning, my husband gets up with the kids and I can get up whenever. He gets Sundays. It’s a pretty awesome setup!

I am feeling disappointed that I did not workout yesterday, but it still means that I worked out 5/7 days last week so that is still something to be happy about!

1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 scoop vanilla raw meal, 1/2 banana, 3 tbsp plain nancy’s yogurt, 1 tbsp peanut butter

Keep on reading on my blog; www.thesearemy30days.wordpress.com


  • junekath36
    junekath36 Posts: 4 Member
    Just read your review you seem to be doing well. I only joined 3 days ago but they keep saying I am not having enough calories, but I cannot seem to be able to eat any more. I recently went on weight watchers, just for five weeks on their points system, and I only lost 3 ounces, yes 3 ounces. I searched the internet and found this site. I find it really easy being as you have to log all your food. I am 78 nearly so I will probably find it more difficult to lose but I am hoping this will be the answer. How much have you lost since you joined in Feb - mind you I notice you have kids so they keep you running about a bit. Anyway well done, I like t see ositive results and although I may take a lot longer, it does encourage me. I will keep looking out for your reviews in future.