need a good fitness routine

I need a good fitness routine. I am currently over 200 lb, I am not much of a runner but I do walk on the treadmill and do the stationary bike. Does anyone have a good fitness routine for me? I am 43 years old.


  • leitning17
    leitning17 Posts: 1 Member
    Stair *kitten* - I mean Master.
    Love / Hate relationship with that thing.

    Bicycle. Low impact, great calorie burn.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Beautifulbridgittlee7 Posts: 352 Member
    Swim laps? Do water jogging? Use the rowing machine, that's great cardio and resistance, and playing around with the incline and speed on the treadmill, and on the bike is great too. Stairmaster and elliptical are great too. Maybe you'd like spinning?
  • Unfledgedkitty
    Unfledgedkitty Posts: 45 Member
    i know it sounds silly - but i do over 10,000 steps aday and it keeps me active and happy :) (+ helps me build my endurance)

    every step you do will help :)

    I do 30 mins of walking on a treadmill and that keeps me going...

    one thing that really helped me and its shorter (but you have to give it 100% effort)

    1 min of walking, then 10 - 20 seconds of full out run/sprint... then walk for 1 min, then 10 - 20 seconds of full out run/sprint... do this about 10 times total time = 10 mins walking and 100 - 200 seconds running (so 1 min 40 secs - 3 mins running) not bad... but this will keep your body burning calories for 24-48 hours :)

    helped me lose about 10 lbs :)

    all the best :)
  • mizzymo77
    mizzymo77 Posts: 8 Member
    How about doing like Les Mills classes or whatever they have in your area.Im over 200lbs and find going too Pump classes doing weights or combat classes which are a mixture of muay thai, boxing, karate are fantastic and really motivating.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I was never much of a runner either, knees always got sore. I started walking and then mixed in some interval running. Added distance slowly and built up, now I love it. No knee pain and ran my fist half marathon. I am an outside guy so it works for me. Any core exercise like sit ups or crunches goes well with running or walking. I think it helps to get an app that if followed will make you complete a session. I am using a six pack app from runtastic now and when done the app asks "do you want to go the extra mile?" I reply out loud F**K no! I hear great thinks about P90X too. Heck do everything until you find what you like but keep moving until you do. Good luck!
  • 1tiamat
    1tiamat Posts: 138 Member
    It really depends on what you enjoy. If you don't like going to the gym you most likely wont stick with it. If you don't enjoy running, again, you most likely wont stick with it.

    Play around with different routines and see what you enjoy. Youtube has some awesome workouts that don't always feel that they are one.

    Dancing, Kickboxing, Martial arts, Yoga and its variations, Zoomba, Calisthenics (really fun once you get into it), and some weight training can be fun if you find a routine you enjoy.

    I love martial arts and Calisthenics so that is generally what I do. I'll post some links if you are interested. Best luck and remember to try and find something that gives you joy when doing it. heck if you are going to have to do this a lot you might as well enjoy it right?

    My routine:
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Options has a bunch of free plans.

    Youtube also has a bunch of free videos. Jillian Micheals is a good person to look up. She does 30 Day Shred and a few other videos you can access for free.

    There's also tons of phone apps which can help. Many of us are doing Stronglifts 5 x 5 for weightlifting.

    There's tons of books with programs. New Rules of Lifting for Women is a great one.

    It all depends on what you enjoy, what kind of equipment you have access to, what you want to invest, and what your goals are.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    do a triathlon