Desperately need help

cofakid Posts: 213 Member
Hi Guys,

Ive been living out of home for less than 2 years so i havent been the sole cooker for very long. I go through stages where i experiment with new ideas (which almost always dont work) but then i just slip back into doing the same thing for dinner every night. Meat and boiled veg. I do spiced meat and chose different veg some nights but generally every night we just have meat and boiled veg. As u can probably guess this is extremely boring. I just really need some help with ideas. I want simple meals that dont take too long to cook (i get home very late and im very hungry i dont have an hour to spend in the kitchen). Obviously they need to be healthy because i am trying to lose weight. And where possible id like to avoid rice/pasta/breads. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated i can look up recipes myself i just need ideas!

Thanks so much everybody



  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Cooking for one, it is convenient to make batches of different foods at the weekend and freeze portions, then eat from those as often as you wish, maybe adding a fresh salad to the meal.
    Try websites for recipes with nutrition information given like
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Nothing wrong with pasta and rice, in the right portions. That said, maybe these sites might be useful for you.

    You might also like to check out pinterest...usually lots of ideas there.
    If you have a large enough freezer, you could always make batches of food, portion it out and freeze it to save time.
  • mgleason01
    mgleason01 Posts: 78 Member
    Stir Fry is a great, healthy and quick option. Also, play around with different burger options using lean ground turkey, chicken or beef. You can try a southwest burger with bell pepper, red onions, jalapeños, cilantro and seasoning (rachel ray recipe) or an asian inspired version with soy sauce, ginger, brown sugar, minced carrots, and green onions. Additionally, you can make soup on Sunday and then during the week add a salad or sandwich to go with it.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    thanks guys :)

    ive made a list of about 30 meals, and I know theres more ideas in my many healthy cook books (I just got them all out and was overwhelmed) I just need to spend a little time each work working on some new ideas for the week so that I don't get so bored :)

  • Crisscreek
    Crisscreek Posts: 4
    I cook for two, and we both work shift so it gets very complex. I keep a book of favourite recipes, meal plan, and chop/prep as much as I can when I get back from shopping. I love recipes from blog sites such as and Quick, delicious and nutritious.

    I also make double amounts, and freeze in one portion sizes, using a vacuum sealer (I use a Foodsaver), so that either one of us can grab from the freezer and go.

    For example, today I made and froze channa masala, egg cups (proscuitto, egg, cheese and veggies baked in muffin tins), and dessert for the next few days. In the fridge-quinoa buckwheat broccoli walnut salad, chickpea walnut cranberry salad. Also chopped up about 5 onions so I don't have to if I'm cooking after work. Also cooked up and froze extra chickpeas, as I was doing them anyway! (crockpot is great for dried beans). I'm pretty much set for about 5 days.

    Ziplock baggies, freezer bags and containers are your friend!
  • Crisscreek
    Crisscreek Posts: 4
    Aaargh! deleted-double post.
  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    Gotta tell ya, I hate cooking with a passion...well, not the cooking so much as the cleaning up afterwards. I eat a lot of microwaved meals and seriously do not mind repetition in my diet; there was an entire 6-month period when I ate Smart Ones Three Cheese Ziti for every dinner. I am now on a green bean kick (steamed in a bag via microwave). I find that the microwave meals allow me to remain happily on my plan without worries about creativity. When I get bored, I run to the store and get something else...if it works for you, keep it up - you will change it when it gets to be too much. The important thing is that you stay the course.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • mrrodney_82
    Instead of always boiling your veggies try steaming or roasting them. Its quick and easy and also helps maintain the flavor. I have a steamer that my mom gave me because she never used it. I have used it everyday for the last year and I love it. I just throw my frozen broccoli and carrots in there when I get home and after my shower the veggies are done. Recently I started roasting to change it up a bit. There are lots of great recipes online but feel free to shoot me a message and I can share some of mine. Good luck!