1600 calories/day, is it too low?

I'm a man, 185 pounds, sedentary lifestyle. I want to lose some weight and I was wondering if 1600 cal a day is too low or if it's ok. I don't want to eat too little and then gain all the weight back when I eat a bit too much. Thanks


  • Sofie1313
    Sofie1313 Posts: 17
    How tall are you that you need to lose weight from 185 lb?
    Age matters, too.
  • backflip2
    backflip2 Posts: 17
    I'm 5 feet 8, 22 yrs old
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    I'm 60 years old, 5'9", 156 lbs. I started MFP at 182 lbs (188 before that). Eating at a 500 calorie daily deficit for a 1 lb weekly loss, I'm allowed 1390 net calories. That's not many calories and I don't know if I'd be able to do it without exercise. Most days I actually eat 1800 to 2200 calories and manage to stay a couple hundred calories below my NET 1390 goal.

    OP, 1600 calories sounds reasonable to me. I wish I got to eat that many as a net. If you want to eat more, get off your butt and earn them.
  • Sofie1313
    Sofie1313 Posts: 17
    Oh, you are very young and your BMI is only like 28. Yes, it will be too low.

    I am a 5'3" and female - and I am losing weight on 1500-1600 (quite a lot, 1 lb/week) and I'm much older than you.

    Not sure if you have tried to calculate your daily consumption yet, that is, before you started with the weight loss idea. I'd suggest you do 1900 kcal a week, let's say, starting Monday, and see how much you lost by next Monday.

    Remember, the slower the process, the more the loss will stay put - and the easier it is to eat properly.