is ANYONE full?

iamkelskels Posts: 81
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I'm so frustrated! I'm eating as many calories as MFP is telling me to (net calories), exercising but I'm still SO HUNGRY, and the food I am eating to make it healthy doesn't taste good!
Any tips? :(


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Just keep eating those fresh fruits and vegetables. It may take a while but you'll get used to them, and then you'll find that you enjoy them! And remember, junk won't keep you any fuller than healthy food!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Check out my diary (I haven't exercised yet today but already logged tonight's dinner so I'm a little over on fat and protein for now) - I am pretty much always satisfied. Make sure you're getting enough protein and fiber, both of which help you feel full for longer. MFP doesn't give you enough fiber in your goal so change it manually - women should have at least 25 grams of fiber every day.
  • hollywoodfrodo
    hollywoodfrodo Posts: 4 Member
    The best advice I ever got was eat whatever you want, but never eat unless your stomach is actually hungry and then eat slowly and stop eating once your stomach no longer feels hungry. The problem is knowing the difference between when your STOMACH is telling you its hungry VERSUS your BRAIN telling you, you're hungry. Your brain is influenced by emotion, boredom, etc. and will often tell you to eat when your stomach is fully nourished and doesn't need anything.

    Also, maybe your goals are too high? If you weigh 150 and want to weigh 140 in 2 weeks then MFP is going to give you a low calorie count per day. Change it to 6 weeks and your calorie count per day will go up.

    Another trick is exercise! Not only does exercise curb your apetite (especially moderate cardio exercise), but it increases the number of calories you can eat per day.

    Also drink tons of water! I don't do this as well as I should, but every fitness pro will tell you that drinking more water helps you feel more full too.

    But for sure, you shouldn't walk around feeling hungry - meaning stomach hunger pains. If you're getting those (unless you just went from 3 weeks of gorging to dieting today) then you're not eating enough. (If you did just come off 3 weeks of holiday gorging like I did, then it'll take your stomach a week or so to adjust to the new diet.)

    Good luck and God bless!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I cant see your diary, so I don't know what you're eating, but complex carbs, protein and fiber will help you to feel fuller longer.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Don't deny yourself yummy stuff hun, just eat less of it and balance it out with plenty of fresh fruit and veg too.

    How long you been doing it for? I know I normally go to bed starving hungry for about 2-3 nights and then after that I'm fine!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Also drink tons of water! I don't do this as well as I should, but every fitness pro will tell you that drinking more water helps you feel more full too.

    Definitely! I drink 12-16 cups of water EVERY day and, as I said above, I'm pretty much always satisfied.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    The best advice I ever got was eat whatever you want, but never eat unless your stomach is actually hungry and then eat slowly and stop eating once your stomach no longer feels hungry. The problem is knowing the difference between when your STOMACH is telling you its hungry VERSUS your BRAIN telling you, you're hungry. Your brain is influenced by emotion, boredom, etc. and will often tell you to eat when your stomach is fully nourished and doesn't need anything.

    Also, maybe your goals are too high? If you weigh 150 and want to weigh 140 in 2 weeks then MFP is going to give you a low calorie count per day. Change it to 6 weeks and your calorie count per day will go up.

    Another trick is exercise! Not only does exercise curb your apetite (especially moderate cardio exercise), but it increases the number of calories you can eat per day.

    Also drink tons of water! I don't do this as well as I should, but every fitness pro will tell you that drinking more water helps you feel more full too.

    But for sure, you shouldn't walk around feeling hungry - meaning stomach hunger pains. If you're getting those (unless you just went from 3 weeks of gorging to dieting today) then you're not eating enough. (If you did just come off 3 weeks of holiday gorging like I did, then it'll take your stomach a week or so to adjust to the new diet.)

    Good luck and God bless!

    He said what I meant, but better!
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    Here are some things that helped me:

    Higher protein foods - I love Strawberry flavored GREEK yogurt. Greek yogurt has more protein and will help you feel full longer

    Water/Applesauce - Sounds strange, but my dietician recommended this and it works for me. Before each meal drink a full glass of water and eat 1/2 cup of applesauce. The water will make you feel full faster and the applesauce helps raise your blood sugar so you won't eat as quickly or overeat as much. (That is how I remember her explaining it, but I'm not an expert - so I may be a little off on the blood sugar part)

    Volumetric eating - This is something I saw a cookbook on once, but I haven't tried it much. As I understand it, it is substituting larger foods for smaller foods of the same calorie amount. For example, eating 100 calories of raisins vs eating 100 calories of grapes. Since grapes are larger and take up more room in your stomach, in theory you'd feel more full eating the grapes than raisins.
  • katebjones
    katebjones Posts: 32 Member
    Drink lots of water.. and drink water before a meal.. if you are feeling hungry.. it will fill you up.. quilt free! I try to eat protein.. it keeps me fuller longer.. and fiberous foods too.. even a hand full (12 raw almonds) that may help.. if i dont start my day off with enough protein i find my self hungry all day. more protein less carbs= fuller longer

    Hope this helps!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Make sure you're drinking lots of water, also that you're getting enough protein in the day - high protein foods can fill you up alot more than others.
    If you're still hungry why not try several small meals a day, i aim for 5 small meals a day, usually leaving the main one until about 7pm with something small a bit later.
  • Thanks everyone! I was eating dinner and not liking what I was eating (whole grain pasta that tasted like cardboard) and had a message-board temper tantrum ;)
    My calorie goal is set at 1,900-ish, and I drink water, but not as much as I probably should, so I'll try that before my meals too.
    The best advice I ever got was eat whatever you want, but never eat unless your stomach is actually hungry and then eat slowly and stop eating once your stomach no longer feels hungry. The problem is knowing the difference between when your STOMACH is telling you its hungry VERSUS your BRAIN telling you, you're hungry. Your brain is influenced by emotion, boredom, etc. and will often tell you to eat when your stomach is fully nourished and doesn't need anything.

    I think I'll try this instead, and use the food diary as more of a guide-line to make sure I'm getting all my nutrients rather than continuing to count calories. I'm a freshman in college, and when I go back to school next week I don't know how I'll count calories when I eat dining-hall style at school.

    Thanks :)
  • I've been drinking about 64 oz. of water a day and I think that it's helped me to feel full and stay within my calorie goal for the day!
  • Yellowstone1983
    Yellowstone1983 Posts: 131 Member has some great recipes... The broth in homemade soup helps to fill you.. They have a great Turkey sausage soup under their Quick and Healthy Italian.. I also find that I can really control appetite after strenuous workouts by drinking water until I feel satiated
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Mmmm I'm full.
    I just ate 1.5 cups of chopped raw kale all smashed up with an avocado, with dulse flakes, fried tofu and a dash of soy sauce. 2 huge plates of food for 400 cals :smooched:
    Eat lots of veggies! You'll fill up for less.
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