High Carb Vs. Low Carb

Hello everyone!

This is the first time I have posted here so would be great to hear from some of you :)

I have lost 2 stone since last May ... I am now currently 14st 9lb and I would like to get down to 14st by the end of July. The only problem is I seem to be stuck at this weight ... I have become less strict but I work out 4-5 days a week (body combat / swimming / body pump / walking) and try to eat as healthy as possible during the week. I am now less strict on the weekends but I have maintained this weight since the end of November. This is good but I feel like I have hit a plateau and I am not losing any more weight. I now think that I need to re-think my food choices in general and I have been researching into different options/further lifestyle changes but I feel very confused. If there is anyone here that currently eats on these types of diet, I would love to hear your thoughts!

1st option - Low carb option - For the majority of the time, cut down on carbs including porridge oats / pitta bread / rice etc (these are the types of carbs I have daily) even though I will always choose wholemeal or brown carbs, I still think there is truth in that these types of food can bulk you out and cause water retention and weight gain. In this option here, I would reduce carbs in this sense. My only worry would be feeling hungry and what to replace the carbs with (extra veg?).

2nd option - High carb option - In this sense, I mean to increase fruit and vegetable intake and to continue to eat brown rice / wholemeal pasta etc but cut out eating meat. I have been researching a lot into vegan and raw diets. Although I don't think I'm ready to go fully vegan / raw, I am interested in eating a vegan/raw diet during the day (which incorporates higher carb intake but lower fat) and then have a cooked dinner. Whilst during this time I would not be adversed to eating eggs or drinking milk, I would cut out meat. I have been reading a lot of blogs / watching youtube videos of people who really advocate the vegan/raw high carb low fat diet.

I am tempted to give up meat and increase fruit / veg and continue incorporating good carbs into my diet as I think this will keep me feeling most full. However, I am still very confused and I am not sure of the 'correct' path and if there even is one.

Help is appreciated! Thank you!


  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    Why not just decrease your calories a little bit? That is probably the easiest option (hopefully you're not already on a low level like 1200kcal). As you lose weight your body won't need as many calories to function (you're hauling less mass around) so it may be that you need to recalculate your calories for your current weight. Try the Scooby calculator online.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    There isn't really a "correct" path, with your closed diary and not knowing your height etc and current calorie intake it may be difficult to say.

    If you're inclined to insulin resistance, as many obese people are, then reduced carbs can help. Vegetables (green low carb above the ground types in general) can replace carbs for "bulk".

    Being slack at the weekend may cancel out efforts in the week though.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Have you recalculated your calorie goal after you lost weight (congrats on that, by the way)?

    People go low carb just to avoid getting too hungry, but some react differently. If you reduce carbs, you have to increase fats.

    Don't cut meat for dietary reasons, only for ethical/religious reasons.
  • sushidulces
    sushidulces Posts: 69 Member
    I did complete vegetarian/clean eating with fruit and veggie smoothies and all kinds of herbal extras. I did lose some weight, but I plateaud and found myself unable to vigorously exercise.

    I will throw in the disclaimer that I myself did NOT fully research a vegetarian diet for an athletic person. So I probably did not have the right fuel for working out. I started a more high (lean) protein/low carb diet with carb refeeds every so often and have found that it is working pretty well.

    I practice IIFYM and that's where I got my macronutrient goals.
  • mellyfree
    mellyfree Posts: 2
    Thank you for all of your responses and advice!

    I haven't been tracking my calories since February so I don't know why that didn't dawn on me before to start doing that again! I think it actually helped my weight loss more last year.

    I think taking it easier on the weekend may not have helped either! So I suppose the answers were there before me but I needed some help :-)

    I was generally interested in the high carb / low fat raw food vegan lifestyle though ad sushidulces, your comment was interesting! I honestly think it would not fuel me enough too.