In all honesty...Lazy

Ladies and gentlemen, I am struggling. I have gained back 10 pounds from my low, my extensive-sexy-skinny-wardrobe...not feeling sexy anymore and I am not fitting into most of it. 10 pounds is a couple of sizes up for me. Every night I go to sleep with the thought of, "Tomorrow I will..." and you can pretty much fill it in from there. Among the list is, look like the pins I put on my fitness board on Pinterest, eat a whole-food diet, lose that 10 pounds, blah, blah, blah.

And every morning? Those good intentions of sweating on the treadmill for 30 minutes turns into sitting on my *kitten* and drinking coffee for an hour. The whole food diet? All those vegetables rot. And I love vegetables, don't get me wrong. Eating a salad with grilled chicken everyday though, makes me want to hang myself.

Every night I go to sleep wishing and everyday I drown those wishes in my the reality of my general laziness. It is so easy to sit on my *kitten*, so easy to drive through. But the self loathing is starting to take its toll. There is probably a lot more going on here than just lazy. I work more than 10 hours a day, etc, etc. etc.

I know that the key to changing my life and being happy, is changing the things that are making me unhappy. But lazy rears its head again.

I cannot be alone in this. Suggestions? I'm struggling.


  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen, I am struggling. I have gained back 10 pounds from my low, my extensive-sexy-skinny-wardrobe...not feeling sexy anymore and I am not fitting into most of it. 10 pounds is a couple of sizes up for me. Every night I go to sleep with the thought of, "Tomorrow I will..." and you can pretty much fill it in from there. Among the list is, look like the pins I put on my fitness board on Pinterest, eat a whole-food diet, lose that 10 pounds, blah, blah, blah.

    And every morning? Those good intentions of sweating on the treadmill for 30 minutes turns into sitting on my *kitten* and drinking coffee for an hour. The whole food diet? All those vegetables rot. And I love vegetables, don't get me wrong. Eating a salad with grilled chicken everyday though, makes me want to hang myself.

    Every night I go to sleep wishing and everyday I drown those wishes in my the reality of my general laziness. It is so easy to sit on my *kitten*, so easy to drive through. But the self loathing is starting to take its toll. There is probably a lot more going on here than just lazy. I work more than 10 hours a day, etc, etc. etc.

    I know that the key to changing my life and being happy, is changing the things that are making me unhappy. But lazy rears its head again.

    I cannot be alone in this. Suggestions? I'm struggling.

    1) don't beat yourself up. we all end up needing breaks. it's inevitable that on those breaks you'll add some weight back on if you're not counting calories and not exercising. it happens. life goes on.

    2) start back in by pre-logging. this re-stresses the importance of being accountable to yourself.

    3) if the treadmill no longer beckons, find some new exercise that's fun and exciting to you.

    4) stop solely eating "diet foods". eat the foods you love. just budget them into your intake when and where you can based on your sensible calorie goals and your micro- and macro-nutritional needs. look into IIFYM. it's the underlying principle to all diets where you lose weight and meet your nutrient requirements.

    5) i forgot what number 5 was going to be. :(
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,732 Member
    Treadmill can be boring. Why not try outdoors? You could try an app like Couch 2 5K (or even more fun: Zombies, Run! 5K) that will help motivate you.
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks all! I feel trapped by food. I generally don't eat diet food, it tastes terrible and then there is that pesky cancer thing right? And I like vegetables. I think my problem may be variety. I get into a rut and eating the same thing all the time and then I go crazy cuz of boredom. Ideas?
  • larisafox
    larisafox Posts: 3 Member
    I suggest getting yourself a brand new cookbook that features interesting foods for a reasonable calorie count. I found one I like and I do a new one everyday. I think that adding in variety really helps you stay motivated. You're right, when you get stuck in the same routine everyday you lose motivation really fast.
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    And yes, treadmill is so tedious. I havent found any exercise that I like though. Well, I like biking, and have a fantasitc bike. But I am very limited by time. I leave for work by 7am, I don't get home until 5:30 at best and then I have two kids to wrangle. I'd like to go biking with them but my daughter is 5 and its hard to get a sweat on when I'm trying to keep her close to me.
  • sc1234
    sc1234 Posts: 42 Member
    when this happens to me, it means I've lost my motivation so to bring it back I need to find something that triggers it such as looking at pics of me when I was really happy with my weight or reading Oxygen magazine - for some reason that magazine motivates me - I also grab a bunch of motivating pics off the internet and make them my screensavers
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    I will google that magazine. Maybe its a good tool for me too. thanks!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,732 Member
    For motivation, I have a Pinterest page. I save photos of fantastically fit women and motivational sayings, and when I just don't feel like hitting the gym, I pull up that Pinterest page and look through and SO MUCH WANT that I get pumped up to go do it already.
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    I just googled oxygen mag... these ladies are buff. Like seriously.
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks for the great suggestions. This is all great advice!
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    Ive never been great at exercise. Food I did good with for about a year. I started a job and lost a bunch of weight...turns out I had a baking problem! But now Ive been at my job for 2 years, and Ive gotten comforetable. Bad deal. I need to jump back on track, the prelogging is fantastic. that always worked for me! Thanks
  • Krikit34
    Krikit34 Posts: 125 Member
    Look for new recipes for things you like. Example - I like zucchini, but eating raw zucchini every day gets old. So...zucchini fries, parmesan zucchini, zucchini chips, zucchini tots, and on and on and on. Same with salads. Vary what you are putting on them to vary the flavors. I do copycats of Panera Bread salads. Greens with sliced almonds, sesame seeds, an Asian vinaigrette dressing, maybe some wonton strips. Sandwiches - switch up the bread, meat, types of lettuce, cucumbers or tomatoes, condiments - mustard, vinegars, or even switching up toasting or grilling the bread changes flavor and texture. For dinner - chicken or shrimp, but flavored differently with different spices and cooked different ways. I do not do labor intensive meals, because like you, I won't do them at the end of the day and the food will rot. Everything I do is quick and easy. I use a lot of recipes from
  • Fat2FitMyDrive
    Fat2FitMyDrive Posts: 83 Member
    Best thing I think you can do for yourself is to remember why you started. As stated before if the treadmill just doesn't cut it for you try something new. Go for a job outside if thats possible for you or maybe try taking a class or two at a local fitness center. The hardest part is simply taking that step from I want it... to I'm doing it! Believing in yourself is the hardest part and I've been there. You CAN and YOU WILL, but you just need to get that ship back in the water! Find a buddy, partners are always great! It is very rare that you will be demotivated at the same time so taking advantage of somebody elses drive to get you off your buns is an awesome form of motivation in and of itself! I do not lack motivation in any way, shape, or form... However, my father in law who is my part time gym buddy needs a little fire lit under him once in a while to get him going and that's what I am here for! You are worth it, You deserve to be happy, You CAN DO IT, and it's TIME TO DO IT NOW! Cliche' quote time, but so true... "Never put off for tomorrow what you can accomplish today!"
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks all! I feel trapped by food. I generally don't eat diet food, it tastes terrible and then there is that pesky cancer thing right? And I like vegetables. I think my problem may be variety. I get into a rut and eating the same thing all the time and then I go crazy cuz of boredom. Ideas?

    Pesky cancer thing?! Wtf?!
  • thickerella
    thickerella Posts: 154 Member

    This is how you can bike with a 5yo and work up a sweat. It's what we do with mine. He LOVES it.
  • tffcx
    tffcx Posts: 20 Member
    i feel compelled to post because my middle name is Lazy and my first name is Extremely. we are brethren! but i find losing the "all or nothing" mentality has worked wonders.

    i used to resolve every single night to get up early to do the 30 Day Shred... i think i probably did 3 sessions in a month max. now instead of hauling my sleep-loving *kitten* off the bed at 5.30am for a super! powered! morning! workout! i leave the house a bit earlier for a leisurely walk to the train station. to my surprise a 20-minute walk (and that's with me walking at the pace of a crippled snail) covers 2km - that's 4km in a day. you might not have the luxury of time unlike me, but you get what i mean - your workout doesn't have to be super-punishing and you can incorporate it in your daily routine.

    re: food - forget cooking or even macros, just do pure calorie counting. i've swung from a "clean food" to "paleo" to "keto" to "whole food" (we've come full circle!) obsession, but ironically now that my eating philosophy has evolved (devolved?) to "eat whatever the heck i want under my calorie limit, even if it's 20 cookies a day" i eat the most balanced diet. weirdly enough i find myself attracted to good wholesome foods, and i no longer self-sabotage myself on the basis that i begin "tomorrow, i swear". i don't eat the cake i don't want just because it is there and think ha-in-your-face-diet-which-i-begin-tomorrow-oh-and-hello-temporary-self-loathing!

    i know it doesn't sound radical enough to be effective, but the kilograms have been dropping off at a rate i've never seen before. i really do hope my suggestions, cliche as they are, have been practical for you!
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks all! I feel trapped by food. I generally don't eat diet food, it tastes terrible and then there is that pesky cancer thing right? And I like vegetables. I think my problem may be variety. I get into a rut and eating the same thing all the time and then I go crazy cuz of boredom. Ideas?

    Pesky cancer thing?! Wtf?!

    I thought the same!!
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    Pesky cancer thing= diet foods have that reputation for causing cancer so I try to stay away from them. Everyone has been affected by cancer in their lives, loved ones, personally. I'm not lessening anyones pain or experiences. I'm just stating a fact. The reputation is there. I stay away from diet foods.
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Pesky cancer thing= diet foods have that reputation for causing cancer so I try to stay away from them. Everyone has been affected by cancer in their lives, loved ones, personally. I'm not lessening anyones pain or experiences. I'm just stating a fact. The reputation is there. I stay away from diet foods.

    That's a new one....