Thinking about Isagenix / Advocare / etc ? Read this.

What you can buy with the money you're using for Isagenix, Advocare, etc.

College tuition
2 weeks in a disney world resort
Christmas presents
workout equipment
Gym / studio membership
braces for your kids
private school tuition
new furniture
iPhone 5S


  • dawnmcisa
    dawnmcisa Posts: 3
    YOU can do the same with what you spend on Groceries.. with Isagenix I replace 2 meals.. so I'm not spending anymore than I would if I was buying groceries for those two meals.. NOW.. if I had to have those 2 meals and buy a product to SUPPLEMENT my meals.. ya.. then you could say this for Isagenix.. don't know about the others in your ETC.. but I know I'm spending less and not more buy using Isagenix.. that's how I could afford my new Gaxlaxy 5 phone!!!
    What you can buy with the money you're using for Isagenix, Advocare, etc.

    College tuition
    2 weeks in a disney world resort
    Christmas presents
    workout equipment
    Gym / studio membership
    braces for your kids
    private school tuition
    new furniture
    iPhone 5S
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Just because...........................

    From Alan Agaron

    Alan Agaron posted this on his Facebook page today.....I find it especially relevant today.

    "I regularly get questions about this or that MLM product, whether it be Advocare, Herbalife, Visalus, Isagenix, or Whateverthehell.

    I am yet to come across a health/nutrition-related MLM company that doesn't economize production costs with sub-par nutritional formulations, especially the protein-containing products (for example, MLMs love to use soy as the first ingredient)

    . Adding insult to injury, these protein-based products cost at least double that of the leading non-MLM brands that actually use higher-quality protein formulations.

    To top it all off, these mediocre MLM products are hyped as the best things on the market, and of course they rely on the emotional triggers of zealous testimonials rather than the weight of the scientific evidence. So yeah, my opinion of MLM-based nutritional products is LOL (yes, let the hurt flow through your butt over that)

    . As for the MLM business model, here's a fun read:
  • sheltol
    sheltol Posts: 120 Member
    I'm sure I'll take lots of smack talk for this but here goes.
    I am a beachbody coach. Yep, admittedly and proud of it.
    It's something I do part time and am fortunate that I don't need the money.
    By day, I'm a toxicologist and age group triathlete with multiple finishes up through the half iron distance.
    A lifelong friend of mine lost nearly 80 lbs with p90x, insanity, and asylum. I had gained 30 pounds after
    A traumatic event and had finally convinced myself it was time to do something about it. So I did p90x
    Lost the 30 lbs in about 7 weeks and dropped to about 12% body fat without shakeology. Yes without!
    I entered my first tri in over 5 years and broke a personal best by 7 mins. After eating healthier than I ever have
    I was still having digestive issues and had multiple doctor and specialist visits. In short, I was told to eat better.
    But I was eating better! I was taking fiber supplements and stool softeners just to not be in pain. So after dropping to about
    8% body fat and in the best shape of my life and eating healthier than I ever have in my life I ordered shakeology.
    After two weeks I was off all the fiber and stool softeners. It made a dramatic difference in my quality of life. So I use it.

    As a coach: I have never not offered to help someone who wouldn't buy shakeology from me. I have never told someone I
    Lost all my weight with shakeology. I didn't lose any weight taking it. I simply tell them the truth. I take it because it has over 70 exotic foods in it that have helped my digestive system. I eat healthy but I don't get near the variety of foods that I get with shakeology. And even if I could buy them locally I wouldn't know how to prepare them. In my opinion it taste really good and is developed so that you can add calories and make lots of different recipes. I no longer crave desserts, candy etc, because I really enjoy my shakeology.

    I'm proud to be associated with bb because they promote both exercise and healthy eating. They aren't built on the premise of living off 2 drinks a day to lose weight. It takes a combination of healthy eating and exercise. Shakeology is great for those people who drop $7 a day on a mocha frappuchino or can't resist jelly beans by the bag, or those who struggle with making all of their meals fit in their calorie or macro goals. Even a recent study noted in GNCs magazine indicated meal replacements can really help people on the go. I recommend what I use. Whether it's sold by beachbody or not. Things like quest bars, ultragen by first endurance, ironman perform intraworkout, and ultimate muscle protein by Beverly international.

    So bash all you want. My team has had some amazing transformations. Several of their before and after photos have been ripped
    Off and posted in false ads on Facebook claims they got the results in a month and it took the guys a year. There are lots of bad seeds but I'm just here to tell you there are good ones too. As for bashing MLM's. It's no different. A lot of people try to feed off their friends and family and it doesn't work. I tell everyone who is interested on joining as a coach that this is not a get rich quick scheme and your family and friends will not buy anything from you. It's as much of a business as you put into it. I'm proud to say that 90% of the coaches under me are still at it. Truth will earn your success.

    Finally I would say that in just a few short weeks of being on the MFP message boards there is a lot of smack talk. I agree who foods are the way to go. But it's difficult for a lot of people so if there is a way that can help. Why bash it? I find it hilarious that a these clean eaters love to recommend some of the harshest preworkouts out there. Eat clean but drink chemicals
    To improve performance. I find that a bit comical and hypocritical. At the end of the day if that works for you, great. But, don't hate on what I do. I workout with crossfiters, mud runners, marathoners, and triathletes. Some of them use shakeology and some don't
    But they are all down for a great workout.
  • jeeplovin
    jeeplovin Posts: 96 Member
    I'm sure I'll take lots of smack talk for this but here goes.
    I am a beachbody coach. Yep, admittedly and proud of it.
    It's something I do part time and am fortunate that I don't need the money.
    By day, I'm a toxicologist and age group triathlete with multiple finishes up through the half iron distance.
    A lifelong friend of mine lost nearly 80 lbs with p90x, insanity, and asylum. I had gained 30 pounds after
    A traumatic event and had finally convinced myself it was time to do something about it. So I did p90x
    Lost the 30 lbs in about 7 weeks and dropped to about 12% body fat without shakeology. Yes without!
    I entered my first tri in over 5 years and broke a personal best by 7 mins. After eating healthier than I ever have
    I was still having digestive issues and had multiple doctor and specialist visits. In short, I was told to eat better.
    But I was eating better! I was taking fiber supplements and stool softeners just to not be in pain. So after dropping to about
    8% body fat and in the best shape of my life and eating healthier than I ever have in my life I ordered shakeology.
    After two weeks I was off all the fiber and stool softeners. It made a dramatic difference in my quality of life. So I use it.

    Well said. I hate all the negative comments about anyone or any pruduct, that someone uses to get healthy. If it works for them, that is what getting healthy is about. Im not a BB coach. I have Les Mills Body Pump and love it. I finally did get shakology, after thinking about if for over a year. I thought it was expensive, but decided to try it. I wax a terrible junk food junkie, binger. Always have been. After drinking it for one week, it killed all my cravings. I have not had any junk food or sugar, since drinking it. And i do not crave any. My energy is up, im not tired in the afternoons, any more. It has helped my digestive sytem, and i feel good drinking it knowing it is full of vitamins. It is expensive, but for me, totally worth it.