Can't lose. Urgent help please

When I first started dieting (4 years ago) I was 156 lb. ( 5"5 feet tall). I was diagnosed as overweight and followed a healthy nutritionist diet and lost 28 lb. in about 8 months and then maintained my weight for 3 years. Last year I decided I didn't like how my body looked, and I decided I want to lose 15 lb more. So I started the nutritionist diet all over again, but this time it had no effect. I didn't lose a single lb . So then I decided I would really limit my calorie intake and increase my exercise. I used to have about 500 calories a day and went to the gym daily and I lost the 15 lb. through out 2013 summer.
Now since I started a new life style (college and stuff) I deviated from the diet and I constantly binged every 2 days! I couldn't maintain a certain diet, even the starvation one. So now I gained all what i have lost in summer. I tried dieting (the usual starvation), but again it has no effect (provided I walk daily ). So now, I thought about following the nutritionist's diet again, but what's terrifying me is that it has more calories than my starvation diet(but healthy calories). I'm afraid to gain more. What should I do? I need help please.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    You're damaging your metabolism. When you severely limit calories, your metabolism adapts over time by slowing down, and when you binge, you take in a large amount of calories, but then when you go back to severe calorie restriction immediately, your metabolism keeps slowing. You're not doing yourself any favors...
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    With respect, I don't think you need any help, I think you know exactly what you should be doing. You know that your "starvation diet" isn't the answer. You're on MFP, so presumably you want to give this calorie-counting way of eating a go. Just eat at a sensible calorie deficit, make sensible food choices most of the time and do exercise you enjoy.

    You know what has worked in the past, you just need to get past this small fear you have.
  • I'm aware my metabolism is damaged as a result of all the starving, but what's worrying me is that if I increase my calorie intake, I'll gain more instead of lose since my metabolic rate is already low.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    So why not increase calories gradually back to normal levels, at the same time as keeping up a sensible activity level. The human body is amazing, your metabolism will heal itself if you give it time by just increasing gradually.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm aware my metabolism is damaged as a result of all the starving, but what's worrying me is that if I increase my calorie intake, I'll gain more instead of lose since my metabolic rate is already low.

    So write down lessons learned and mistakes made - look at that to not do it again.

    For instance, prior diet was hopefully correct for that weight then, but now it wasn't. So you merely needed to do what you did then, and cut calories a little bit more.

    So now eat at maintenance for a while - that's how you recover. And slowly back off the exercise to sustainable level, what you enjoy and can do long term.

    If the current amount you eat is maintaining your weight - guess where maintenance is?
    Kind of scary huh, because to keep losing with screwed up body would mean eating even less with current level of activity.
    Meaning your future maintenance is likely current level of eating and activity - is that sustainable to keep the weight off?
    Doesn't sound like it with the binges.
    So don't even think about trying to repair and lose at the same time - unless you enjoy stress and no progress.
    Just accept the fact of what you did, and fix it right.

    So increase calories every 2 weeks by 100 extra daily, from whatever you eat in total now.
    Know in your brain that even if your metabolism did not increase to what you are eating, it would take 35 days of eating 100 over maintenance to gain 1 lb of fat.
    Reread that. Because your metabolism will increase.

    You will gain fast water weight - same water weight you lost fast when you went in to diet. It was coming back no matter what, so don't sweat it.
    But since it's in the muscles - you shouldn't visibly see it.

    Set MFP to honest non-exercise activity level, weight loss goal to maintain.

    Start working your way up to that level.
    When you are eating at your maintenance level for 2 weeks, then start logging exercise.
    Log your exercise as 90% of whatever was shown, and eat those calories back too. But only 100 extra calories at first for 1st week. Then 2nd week 200 cal back. Ect until you are eating the complete 90% of the burn back.
    Now you are eating at non-exercise and exercise maintenance, or TDEE.

    Then you can take 1 lb per week weight loss goal, which would be reasonable for 10-20 lbs to lose.
    When you get to 10 lbs left, you switch to 1/2 lb weekly.
  • BurntCoffee
    BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
    If you are really seeking to recover from ED then I really think you should find a nutritionist and therapist with experience working with someone with an eating disorder. Also, look for support groups through the University you attend. I know that The University of Texas had several groups like that. It will help to be able to have someone to talk to that understands.
  • BurntCoffee
    BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
    I'm aware my metabolism is damaged as a result of all the starving, but what's worrying me is that if I increase my calorie intake, I'll gain more instead of lose since my metabolic rate is already low.

    So write down lessons learned and mistakes made - look at that to not do it again.

    For instance, prior diet was hopefully correct for that weight then, but now it wasn't. So you merely needed to do what you did then, and cut calories a little bit more.

    So now eat at maintenance for a while - that's how you recover. And slowly back off the exercise to sustainable level, what you enjoy and can do long term.

    If the current amount you eat is maintaining your weight - guess where maintenance is?
    Kind of scary huh, because to keep losing with screwed up body would mean eating even less with current level of activity.
    Meaning your future maintenance is likely current level of eating and activity - is that sustainable to keep the weight off?
    Doesn't sound like it with the binges.
    So don't even think about trying to repair and lose at the same time - unless you enjoy stress and no progress.
    Just accept the fact of what you did, and fix it right.

    So increase calories every 2 weeks by 100 extra daily, from whatever you eat in total now.
    Know in your brain that even if your metabolism did not increase to what you are eating, it would take 35 days of eating 100 over maintenance to gain 1 lb of fat.
    Reread that. Because your metabolism will increase.

    You will gain fast water weight - same water weight you lost fast when you went in to diet. It was coming back no matter what, so don't sweat it.
    But since it's in the muscles - you shouldn't visibly see it.

    Set MFP to honest non-exercise activity level, weight loss goal to maintain.

    Start working your way up to that level.
    When you are eating at your maintenance level for 2 weeks, then start logging exercise.
    Log your exercise as 90% of whatever was shown, and eat those calories back too. But only 100 extra calories at first for 1st week. Then 2nd week 200 cal back. Ect until you are eating the complete 90% of the burn back.
    Now you are eating at non-exercise and exercise maintenance, or TDEE.

    Then you can take 1 lb per week weight loss goal, which would be reasonable for 10-20 lbs to lose.
    When you get to 10 lbs left, you switch to 1/2 lb weekly.

    Wow, what a terrific response. There are some really great people here. Listen to this guy. Don't do what I did and do this for over 25 years. It really can mess you up both emotionally and physically.
  • cadaver0usb0nes
    cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
    You need to up your calories to fix your metabolism. You may gain a bit at first for the first few weeks but then your metabolism will start working again and you can get healthy and lose weight in a healthy way. You have to reset your metabolism from your starvation diet before your body will work properly.
  • Thank you guys for your help. I guess I'll increase my calorie intake gradually :D great thanks again!