Calorie deficit + daily exercise and I GAINED??



  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I wouldn't stress about 1 lb. Weight fluctuates throughout the day. My weight fluctuates by a lb every day. I 'gain' and 'lose' a lb in just a matter of hours. It's normal for weight to do that. Especially if you're nearing your time of month, haven't used the bathroom, just showered, just ate, or depending on sodium intake.
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Remember muscle weighs more than fat. Also your weight goes up and down through out the day. I always weigh Monday mornings after using the restroom. Don't let that 1 lb get ya down!

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. Muscle and fat differ in density but a pound is a pound. A pound of butter does not weigh any less than a pound of broccoli.

    Edited because I forgot to add this - Don't freak out. Your weight will fluctuate. As long as you are eating good and working out you'll get there. ;)

    When I saw... someone said muscle weights more then fat... I was wondering just how long someone would jump on that... it makes me want to scream every time I see someone correct someone else for saying it... most and I'm saying MOST people are smart enough to know a pound of lead weights the same as a pound of marshmellows....
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I guess I should also note that I weigh in every morning after I wake up and use the restroom/before consuming any liquids or food. Seeing a consistent loss every day no matter how small was at least motivation on the tough days.

    Every day the typical person takes in 13 pounds of oxygen, water, and food, on average, and excretes about the same amount in liquid and solid wastes and carbon dioxide. (If you're losing weight, you'll excrete more than you take in; if gaining weight, vice-versa.) However, those are averages. Daily fluctuation can be as much as 5 lb. due to water retention, the amount of fiber, constipation, etc.

    Even someone losing 2 lb./week will lose, on average, only 4.57 oz. each day. That's an order of magnitude less than your daily oxygen, water, and solid waste fluctuation. If your weight has dropped every day up until now, that's very rare.

    Here's a typical month (August 2013) in my daily weight log (using the Hacker's Diet Online site by John Walker):


    Note that the daily weights (blue diamonds) go up and down. But the trend (the red line) is almost always going down. That month there were only 3 days out of 31 when my weight was above the trend line - a clear sign that I was losing weight. But if I looked only at daily weights, I might have had a meltdown after seeing my weight go up every day from the 20th to the 24th.

    If you're going to weigh yourself daily--which I recommend, by the way--you should do two things:

    (1) Read the chapters on "The Rubber Bag" and "Signal and Noise" in The Hacker's Diet (free online at

    (2) Use a spreadsheet, Walker's site, or to calculate an exponentially smoothed weighted average, and use that to assess how well your weight loss is going.
  • cadaver0usb0nes
    cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
    Did you gain a lb in one day? If so then that probably is just normal fluctuations and not actual WEIGHT GAIN. You shouldn't weigh every day, only once a week or less.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I've not read the whole thread, I'm sure someone has already said this but i'll say it again..

    a pound overnight is waterweight. nothing to fret over.
  • KeyOfJ
    KeyOfJ Posts: 9
    The first time I starting trying to loose weight I lost 43 lbs, but gained 23 lbs in muscle. Since you are already leaner than most, maybe it was just an increase in muscle.

    I look forward to the day when there is only a 1 lb difference in a day.

    Do not fret over it.