Just Curious

nic632 Posts: 295 Member
Hi, I've started 2 challenges, one where you weigh in on a Thursday and another where you weigh in on a Saturday. When I weighed in on the Thursday scales showed I'd lost .75lbs (or 3/4lb?) and on Saturday showed 1.1lbs (or 1 1/2 lbs?) Sorry if this isn't right, it's just that I'm used to working in stones and lbs.

I've started eating healthier and exercise 6 days a week (all cardio) and just out of curiosity I weighed myself this morning and it showed that I'd put 1 1/lbs on since Saturday, despite working out yesterday. I know that weight can fluctuate from day to day and it could be water retention, but 1 1/2lbs in 1 day seems quite a lot.

One thing I did do during the week was limit my carbs and my tea last night was all carbs (with a few veggies), and supper (which I don't normally have) was weetabix (again carbs) cos I got hungry. I know this sounds silly, but could this have anything to do with it? Oh and I was in calorie deficit too and have been all week.



  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    1.5 lbs isnt much, easily could be water weight. i went drinking on friday and went from 203 to 215 in one night. back down to 204 today, im sure i still am retaining some water from friday still

    could also be food in your digestive tract, i think humans have something like 8 lbs of excrement in their bodies at one time
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    my weight can swing 7-8 lbs a day with water weight and food intake. I think its normal to see a slight increase when you start working out, as your body holds on to the water to help repair itself. And yes, if you are limiting carbs through the week, and then splurging with carbs it will affect water weight also (at least that is what I gathered from reading various forum posts)
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    Sounds lovely! :smile:

    Anyway, I was just about to edit when saw your post (BigT555). What I had last night was a medium jacket potato, 200g baked beans (which some class as protein too, but I don't), 2 slices of mozzerella cheese (which obviously isn't carb) and a leek. It doesn't sound like a good combination but the leeks needed eating and there wasn't anything else that could eat it with - I'm going shopping today though to fill the cupboards.

    Thanks for your advice, and glad you got rid of the weight gain from Friday night.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    If I start drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day (which I haven't been doing), would that help in the meantime, or is that basically long term? Just thinking about weigh ins later on in the week, that's all.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    If I start drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day (which I haven't been doing), would that help in the meantime, or is that basically long term? Just thinking about weigh ins later on in the week, that's all.
    yea more water will help flush out your system of sodium and whatnot that makes you retain water
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    Thanks to both of you. I do make sure I have a couple of glasses of water before I workout so don't get dehydrated. I guess the amount I'm sweating afterwards is just taking it out of my system so will need to take a few afterwards too.

    I sooooo love water - not!
  • rsoice
    rsoice Posts: 212 Member
    I've tried to limit my weigh in to no more than twice a week because even though it's just 1 - 1.5 pounds it can be discouraging. If I give it a week I can actually see what I'm doing. I have started weighing on Mondays though to make sure my weekend of debauchery wasn't too devastating.
  • gourmanda
    gourmanda Posts: 7
    I find my weight can fluctuate 1.5kg (4lb) from morning to night. All it takes is a few meals, a few glasses of water, and not having gone to the bathroom yet. Don't lose heart!
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    After my son went off to school I went back to bed cos didn't sleep well last night (and don't work on Mondays). Anyway, after the disappointment from this morning, when I got up a couple of hours later, I decided I'd weigh myself again to see if scales were accurate (which before now I've weighed myself 3 times in a row when I've been surprised at what they've said and they've always said the same) and it showed I'd lost 1lb!

    However I'm not taking that into account cos I always go off what I weigh first thing in the morning, wearing the same thing - undies (though obviously not the same ones each week).