Looking for success stories of 5'4" mommas!

I just had my 4th baby and the weight is not coming off. I see a difference in my clothes but not on the scale. Anyone have success stories of losing weight after babies? I'm 170lb right now and would love to get down to 130 but 140 is my goal. Pic, diet and exercise tips would be great. Thanks in advance.


  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    I'm not a 'success story' yet, but also have 4 kids, started around the same weight and am the same height as you. Right now I've gotten down to 158, and my goal was 150. Add me if you'd like!
  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    BarbellBlondieRuns Posts: 511 Member
    I've been at it for over 2 years. Slow & steady wins the race. :D


  • @barbellblondi. What weight did you start at and what are you now? You look terrific!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" and had my second baby May 16th 2013. I was around 190 lbs at the end of pregnancy and 170 lbs after my 6 week post partum check up. The most important thing is finding an appropriate deficit for you and sticking to it. Log everything. I do weightlifting 3x a week and when in weight loss I did a few days a week of light cardio like dancing games and walking. I'm now 116 lbs and working on my first bulk to gain muscle ;). I've got before and afters in my profile pictures. You can do it! Just stick to it ♡ here's a helpful link that was very instrumental in my success

  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    BarbellBlondieRuns Posts: 511 Member
    I weigh about 140 right now. It varies, of course.

    I run (I started by walking, then C25K, now I'm signed up for a half marathon)... I lift heavy weights (the key to reshaping your body)... and I count calories. Check out the scooby TDEE calculator to see how many calories you should eat. It'll give you your TDEE (how many calories you need daily to maintain) and then it'll show you 20% less which is what you should eat for weight loss. It may seem high to you but it'll put your body into a happy weight loss zone. Keep refiguring your TDEE every 5-10lbs.

    No gimmicks, no pills, no special programs. Track what you put into your mouth. Challenge yourself physically. Weight loss doesn't need to be expensive or stressful (in fact, stress will hault your weight loss). Get plenty of sleep & stay hydrated.

    You've got this!
  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    BarbellBlondieRuns Posts: 511 Member
    I like Sugarylynx' link that she posted. Definitely get a nice digital food scale. It's absolutely required for accurate calorie tracking. Measuring spoons & cups too. But nothing beats the scale! :)
  • jaimiemm
    jaimiemm Posts: 4
    Hi I'm in the same boat as you. I did do the slimfast diet about 8 years ago and took off 16 pounds in 5 weeks. I had no problem keeping it off but then I got pregnant with my 2nd child and I am now the biggest I have ever been aside from pregnancy. I'm at 150 so I decided I was going to try the slimfast diet again and count those calories. Part of my cause of weight gain is because I was a waitress my whole pregnancy and had planned on going back to work after my daughter was born but I didn't and she will be 2 next month. The weight has slowly creeped up and I decided to get it off. I weigh more now than I did after having her :( I know age plays a part in it too. I'm 37 and it seems like my metabolism is just slowing down. I started my slimfast 5 days ago and try not to go over 1200 calories a day and drink 64 oz of water a day and have lost 3 lbs already so I think it might be jump starting my metabolism which is truly what I wanted to happen. I stay active having a little one who doesn't ....lol but I will stick with it and lose my last 17 lbs and if you do it slow and steady you can get it off and keep it off. It's a lifestyle change not really a diet. You can do it. Best of luck and just stay positive. You got this!!!
  • calahcarlock
    calahcarlock Posts: 15 Member
    I've been at it for over 2 years. Slow & steady wins the race. :D



    So amazing! You look great! Very inspirational to me right now!
  • michellematlick
    michellematlick Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'4" and a mom of 4!!! For some reason, I always feel like I'm the only one out there. I had no problem taking the weight off the first two times, but now I am STRUGGLING! I'm down 19 pounds but I still have a ways to go. My goal weight is 130 but I would be extremely happy if I could just get down to 140. I do feel stronger. I hiked for about an hour yesterday with my 12 month old on my back. I also went for a jog last week. Embarrassing, I know. That's the extent of my exercise. I feel like a slacker because I know that I need to be lifting. I'm just so flabby and soggy. And by the way, I have a gym membership that will watch my youngest two kids while I work out. When will I start taking this seriously?

    Can all of you ladies add me as a friend? Maybe I just need some motivation and support?
  • mom2my4boys
    mom2my4boys Posts: 148 Member
    Another 5'4, 32yr old, mom of four here. Feel free to send a friend request girls. I've lost 85lbs in the past year or so. I still have another 40lbs to go to be considered at the top end of my "healthy" weigh range, according to BMI.(i set myself a goal of 100lbs in one year, according to my ticker) Slow and steady wins the race.I'm learning to run, i lift heavy things, I track my food intake. I'm learning to think of food as fuel (i'm an emotional/boredom eater) and i'm trying to stay away from the foods my young kids like.(goldfish, apple juice et all) I've found by switching my foods from processed foods to whole foods, it's been fairly easy to stay under my calorie goal. (i'm not a "clean" eater, i love me some junk foods!) I always preferred fruit n veg to the hamburger helper/fries/mac n cheese/sloppy joe's diet my boys like and somewhere in the last 10 years, it just got easier to make and eat what they like. I'm finding my way back and trying to expand their food choices in the process. The best piece of advice i have for you is not to get lost in the jumble of everyday life with 4 kids. Remember you and your goals matter too. If the laundry pile is one load higher but it meant you got a great workout in, so be it!

    BarbellBlondi- I needed to see your pic today. Thanks for the motivation!
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I actually just posted my sucess pics yesterday...(simply titled "My before and after pics")
    I'm 5'4, have had a child, started at 146lbs and now 119lbs! Still working on toning and now maintaining where I'm at.
    I did it in about 5-6 months.
    You can too...takes determination!
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