Confidence, Weight Loss and Fitness!

Hello all,

I am not sure if anyone feels the same way, however after 5 years of trying to lose weight, trying every diet under the sun and trying to get fitter, I have come to a conclusion as to why I have not quite suceeded - CONFIDENCE! Or lack of...

I have found that the more weight I have gained and the more I've tried to lose it the more I've lost my confidence. When I first started Weightwatchers I lost 5lbs in the first week! This really inspired me and so I joined the gym, but when I got to the gym (bearing in mind I used to love the gym when I was in my late teens/early 20's) I found it really daunting. I found myself looking around at other girls who were clearly a lot slimmer and more fitter than me and also, I love weights, but could never go onto the weights because all the men seemed to gather around that area of the gym and chat which meant that I could never get to the benches or anything like that. After a while I stopped going and even though I'm still doing WW, I'm struggling to keep my motivation because its 1lb here and there. Sometimes I might stay the same, although I rarely gain which is a good thing.

Anyway - I thought that losing weight and getting fitter would help my confidence but its such a slow process and I don't feel anymore confident now than I did when I first started.

How do you keep going and keep confident and motivated.

Does anyone have any confidence building tips while on this path to a healthier and slimmer life?

Any tips and advise would be greatly appreciated :-)


  • RuthBriscoe25
    Hi Stephanie

    My journey has been going on 15 months and I have lost over 2 and half stone and my confidence is great I hold my head up high cause I set myself realistic goals and didnt let what other people where doing phase me.

    When I have had a bad day I just make sure I keep logging and focused and I know if I have over eaten calories I will need to go and work out as I want it so badly.

    It has been slow with some weeks not even loosing anything but dont give up if your anything like me there is no going back.

    With weigh loss your confidence will come just be proud you have found your way here and you are doing something about it.

    Hope all goes well

    Ruth :)
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I do what I like. I like to run and walk so I do a lot of it. I also like to go to the beach, hike, bike, etc.

    About food. I still eat the types of food I like. I just eat the lower cal, healthy subs! Let me know if you need examples.

    I eat weekly cals instead of daily so I can save a couple hundred here and there for if there is a party or I'm going out on the weekend. That way I don't feel deprived.

    Good luck!

  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    I have the same gym issues. I walk. Going out on my route I get lost in my own little world and enjoy reconnecting with nature. Maybe I will eventually go back to a gym, but it won't be during peak times.

    Now for second of soap box. I've read some great books on motivation and goal setting. If your goal is "lose 70 pounds" you will fail. It's too vague and long term. Instead set little goals that are actionable (your behavior makes it clear whether or not you reach your goal, outside actors are eliminated). So my goals are little ones (and greatly tied to my FitBit). I will walk 10,000 steps today. I will walk at least 5.0 miles today. I will land below my calorie goal for the day. I will drink my water for the day. Well look in one day I reached 4 goals. Yea me! I rock! If I mess up? Well tomorrow I can try again. Ready for a bigger goal? A week is probably the longest you want to stretch it. "I will do all my scheduled workouts this week." Get enough of those bigger goals, time for a treat! (massage, pedicure, movie night)