Sticking to my calorie intake lost weight but gained 3 lbs

First time post .
Hi to all members . I had a question I have been sticking to my calorie count. I have been losing weight . I weigh myself every Monday . This week I gained 3 pound
I'm puzzled

I have not gone past my calories . Actually I end up always short about 200 short . Could I not be eating enough? I in the past have lost a lot of weight doing the south beach diet . But this time I want to do it with a balanced meal . I do avoid sugar and eat little carbs .
Any advise would be greatly appreciated .


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Weight can fluctuate to that degree. Give it another week to see how it goes. How many calories are you eating in a day? Also, are you exercising along with dieting?

  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member

    Weight loss isn't linear.

    Make sure you are tracking your food appropriately - weigh and measure EVERYTHING, no guessing or estimating" - stick with the numbers, and you will see your weight trend down over time.
  • theJTfitness
    theJTfitness Posts: 142 Member
    Weight can fluctuate. What I watch for in weight is just a trend of losing. Are you weighing things accurately? Tracking everything like condiments and bites here and there? If you are, then just keep doing what you are doing and be patient.

    I wouldn't assume that you were eating too little. A lot of people on here are quick to say "you aren't eating enough calories." 99% of the time that's not the case.
  • funnytoe
    funnytoe Posts: 2
    Thanks guys .
    This is the first time I actually keep track of calories and a log. But im no stranger to the weight loss game. Im over weight cause of my carelessness .I have a very fast metabolism so my whole life I have been on a rollercoaster. But now that im older I have to stop and live a healthy lifestyle. I have no trouble at all knowing what to eat. I also measure everything. I haven't had any issues with running out of calories. As a matter of fact I find myself at the end of the day eatting more so I won't end up too low on calories I ate.As of right now I'm not doing any workouts .I don't like working out till I hit about 185 lbs from there I start of slow till I get my cardio up. But I do have a job that requires alot of physical activity. Everything from power walking about 2 miles a day or more. To climbing up ladders , stairs and lifting. Im just got over the burned out feeling from adjusting to the calorie intake. Now im starting to feel a lot more energy. I know I'm not building muscle yet that's why I was puzzled this morning when i weighed myself and saw I gained 3 pounds.