Yesterday was a bad day (food)....

It was great because it was mothers day and I got to spend it with my wonderful children, mother, father, and inlaws. I will start off by that =)

But Here is my day. Hubby asked what I wanted for breakfast (not knowing we were going out for dinner) I told him I wanted the south west bagel sandwich I like from Einstein Bagels. So he made it for me ..280 cal. Lunch he took me to Ruby Tuesday. I had a bowl of the chicken tortilla soup with no chips ( I think it was 8 oz). Then I had the salad bar. Which I did very healthy. So mother in law calls and invites us to Olive Garden and kids are begging to go lol. We go , have not been there in months!

I got the spaghetti in meat sauce and had 1 bread stick. Pasta was 720 cal bread stick was 140. Stick ok in cal for the day but more than my normal. I made MIL a banana cake for Mothers Day and she gave me a SMALL piece. Havnt had cake in FOREVER! And it was small!!! So I ate it. Came home and did the nutrition in it...515 cal!!! OH MY LORD I was over! I tried to go walking, only did two laps but I was so sick from the food. I guess I am not used to eating like that anymore.

Now today...I just feel awful. I have had such a good streak and I washed it away yesterday.

So how was your day?


  • gert1985
    gert1985 Posts: 53 Member
    You did fine. It's one day and you enjoyed yourself and spent it with your family.
    Today is a new day.
    I had a pancake my son made me, reheated slice of pizza, Doritos, Pepsi,
    lasagna and rhubarb cake. Not a good day by any means, but I was
    down a pound today. Go figure !
  • Nathalia2009
    Nathalia2009 Posts: 75 Member
    I was so scared to weigh myself lol....but I will tomorrow morning and see what the damage is lol
    You did fine. It's one day and you enjoyed yourself and spent it with your family.
    Today is a new day.
    I had a pancake my son made me, reheated slice of pizza, Doritos, Pepsi,
    lasagna and rhubarb cake. Not a good day by any means, but I was
    down a pound today. Go figure !
  • _rachel_k
    _rachel_k Posts: 243 Member
    Happy Mother's Day!

    That's how I feel about my food choices this weekend. Saturday morning I had tea and my bf made me oatmeal with raisins for breakfast then I didn't eat anything until supper (but I did have 3 beer) and we ended up having pizza. Before bed I ate a slice of the pizza I had left over. Sunday I left his place (after 2 more pieces of my leftover pizza) around 10 and went for groceries.

    Needless to say the container of pringles, half the yogurt, almost 1/4 of the pistachios, and 6 of my Special K fruit crisp bars (3 packages) were devoured between 12 and 5 pm (thank goodness I had a nap for an hour and a half in that time frame).

    I even skipped my hour cardio this morning. I weighed myself when I woke up and was a whole 2 lbs heavier than I was on Friday. :mad: I'm sure kicking myself for skipping my cardio. (I also didn't drink a lot of water this weekend)
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Aww - one day will not wash away all your efforts and your good streak - you made sensible choices given the celebration and did well. Just get back to normal today and you will be fine - life happens - celebrations are to be enjoyed

  • kimmcb
    kimmcb Posts: 2
    Hi Nathalia, I've just read your post about having a heavy calorie day - if you've had a good streak where you've kept to your calories, chances are yesterday won't have altered your weight. I sometimes find when I'm sticking to the calories rigidly that I need a day off and that boosts my metabolism and weight loss in the following week. You've got to have days with the family where you don't feel like you're on the outside while they enjoy themselves. I bet you'll be fine!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I went over yesterday, too, for Mothers' Day, and I have no regrets whatsoever! After work we went to my favorite Indian restaurant where we had pakoras and samosas for an appetizer, and I had paneer tikka masala for my entree. Ate ALL the rice they gave me with it, and drank a salted lassi for good measure. Followed up with carrot halwa for dessert. Made a guess that the dinner was 1300-1500 calories.

    It's okay to enjoy yourself once in awhile. Just get back on track, and DON'T punish yourself. Just go back to your normal regimen and carry on.
  • Nathalia2009
    Nathalia2009 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi Nathalia, I've just read your post about having a heavy calorie day - if you've had a good streak where you've kept to your calories, chances are yesterday won't have altered your weight. I sometimes find when I'm sticking to the calories rigidly that I need a day off and that boosts my metabolism and weight loss in the following week. You've got to have days with the family where you don't feel like you're on the outside while they enjoy themselves. I bet you'll be fine!

    Thank you !
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    You did fine! You made plenty of smart choices. Life wouldn't be much fun if you couldn't splurge once in a while when it really counts.
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    Sounds like a perfect day to me. You are blessed with lots of family that love you and wanted to show it. Savore it and drink lots of lemon water today as I'm sure you had lots of salt intake.

    Happy Mother's Day!!
  • katwinfree
    katwinfree Posts: 76 Member
    Dont be so hard on yourself. It is one day and it won't kill you. You didn't do that bad. Just get back on tack today and move on. Yesterday was a bad eating day for me. I told myself to enjoy it and I didn't even attempt to count what I ate. Those 6 beers I had didn't help either! I felt sick to my stomach last night because I'm not used to eating like that. I got up and worked out this morning. Mother's Day is once a year!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    A couple of days ago I went to this Jazz concert, and naturally we had to go for dinner afterwards. 1400 something calories in one meal! Take that diet!

    Not sweating it though. One higher calorie day will not erase all the lower calorie ones I had. Plus, I just happened to be super busy that day and did not eat much throughout the day so this 1400 calorie meal happened to still fall within a deficit.
  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member
    Eh. It's one day. Drink a lot of water today to flush out all the sodium, and carry on. You'll be fine. One crazy day is good for the soul. For real. :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I looked at your diary, and you weren't over by much at all. You were probably still below maintenance. I know it's not nice to get the red, but there's really nothing horrible about going over once in a while, like on a special occasion or holiday, and yesterday counts. Some people even like to take the occasional break and eat at maintenance. The only problem would be if you were regularly going way over maintenance and wiping out your deficit for the week, and you weren't anywhere close to that, even for the one day.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You're still below maintenance. Not a huge deal at all.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I was so scared to weigh myself lol....but I will tomorrow morning and see what the damage is lol

    I suggest that you wait a couple of days. The extra food in your digestive system and the extra sodium could easily cause you to retain more water than usual and you don't want to see that, even if it is very temporary.

    Splurging on a special day is not going to derail all of your hard work and is good for the soul.
  • melissarmonroe
    melissarmonroe Posts: 30 Member
    I was over all weekend and ate like I did before joining my MFP (with a little healthier choices mixed in). But I'm not worried about it. I need to allow myself breaks once in a while! Back at it today!
  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    Its ok. Today is a new day :) Just eat like u always do and u will be fine. I went over yeaterday also but it was Mothers Day and I deserved it :)
  • timd3560
    timd3560 Posts: 4
    I gained 7 lbs of water weight since Thursday (birthday weekend). I've done it before and sometimes its what your body needs to get out of a plateau / rut and restart your weight loss. Don't sweat the water weight and get crackin again on Monday.
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    Your eating wasn't that bad and you don't do it every day. You are fine.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Oh boy :) If you want to see what being over looks like..check out my Sunday ;) I ate over 4000 calories.

    Don't get discouraged for one day. The scale might be up a little bit but it's going to be just temporary. Being over by a little bit happens, it's normal and one 'bad' day is not going to derail your whole effort. Life happens, special occasions happen, surprise dinners happen. The trick is to enjoy it, don't let your 'diet' ruin your life. You won't have another Mother's Day 2014 again, but you have the whole rest of your life to eat a teeny bit less.

    One day of being over by a little bit isn't going to make you fat, eating like I did on Sunday everyday would :p
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    a crazy day is necessary every once in a while - it's good for the soul and it helps jump start your metabolism so you can have major gains afterwards.
  • bunnypanther
    bunnypanther Posts: 110
    I was a piggy yesterday and Saturday involved a fair bit of wine!! Was a tad over maintainance I believe both days so I'm having a fast day today.

    Am doing good, 2 cups of tea and a cuppa soup at lunch and lots of green tea and water, especially as someone bought us cakes and chocs at work (I hid them in the fridge) but I am looking forward to my dinner enormously!!!
  • donnarogers6211
    donnarogers6211 Posts: 19 Member
    Today is a new day. Just get back on board. You are doing great
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    My son and his GF took me for sushi I had one glass of wine, Lobster Dragon Roll and Edamame.

    I didnt want to go out for dinner so my husband took me for ice cream cone ( I had the kiddie cone) then I picked up a personal deep dish pizza w/ extra tomato sauce from Lou Malnatis (Chicago restaraurant) and I washed it down with an entire bottle of Vueve Cliquot Champagne.

    I felt not one ounce of guilt!!!! LOL!

    Oh and I didnt log any of it! Now what!!! LOL!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It was great because it was mothers day and I got to spend it with my wonderful children, mother, father, and inlaws. I will start off by that =)

    But Here is my day. Hubby asked what I wanted for breakfast (not knowing we were going out for dinner) I told him I wanted the south west bagel sandwich I like from Einstein Bagels. So he made it for me ..280 cal. Lunch he took me to Ruby Tuesday. I had a bowl of the chicken tortilla soup with no chips ( I think it was 8 oz). Then I had the salad bar. Which I did very healthy. So mother in law calls and invites us to Olive Garden and kids are begging to go lol. We go , have not been there in months!

    I got the spaghetti in meat sauce and had 1 bread stick. Pasta was 720 cal bread stick was 140. Stick ok in cal for the day but more than my normal. I made MIL a banana cake for Mothers Day and she gave me a SMALL piece. Havnt had cake in FOREVER! And it was small!!! So I ate it. Came home and did the nutrition in it...515 cal!!! OH MY LORD I was over! I tried to go walking, only did two laps but I was so sick from the food. I guess I am not used to eating like that anymore.

    Now today...I just feel awful. I have had such a good streak and I washed it away yesterday.

    So how was your day?

    Awful mentally or physically?

    Just log it and move on. If it's physical, take some Tums; you'll feel better tomorrow. If mentally, just move on. One high calorie day won't ruin your progress.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Here, to make you feel better. This is what I ate this weekend:

    -Breakfast at IHOP (French toast with regular syrup, two scrambled eggs with cheese, hashbrowns, and a vanilla iced coffee)
    -Dinner at Outback (Between 1/3 and 1/2 of a Bloomin' Onion, a piece of bread, half of a side Caesar salad, 6 oz steak, sweet potato with butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon, and about 1/3 of a Chocolate Thunder from Down Under dessert)
    -Snack (two Blow Pops)

    -Breakfast (Quest bar)
    -Lunch at Bellacinos (half pizza grinder with Parmesan sprinkled on top and a side of fries with ketchup)
    -Snack at Walmart (a sample with a sliced strawberry and about 1 T of that new Jif chocolate spread)
    -Dinner at McDonalds (double quarter pounder with cheese and a medium fry)
    -Dessert (a big Oreo milkshake)

    Now that's what I call a "fat weekend," and it was awesome. It ended up being about 4000 calories on Saturday and 3500 calories on Sunday, though that's just an estimation since I didn't weigh/measure anything. My weekend intake is always higher than weekdays because I save my exercise calories for Saturday and Sunday, but I only go crazy like this one weekend every 1-2 months. Average over the week was around maintenance, so I don't expect to see a loss or a gain this week. It was so totally worth it, but still easy to get back on track today. :)

    And no, I absolutely have no plans to "make up" for it by fasting to dropping my intake this week. Business as usual.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    You had a cheat day in other words. Really one day isn't the make or break for any of us, and you need not feel guilty. you enjoyed the day and now you move forward with your plan. Even a really excessive day isn't likely to be that bad in the greater scheme of things. Look at your week overall shave a bit here and there and bring the week on track