Hi From MI

Hi everyone I am Jason from Michigan, I am a single parent of some pretty awesome kids. I have a Masters in Accounting, and work in that field for the government. I also volunteer what little time I have as a firefighter/paramedic. You would think that I would be in somewhat fit condition, but that is not the case. I just became lazy over the years and then with a nasty divorce on top of it, my eating and lack of exercise took off.
I have been on and off the My Fitness website a few times in the last two years or so, I start off all gun-ho and then after a few months, I get sick of having to post to my food journal, so I stop, and then I stop counting my cals and stop watching what I eat.
I really think this is my last chance to do anything about my weight, besides I would really like to look good again and get back to dating.
Well I wish you all good luck on your journey.


  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    Hi Jason,

    I grew up in Montrose, Mi but I currently reside in Indianapolis. I'm a single parent too, but share weekly on/off custody with their dad. I tend to stick to my calorie goal much better when I don't have their snacks in the house. I DO need to weigh my snacks, one ounce of Doritos isn't very much!

    We all have days we don't want to journal, or don't want to exercise. Once you start making some progress, you'll be more motivated to stick with it.

  • Hi Jason!

    I live in the thumb area, and completely relate to your story... I also have been through a recent divorce, and the pounds just keep adding up on the scale. I agree that logging/journaling can be a tedious process... I like the barcode scanning option on the smartphone app ~ quick and easy :smile:

    Hang in there... one day at a time, right? :smile:
  • stevefisher4274
    stevefisher4274 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Jason. I too feel like this is my last chance to do anything about my weight, so let's not waste it. We can do this. We can control what we put in our body, we control whether we go for a walk or sit in front of the TV. I have only been logging my food and exercise for 3 weeks, but I am approaching it as if it is a simple math problem.

    Calorie Goal + Calories Burned - Calories Consumed = Net Calories.

    If I keep it simple, in my mind anyways it keeps it achievable.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hi Theresa,

    I live in Chesaning, just a few miles from where you use to live. I think the worst part of posting to the food journal is trying to find the food in the look up area. I use the barcode scan on my iPhone as much as possible but sometimes I can not get the darn thing to work.
  • Hi Steve,

    I normally do not count the calories burned, I do not really know why...LOL...I know that ideally I should be so i am not starving my body, but so far i keep losing. I normally will add my exercise stuff on at the end of the day when I am all done, normally it is only 1 to 2 hours of metal detecting so anywhere from 220 to 500 cal burned for the day. In the end it all works out, since every now and then I might grab a hand full of nuts or something that I do not put in my log (because I forgot or too lazy to hunt down the cal count) so those cals I burned end up going towards that little snack.
    I manily use this site to keep track of my weight so i can see the dates I weighed in and what it was. other than that I am not to hell bent on loging my food, I do try if I am out with family or friends, but when I am at home or work, i pretty much know what my intake is since I plan out my meals. but if I am someplace other than that I will log so i know what the heck I have got left or if I need to hit the road for a run.
  • Well I just noticed that for some reason when I hit reply under the comment that others make it puts my comment as a post and not under the user that I am talking to. Not to sure why, this does not seem right to me.
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    Well I just noticed that for some reason when I hit reply under the comment that others make it puts my comment as a post and not under the user that I am talking to. Not to sure why, this does not seem right to me.
    Did you use Reply? Or Quote? Quote is the way to get the original message. I usually crop out the chatter, and leave only the bits I want to reply to.

    As far as meals, I find I eat the same things over and over. It's easy to go in my Recent foods and just reselect them. I find this is easier in the app than through the website. On the website, it list the last 4 pages of items. In the app, I can start typing and it'll bring up all the matches to select from.