When should I register for my first 5K?



  • rebeccatackett
    rebeccatackett Posts: 37 Member
    when you find one of interest sign up!

    I signed up for the Color run which is more of a fun run then a competitive run last year (doing it again this year)

    normally its good to book in advance to have the best rate, the closer to a race the more expensive the ticket/room for participants

    a more difficult 5k would be the one I am doing in 12 days...the Spartan Sprint...that's a 5k + obstacles....oh boy i am going to get hurt
    WooHoo Spartan!!! I'm registered for one in July, did the Charlotte Spartan Sprint last year, and I have completed 15 total races since October 2011. 13 5k's, 1 Spartan Sprint and 1 small OCR.

    My fastest 5k time was the last one I did at Color Me Rad a couple of weeks ago, I timed myself and got under 32 minutes.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    you are ready now. what a way to celebrate your birthday with a 5K. good luck and have fun.
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    Dooooooo it!
    And whatever you do, don't be nervous. You will absolutely not be the slowest/most out of shape/last person to cross the finish line/only person taking walking breaks/etc. 5k races are super fun!
  • chemteacher1987
    chemteacher1987 Posts: 68 Member
    Honestly, I say you should sign up for one when you are ready. There really is not guideline to when you sign up after you complete an exercise program or something like that. I definitely say that if you do wait until June, keep training for it.

    Last year I signed up for one and did not get as much training in as I would like and ran it in 43. This year I have been training and I definitely hope to get it under 40 when I do my 5K in June.

    Good luck to you!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    You're doing the distance now....so why wait?

    As far as how far in advance, that depends. If it's a smaller race where it's a "check in the mail" type of deal, I like to get that in the mail a good 10 days out to give enough time for delivery, processing, etc... so there are no surprises at check in. If there is online registration, I've done that 24-48 hrs out. I try to stay away from race day just because that table is usually pretty crazy, and the fee tends to go up.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Why wait? Sign up now! If you go on the race website they should have the date when registration closes. Sometimes they will even have registration on the day of the race.

    There's absolutely no reason why you can't do a race right now. Besides that you always run your first and race your second.

    +1 to that
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    when you find one of interest sign up!

    I signed up for the Color run which is more of a fun run then a competitive run last year (doing it again this year)

    normally its good to book in advance to have the best rate, the closer to a race the more expensive the ticket/room for participants

    a more difficult 5k would be the one I am doing in 12 days...the Spartan Sprint...that's a 5k + obstacles....oh boy i am going to get hurt
    WooHoo Spartan!!! I'm registered for one in July, did the Charlotte Spartan Sprint last year, and I have completed 15 total races since October 2011. 13 5k's, 1 Spartan Sprint and 1 small OCR.

    My fastest 5k time was the last one I did at Color Me Rad a couple of weeks ago, I timed myself and got under 32 minutes.

  • steen1121
    steen1121 Posts: 3 Member
    I would say sign up anytime!!

    I just started walking/jogging about two months ago and I can walk/jog (wog) 3 miles in about 45 minutes. I just registered for a 5k in June. It gives you something to look forward to and I know personally it will give me a big sense of accomplishment.
  • toconeledoux
    toconeledoux Posts: 17 Member
    To quote Nike: Just Do It. I have run 6- 5K races in the past 6 weeks. I am not fast, I do not run the entire thing, but I am finding with each race it gets easier, I am having so much fun, I am getting faster. I have made so many friends and the in person support is a blessing. So, if you find a race that appeals to you...sign up and go. You will not regret it! Happy Running!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    There is an event on my birthday, which is about 15 days away, but I'm wondering if I should wait until the events in June, to give myself more time to train?

    Stop procrastinating and get on with it ;)

    And well done on the time, that's a creditable start point, you're unlikely to be at the back of the pack on a 35 minute 5K
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    Can't beat this answer.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    OMG!!!! What others have said: TODAY!!!

    Listen... When I started working out was: July 4, 2012 I remember it well because my friends asked me to do a 5k with them on that day. Previously, I had NOT worked out at ALL!!! I had lost some weight through not eating properly (divorce issues). I DID that 5k with NO prior workouts. It took me almost an hour but I finished it! That began my workout routine and led me to lose over 100 pounds! I since gained a few pounds back, but am losing again.

    soooo.... WHY WAIT?????????
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    There is an event on my birthday, which is about 15 days away, but I'm wondering if I should wait until the events in June, to give myself more time to train?

    Stop procrastinating and get on with it ;)

    And well done on the time, that's a creditable start point, you're unlikely to be at the back of the pack on a 35 minute 5K

    My only squabble with the birthday run is that it's on a Monday, which means finding a babysitter will be a challenge and I'll have to go on my own. :/
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    There is an event on my birthday, which is about 15 days away, but I'm wondering if I should wait until the events in June, to give myself more time to train?

    Stop procrastinating and get on with it ;)

    And well done on the time, that's a creditable start point, you're unlikely to be at the back of the pack on a 35 minute 5K

    My only squabble with the birthday run is that it's on a Monday, which means finding a babysitter will be a challenge an I'll have to go on my own. :/

    No more making excuses! (okay the babysitter is legit - but you can definitely go on your own!!) Book it!

    Or check if they allow strollers and take the kid with you.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Hey again, everyone! Back with more running questions. I completed C25K about two weeks ago and have since then been timing my 5Ks. I can now run 3 miles in 33 minutes and am looking into signing up for an actual event, but I'm not sure if it's too soon? There is an event on my birthday, which is about 15 days away, but I'm wondering if I should wait until the events in June, to give myself more time to train?

    Also, how long in advance should you register for runs? I didn't find out about the one on my birthday until last night, but with just two weeks left until, I'm not sure if it's enough time to get signed up.
    Not too soon at all.
    Our local gym doe a C25K class. Those who join run their 5k within 2 weeks of the class being over. They add in the price of 1 5k into the class fee and they register you in one of the first 2 local 5k events.

    Go ahead and find one and go run!!! You will LOVE IT.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I am registered to run a 5K on Sept 20. I registered about a month ago. I haven't started training yet. (I'm getting my sneakers today or tomorrow and plan to start the C25K program Thursday) So it's never to early to sign up! :laugh:
  • redtreediary
    redtreediary Posts: 69 Member
    Sign up! At 33 minutes, you'll come in with the big pack in the middle. I did my first yesterday, and it was fun. (Even though now I've got a sunburn :/ )