What did your day one look like? I'm just starting!

I'm just starting today, kind of lost but I I know I'm ready! I was just wondering, for those of you have lost weight allready, how did your day one look, or your first week, what did you do, did you plan & prepare or just go with it? I need and want to lose 65lbs!!

Thank you


  • abetterbrandi
    abetterbrandi Posts: 131
    I found that planning and weighing food IS EVERYTHING. You 100% have to have a food scale! Its amazing how off we can be on serving sizes. Planning your meals will make it convenient for you and convenience is success! You can do it, good luck!
  • jessimacd
    jessimacd Posts: 53 Member
    Planning and preparing is definitely the way to go! If you want to get a realistic view of where you're at calorie-wise with your current eating habits, you could eat normally and log for maybe a day, and then take a look to see where you could make improvements. Otherwise, I find planning ahead is best. When I don't plan, I end up just grabbing whatever to eat - and it tends to not be the best choice! I'll sometimes prepare something like an oven-baked omelet casserole at the start of the week, and then I have my breakfasts already figured out for most of the week. I'm just getting back into it myself after a hiatus - feel free to add me if you want.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hi, my diary is open. Go ahead and look at it. I eat everything now that I did before. Not a lot of cooking this weekend because, well, I was busy and I'm lazy about cooking. I do weigh 95% of what I eat solid food wise and measure all of my liquids and that is the key.

    Read these:
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Day goals, for me, were eat more veggies & drink more water. I picked target areas that I knew to be problematic for me. If I didn't make the effort, I'd only drink soda. NOT great.
  • klreiland
    klreiland Posts: 14
    I started by getting a general idea of what my caloric intake was by tracking for a few days.

    There are some formulas you can use.

    First of all, you should figure out your BMR (Google BMR Calculator- http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/) Your BMR is the energy (calories) that you spend on every day body functions if you were to never leave your bed.

    Then there is another calculation you can do, the Harris Benedict Calculation. This uses your BMR and your activity level to determine just how many calories you would need to consume in order to maintain your current weight.

    Losing weight is science. If you use more energy (calories) than you consume, then you will lose weight. Every 3500 calories is equal to one pound. So start building a deficit.

    Also, don't go below 1200 calories a day or you will put your body into hibernation mode which is not good for you.

    I used a formula to figure out what my daily calorie goal should be if I wanted to lose 2 pounds per week. I stay under that. (I also adjust it as my weight adjusts).

    Hope this helps!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Just eat and log, see where your calories are. Eat within your limits.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    When I started logging my food on MFP I had already been eating somewhat healthy but honest logging of 100% of my intake showed me a lot really quickly - like sodium in restaurant meals, and how high sugar a lot of things in my diet were (stuff I never even thought about having sugar in them). While I am not a slave to any macro (such as fat, fiber, sodium, carbs, sugar, etc) and regularly go into the red on some of them, it showed me some areas I thought I was doing well in, I wasn't, and some areas I thought were fine, needed attention.

    But as for the first day or week...I stayed pretty much on my normal path, to get a baseline idea of what I needed to do differently. I remember the very first day I went out for Starbucks and had a huge latte and I also ate 2 pieces of fried cheese from a deli and I wasted a lot of calories that way. Within a week or so, I found that I was choosing more wisely and feeling much more satisfied with my food intake.

    Planning ahead is good. It's nice to have go-to meals on hand that don't leave you scavenging for snacks or grabbing fast food. I don't think fast food is evil or anything...but for me it's nice to take the guesswork out of breakfast and lunch by having healthy, balanced, home prepared meals so that I can have more flexibility when it comes to dinner.

    One thing to remember is that a loss of 0.5, 1, or even 1.5 lb per week will seem pretty slow. But it does add up. I've been logging every day for 14 months now and have lost 78 lb but I did not have that initial crazy loss that some people talk about. You may experience that--great!! But don't fret if you're down just a couple of pounds in a month. It pays off long term! Good luck!!!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    When I first started I read all the beginners sticky's and tried to get a handle on how to adapt the information to my situation.

    Since then I've adjusted my diet, exercise, macros and expectations many times and now I don't think too much about any of it. I just eat small amounts throughout the day and weigh myself once a week. I also make my food ahead of time so I can just grab something tasty and nutritious (most of the time) as I run out the door.
  • ShannonKing5
    ShannonKing5 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much, everyone for the tips and suggestions! I'm ready for this! :)