I'm back again

Well, I am back again and fatter than ever. :-). I signed up for myfitnesspal earlier this year and I kind of got burned out on tracking everything so I was like, "I can do all of this on my own without tracking." Needless to say, I have found that to not be true, as I do believe I weight more now than I did back then. I am bound and determined to lose this weight this time and I do have something to shoot for...a vacation that I'm taking with my family in September of this year. I know I probably won't be able to get it all off by then, but I can sure put a dent in in it.


  • graceflower33
    graceflower33 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, I'm also back again. Family problems keep putting everyone in front of me. I'm back and feel like I'm in a place where I can put myself first. Let's help each other.
  • MissyV16
    MissyV16 Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck on your journey!
  • curvyladybumps
    curvyladybumps Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning! I too am back at it starting today. Like you, I got sick of tracking everything. It gets so monotonous, but it does keep is responsible! It's easy to not think about how many calories this has and how many calories that has when you don't actually see the numbers before you put it in your mouth. Oy. Best of luck to you!
  • K. Sounds good!!
  • Thanks!!
  • It is really easy to just look past those little bites of things that we put in our mouths that do add up. I did Weight Watchers a few years ago and did really well on it, however, I got tired of tracking, and losing and gaining the same 1.5 pounds, so I quit. Needless to say, I have gained all my weight back, plus some. For years I keep saying, "I'm gonna start that diet on Monday." Well, Monday comes and I start it, and do good until about Wednesday or Thursday, and that's usually when the wheels fall off, and I splurge, all the while thinking, "I'm gonna start __________ diet on Monday, and I will get this weight off of me." I'm only hurting myself the longer I put it off, though, so, here I am. ????
  • leanerjane
    leanerjane Posts: 8 Member
    I'm back again too after gaining the weight I lost plus some. I was doing so well when I was tracking. I also was a WW member and got tired of all the money I was spending. I wish losing weight was as easy as gaining it but unfortunately it's not. I'm determined to stay "on track" this time. It only takes a few minutes to track your food and there are so many entries it's not hard to find exactly what you're eating. Wishing all of us good luck on this "on again" adventure.