Peanut butter!

i dont know why but i have a real weakness for peanut butter, i spread it on crackers, rice cakes, even stir it into yoghurt. i like to have nuts in my diet since they are a good source of protein and healthy fats and my diet consists of healthy foods, so i always buy it organic and 99% peanuts, yet somedays i just have so much -once i had nearly 1/2 jar, but was very sick after. i have tried to take it out of my diet completely but it doesn't feel the same without it - i know, this probably sounds crazy.
every time i try to reintroduce it , i always start well but after a while i can never learn to control it, what should i do??
any tips and advice???


  • moondazed
    moondazed Posts: 73 Member
    I would suggest PB2. Otherwise, cut it out completely.
    For me, I even ate PB2 like crazy! It's low in fat and calories, but I still couldn't help myself from eating half the jar in one day. Maybe you'd have better luck with it, though. :) It tastes just like peanut butter, and even comes in a chocolate version!
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    Scoop out a tablespoon, put the peanut better back in the fridge! You have the willpower to do it!!!
    Mix it with plain greek yogurt the flavor lasts longer.
    Ps almond butter is also awesome!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Either going to have to embrace the mind-over-matter concept, and just portion out a serving and put it back in the fridge (maybe keep it way back in the fridge where it's out of sight and not so easy to grab), or don't keep it in the house. I tried PB2 and the chocolate PB2 last year, but didn't care for them. They tasted too salty for me, so I gave them to my friend and she loves it. Just a matter of taste I guess. A few months ago I started making my own nut butters, and I only make a small amount at time, so that helps me not go overboard on them.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Ah, yes, I can relate. They're good fats and they taste so good, but you can pack on the pounds with it. I love walnuts and pecans and almonds and just about every other type of nut, including peanut butter. I buy just the plain peanut butter, no added sugar or salt or anything else, and I do my best to make it last. I have to keep all my nut stash in the freezer so they're not easy to get into. I hide the peanut butter (and the almond butter and the cashew butter) so it's not in plain sight. Over time, I've learned not to eat more than two (rather large) tablespoons at a time. I spoon it out into a little container I use, then I put the jar away. I use the same container to portion out nuts and seeds, and put the rest away. There are several other foods I have to treat in this manner, because I'm a natural over-eater; that's why I struggle with weight. I love to eat and I don't eat just to quell hunger. So I'm here to learn a new attitude about food in general, and temptation foods specifically. It takes practice and patience but it can be done.
    For the record, if you like real peanut butter, don't bother with substitutes. I feel the same way about mayonnaise. When I want mayonnaise, I want the full-fat real deal, not any of that disappointing fake mayonnaise. I didn't like PB2 either. When I want peanut butter, I want real ground peanuts in their own oil. Yum!
    And what a good idea poster mygnsac had -- make your own nut butters and make just what you need at the time.
  • raintail8
    raintail8 Posts: 18
    Same! I LOVE peanut butter lots! Now, as far as limiting oneself… ah, that is the trick. Perhaps if you put the peanut butter into small containers (like the ones you use to put ranch in to go with salad; the tupperware ones), then it will make it easier to limit yourself to a couple a day. Good luck! I hope that this helps!Enjoy your peanut butter :)
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    What might help is to buy your peanut butter in individual servings instead of a jar of it. That way you can portion it out better! Justin's sells packets of their honey peanut butter, my favorite. I keep them in my desk at work!
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    What might help is to buy your peanut butter in individual servings instead of a jar of it. That way you can portion it out better! Justin's sells packets of their honey peanut butter, my favorite. I keep them in my desk at work!

    Pre-portioned PB is your friend.

    I wonder, what is your daily fat intake like? Are you perhaps undereating fats and that is why you seem unable to stop eating it?
  • 1FearlessFighter
    1FearlessFighter Posts: 114 Member
    the fats that are in my diet daily are from nuts (about 50g), olive oil (1 table spoon) and from oily fish and of course nut butters, i have made my own nut butters and they were so much better than the shop bought ones ( i usually mixed different ones like cashew and coconut) not to mention how much more cheaper it was , but also resulted in 10 broken food processors :)
  • 1FearlessFighter
    1FearlessFighter Posts: 114 Member
    i just wanted to say thanks to everyone that contributed to this page, a few days after posting this i thought i'd give it a go and buy some again and i know just take it out, measure a tablespoon, mix it into whatever, put it back, and im done! i feel amazing, and it has also helped me to control my portions in everything, just made about a kilo of THE BEST nut butter ummmm, cashews, almonds and coconut and im so happy right now, let this be a lesson for everyone in anything; if you have a problem, just tell people to get it out of you and to stop lying to yourself, THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!!