When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    An acquaintance of mine that I hadn't seen in a year asked me if I was pregnant. When I told her no, can't be (tubal ligation), she actually argued with me. "Well honey, you've got such a belly, you might want to take a pregnancy test!"

    That hurt. I've been big most of my life, but other than actual pregnancies, no one has ever just assumed I was pregnant.
  • kmtbeaulieu
    kmtbeaulieu Posts: 33 Member
    Watching my 69 yrs old mother die of diabetes. Herself and myself thinking it's just an ailment nothing serious...it is
  • Mauthos
    Mauthos Posts: 128 Member
    I was always fit and healthy, even when I was diagnosed diabetic I was trim and very fit. However, over the last 3 years my relationship fell apart, I ended up on insulin on top of the tablets and had 18 months fighting for access to my daughter. In that time I piled on the weight and never really noticed until I spotted a picture someone had taken of me when I was on holiday.

    It shocked me and I decided it was time to sort my life out, so being single I had plenty of time on my hands so sorted the diet and rejoined a gym. Fast forward 6 months and I have lost a total of 24kgs so far, no longer require insulin (and even may be able to drop the tablets too) and all my friends and family are commenting on how much better I look. And most importantly I have great access with my daughter with the fitness levels to do anything she wants. Not stopping now, another 10kgs and I'll be happy.
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    Burnout. Stress. Broke.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    A combination of things, as it would be for most people.

    1. I began working closely with patients in a hospital and seeing people in their 40s and 50s die from preventable diseases and lack of compliance every day.
    2. I developed a binge eating disorder. I would eat an entire pizza and then 6 doughnuts, or a bag of 10 McDoubles with a box of chocolate chip cookies on a normal weekday to de-stress.
    3. I was diagnosed with a genetic heart condition that can cause sudden cardiac death.

    I added things up finally. I was one of those people who would die in their 40s or 50s from something that could have been prevented/controlled by proper diet, exercise, and regular doctor's appointments. Once I got past the general "that can never happen to me" phase, things just clicked.

    Resting heart rate has been lowered from a high of 144 to 68, I'm down 40lbs, my blood pressure is under control, my EKGs look great, and my labs are perfect. I'm still working hard to improve my health and make sure that I'm not one of those people. Death is inevitable, but I don't have to beckon it.
  • suzyvinbarrie
    suzyvinbarrie Posts: 8 Member
    year after the divorce. time to get up and get at it. Not looking back:laugh:
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    at the age of 33, having to lay down for over 5 mins because i was out of breath after walking up 13 stairs, i found this utterly ridiculous and decided enough was enough
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    My diagnosis of Type-II diabetes at the age of 40 is what kicked my butt. I have a family history, so you'd think I would know better. When the doctor told me, all that I could think of was what happened to my father (he had his foot cut off because he didn't take care of himself and his diabetes went too far).

    That's when I realized - it was either the food, or my feet. And I kind of like my feet.

    115 pounds later, I am controlling my diabetes with diet and exercise alone. Still have 85 pounds to go, but I'm over the "hump" and it's all down from here.
  • sabrinalee8
    sabrinalee8 Posts: 45 Member
    My last straw came when I found standing up for long periods or walking even short distances became difficult. Although I think it had more to do with the fact that I spent a lot of time in my last job sat at a desk so wasn't exercising, I decided enough is enough.

    Also, getting divorced after my husband cheated on me with a slimmer woman nudged me in the direction of getting fit too. If not for that reason, it was for my own happiness and health/well being.

    I lost my grandpa to pneumonia brought on by a stroke caused by years of unhealthy lifestyle choices in January 2012. I don't want to go that way and the only person who can prevent that is me.

    EDIT: The other motivator was a photo, like it usually is... My wedding photo in fact. I was a huge lump in a full length purple gown. The wedding was a Vegas drive through wedding, so the photos were taken on the grounds of the chapel and in the back of the limo. It didn't hit me how big I actually was till I saw the photos.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    seeing myself in a full body mirror sitting down.
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    my breasts would block blood flow to my arms when ever i lay on my side. Was getting painful and really scaring me. At that point i was up to a 44 Hcup ( and 230 lbs) and had enough and decided to lose so the girls would shrink.
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member

  • wolfie640
    wolfie640 Posts: 49 Member
    Watching my dad lose part of a foot through diabetes and pulling muscles in my lower back was my catalyst to shake things up.
  • CrystalQ222
    CrystalQ222 Posts: 63 Member
    Last straw was going on my daughters school field trip and being caught in pictures that were posted to FB. As I never take pics I was mortified. That was a hard day. I cried all day and was so embarrassed. I vowed never to go on a field trip again and I haven't. Even after losing 38 lbs, I don't feel ok enough to go on any. That picture pushed me over the edge and I almost ended my life that night :( ....luckily I pushed through it and I am trying to lose weight. 38 lbs so far, it's not much but it's something. :)
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    We had a health fair at work several years ago. I weighed 241 with 30% body fat and was considered obese. When I read about all the risk factors in the literature they provided, it freaked me out to think that I might not be around to see all my son's milestones.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    when i saw how sloppy i look :0