Questions regarding weight loss with MFP and Fitbit

I have been using MFP for about 2 weeks steady now and I was eating around 1400 cals a day and immediately lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks (I know this is a lot, I was never starving), I was not working out but I started a very active job being a hotel housekeeper last month which means I am always moving. I decided to get a Fitbit flex to see just how much I was really burning and I set myself a goal of 2 pounds per week which means 1000 cal deficit in a day and I burn roughly 3000-3400 according to my Flex which means that MFP automatically gives me an extra 500 or so cals to eat in a day when it syncs with my Flex, in the last 2 days I have eaten those extra cals and have gained a pound a day (checking my weight at the same time every day).

I guess I am wondering if anyone here uses a flex and if they allow themselves to eat as much as the flex says they can? are you loosing weight? I am concerned that I am over eating and ruining my chances but at the same time, I don't want to under eat if I should be eating closer to 2000 cals a day, plus I really don't mind eating the extra food hahah.


  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I also use a fitbit. Have had one for almost 2 years. Originally I was eating back everything too. Before I go further, let me tell you that you have not gained 2 lbs in 2 days. That is very likely water retention caused by a new intense 'workout routine' in this case, your new job. It will come off again in a few days, keep your water intake as high as possible-without getting carried away.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    I have a Fitbit One and I eat back my calories. I am losing an average of 2 lbs a week, but I have only been at this for a little over a month.
  • terralala
    terralala Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the info, I think I am just sad to see an increase at all after consistently having a weight loss and a significant one for 2 weeks. I guess for now I will go back to my 1400 cals a day just to be safe.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I also use a fitbit. Have had one for almost 2 years. Originally I was eating back everything too. Before I go further, let me tell you that you have not gained 2 lbs in 2 days. That is very likely water retention caused by a new intense 'workout routine' in this case, your new job. It will come off again in a few days, keep your water intake as high as possible-without getting carried away.


    You didn't actually gain 2 lbs in 2 days. Weight fluctuates, water weight happens, many variables why it looks like you gained...

    Eating back all your fitbit calories may or may not work for you - it's probably too soon to tell. I eventually unlinked my accounts because it didn't work for me, but I've seen dozens of people on here where it works perfectly for them.
  • terralala
    terralala Posts: 13 Member
    I have heard the Fitbit One is more accurate then the flex which is what I have so I am a little concerned about the accuracy of my cals burned . the more I read the more I think I will play it safe for now, I may be a little less strict on myself though and leave a little wiggle room, I would gladly eat the extra cals it gives me though if I knew I could hit 2 pounds lost a week :)
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    I have a flex and I eat back my calories. I'm ALWAYS under on the fitbit dashboard, but my weight loss has stalled this week. I gained 1 lb. So I'm going to give it 6 weeks total on plan and re-evaluate with math to figure out where I should be eating.
  • terralala
    terralala Posts: 13 Member
    I have a flex and I eat back my calories. I'm ALWAYS under on the fitbit dashboard, but my weight loss has stalled this week. I gained 1 lb. So I'm going to give it 6 weeks total on plan and re-evaluate with math to figure out where I should be eating.

    I'm always under on the Fitbit dashboard as well but the last few days I have been eating 600 cals more then I was originally eating and I just can't help but feel like I'm going to regret it if I keep following fitbits guidelines.
  • I use a Flex and MFP. I try not to eat back my calories if I can and if I do, I try to eat things like fruit or vegetables so I'm going with the healthy habits and that seems to help. I've been on a pretty solid plateau with my weight for about 5 months but I do the body measurements and I've lost inches still so I know there's going to be some variations with water weight and muscle weighing more than fat. You're also really early on, so there's going to be some fluctuations in your weight until your body gets used to your new activity level.

    I definitely agree, drink lots of water! Good stay hydrated especially since you're adjusting to a new activity level.
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    I'd be concerned that the Flex is not accurate. Since you said you do housekeeping at a hotel, I'd imagine you are moving your hands a lot during the course of the day and I know that Fitbit Flex bands have been known to false register arm movement as steps. Maybe try eating back 50-75% of you fitbit calories and see how that goes.
  • KatyRu
    KatyRu Posts: 55 Member
    I'd be concerned that the Flex is not accurate. Since you said you do housekeeping at a hotel, I'd imagine you are moving your hands a lot during the course of the day and I know that Fitbit Flex bands have been known to false register arm movement as steps. Maybe try eating back 50-75% of you fitbit calories and see how that goes.

    This, plus I'd also recommend checking whether you have the dominant hand setting on the correct hand. If you're concerned with registering too many hand movements (a few extra steps due to hand movement is not a huge deal, however, as I notice a very large underestimation with my flex--it'll miss around 10 steps for every 100 I take), set it to "dominant" even if you wear it on your nondominant hand. When set to "dominant," the flex is less sensitive to movement, and you're more likely to underestimate rather than overestimate.

    As a side note, even when using a heart rate monitor to calculate burns, I rarely if ever eat back the full amount of calories. I don't trust that my body actually burns that many. :)
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    I've been eating mine back with my flex.

    This being said, I have 1lb per week (0.8lb on MFP) set as my goal weight. Really, I'm hoping for 0.5lbs so I have wiggle room when it comes to calories. I'm also only netting 1200 and, as this is so low nutrition-wise, I prioritize eating back extra calories.
  • terralala
    terralala Posts: 13 Member
    I'd be concerned that the Flex is not accurate. Since you said you do housekeeping at a hotel, I'd imagine you are moving your hands a lot during the course of the day and I know that Fitbit Flex bands have been known to false register arm movement as steps. Maybe try eating back 50-75% of you fitbit calories and see how that goes.

    This, plus I'd also recommend checking whether you have the dominant hand setting on the correct hand. If you're concerned with registering too many hand movements (a few extra steps due to hand movement is not a huge deal, however, as I notice a very large underestimation with my flex--it'll miss around 10 steps for every 100 I take), set it to "dominant" even if you wear it on your nondominant hand. When set to "dominant," the flex is less sensitive to movement, and you're more likely to underestimate rather than overestimate.

    As a side note, even when using a heart rate monitor to calculate burns, I rarely if ever eat back the full amount of calories. I don't trust that my body actually burns that many. :)

    This was a huge concern of mine before I bought it, last night I switched my settings to "dominant" while still wearing it on my non dominant hand and I see a 3000 step difference between the first few days and today which has me very concerned, I may try a day with it in my pocket and see how that goes, I love the flex so far but if it is really inaccurate for me with this job it might be worth returning :/
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Lots of water weight going on - that is my theory. From sodium, hormones/time of the month, and from taking on a more active routine. Give it time.

    Since you're aiming for a big deficit, I would eat the extra allotted calories if I were you or at least most. Highly unlikely it would be off by enough to eat up your 1000 calorie deficit, and Fitbit can't determine intensity. So it would give you the same credit for walking up a hill as it would for walking flat. (The Flex does not measure incline.) I use Fitbit w/ MFP and have it set for a 1 pound/500 caloires per day deficit. I make sure to end up in the green (for some extra calories) and I eat many of them - still leaving an extra 50-150 or so. Losing steadily. But that doesn't mean every day/every week is a loss. My profile pic is my weight loss over 3 months. On my page I have a snapshot of my daily weighins over a 1 month time span. If you take a look you'll see ups & downs but the overall trend is the month went down.