Is the damage already done?



  • MzOnree
    MzOnree Posts: 124 Member
    I wondered the same thing when I started at 26. I was morbidly obese, 100 pounds overweight, and had just been diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. I felt so old- I was exhausted, slow, and in pain. I had been fat my entire life, was teased, always on diets, doctors telling me I was too fat, you name it, I heard it. Feeling so awful and being diagnosed with this illness so young was certainly a catalyst for me. But no pictures of thin people, no books, no pep talks motivated me to actually do it. I found that outside "motivation" only frustrated me. It took me YEARS to lose that weight and I went through cancer treatment in the middle of it, but I just kept on going. I just kept doing my thing: working out, making good food choices most of the time, and knowing that it was worth it because of the dramatic improvements in my quality of life. I did it for me, on my own timeline, and through trial and error. I would do it the same way again.

    I likely did do damage to my body, hence my illnesses, but it could also just be bad genes. They don't know. It's also not my fault that I was raised by people with horrible eating habits and didn't know any better. But I stopped any further damage that could be caused by a bad diet and being sedentary. It's only too late when you're dead. Seriously.

    Did you notice her last sentence? Everyone here has given you excellent advice, progress and results. You are moving in the right direction Ducks! Keep doing what you are doing! ;o)
  • AtticWindow
    AtticWindow Posts: 295 Member
    Not much of the damage you do to your body with gaining weight is irreversible. Just keep at it and you'll get healthier. That's basically a guarantee.

    And random fact: Three years after a smoker quits smoking, their risk of heart attack is the same as someone who has never smoked. So really . . . it's rarely too late to help yourself.

    To add, for OP's other example of alcohol addiction, your body also generally recovers from that as well. Your body can and will heal itself from these substances and lifestyle choices as long as you're willing to make the effort to help it.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I have started losing weight. I am pretty young. I have been fat for most of my life. I have lost 20 lbs but been in a rut. I worry that the damage is already done (not to say that I shouldn't lose the weight). I am upset because I feel like being fat for most of my childhood has already taken to toll on my body. I worry that it's too late. That I can't be healthy like people I know. Almost, like a smoker or maybe alcoholic? Even though I " quit" i still did the damage. Is this true? I have 80-100 lbs to lose. I've only lost twenty. I just would like to know if I've done the damage and really messed up my life ( irreversible damage). I don't have any diseases. But I didn't eat well. I'm 220 lbs now.

    let's use your example for an example.

    if an alcoholic showed up right now and asked you if they should not bother quitting what would your answer be?
    what about if a chain smoker showed up?

    I dont' remember where but I read once that the lungs can and do repair themselves after a person quits smoking. To what extent I don't know. Regardless I beleive they are better off if only for not inflicting further damage. Same with the alcoholic. What if he quits today and tomorrow was going to be the day he fell asleep at an intersection while driving drunk and died in a wreck? He should have quit today then, no?

    Now for you what if in 6 months you have this "irreparable" damage but you are more thin and fit and able to deal with and manage it better. Would that not be better? I don't even think this is the case though.

    This person reversed sleep apnea

    Search "NSV's" in the search box to find threads of ppl who have made gains other than scale numbers and bikini pics that were affected by their health improving from weight loss. Maybe you will find one that pertains to you and whatever damage you feel you face from your past weight.

    Good luck in your goals. Keep them. They become reality. If you let them.:flowerforyou:
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    You are only 18! You have a lifetime ahead of you and you have a young body. Get it done now so you can have a full and happy life!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    It's never ever too late. The glorious thing about this journey is that you can restart any time you want.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    "It's only too late if you're dead."

    Truer words have never been written.

    You're 18 years old. Your life has barely even begun, so it's definitely not too late.
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    who knows?

    But why not be the best you can be now?

    I didnt start this until I was 40. That was two years ago and it has been worth every minute. I choose me, and you should choose you because you are worth it.



    I would just like to say that 20k posts is quite impressive :laugh: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member

    From this point forward, stop wasting energy hoping for a better past. You just need to keep making the better choices for eating and exercise, and make those choices as often as possible, for the rest of your life, and your body will respond in kind. It might take many months or years, but the changes WILL happen, and your body will love you for it.

    Keep it up!
  • AllieBear88
    AllieBear88 Posts: 170 Member
    I have 100+ pounds to lose and often find myself in the same rut. The best way to keep going is to look at little at a time. At least, that's what I am having to do. I'm focusing on 20 at a time. Even a 20 pound difference is good. Just looking at progress pictures by others has shown me that. It's SO easy to become overwhelmed by the bigger numbers like 80 or 100. Try not to focus on that. Heck, if you can, try not to even focus on numbers, but how you feel, how your clothes feel, etc. Just don't give up!
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    It is never too late! I started the diet/quit/regain cycle when I was young – I didn't successfully change my lifestyle and lose weight until I was in my late 30's. The only "irreversible" damage I have done was not allowing myself to experience my 20's and 30's fully in a healthy and active body. Stick with it!
  • beabria
    beabria Posts: 541 Member
    I think we all wonder this sometimes (I know I do!), but ultimately, it doesn't matter. Maybe you (or I) have done damage and maybe we haven't, but if we don't change our habits, it is guaranteed that we will. But, we can prevent future damage and improve any previous damages by the changes we make now.
    [Also, for a bit of perspective, it's worth noting that every decision we make, weight-related or not, affects our life quality and health. Our lives are the sum of so many little things. No sense in getting hung up on the past, just try to shoot for improvements in the future.]
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    It's absolutely not too late! There are so many documentaries out there and well researched books that demonstrate what can happen when you change your nutrition and exercise habits. Don't lose faith - you are young and your body is amazingly adaptable. Keep it up!
  • catruledquilter
    catruledquilter Posts: 48 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I have started losing weight. I am pretty young. I have been fat for most of my life. I have lost 20 lbs but been in a rut. I worry that the damage is already done (not to say that I shouldn't lose the weight). I am upset because I feel like being fat for most of my childhood has already taken to toll on my body. I worry that it's too late. That I can't be healthy like people I know. Almost, like a smoker or maybe alcoholic? Even though I " quit" i still did the damage. Is this true? I have 80-100 lbs to lose. I've only lost twenty. I just would like to know if I've done the damage and really messed up my life ( irreversible damage). I don't have any diseases. But I didn't eat well. I'm 220 lbs now.

    I'm 62, and, like you, have had weight problems all my life. The only time the scales said I was at a healthy weight, I was NOT healthy due to very poor eating habits and a cigarette smoking habit. My weight really went up when I quit smoking around 25 years ago, but I wouldn't go back to smoking for anything.

    You will have ups and downs with the scale...look at how much you've accomplished...20 pounds is nothing to laugh at. Give yourself time and be consistent in weighing and logging your food along with doing whatever exercise you can do comfortably. Don't forget that how your clothes fit is also an indicator of how you are doing. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same but have very different volumes. Google "visual: pound of fat v pound of muscle" without the quotes. You might be making a lot of progress but just don't see in with the scale.

    Those of us who have battled weight problems for most of our lives may be destined to always fight that battle to one degree or another but the long term health benefits are worth it. When I went in for my semi-annual checkup (yeah, I'm at THAT age), my doctor was thrilled to see I'd lost a few pounds compared to my previous checkup. He doesn't have a weight goal for me...just to keep doing what I'm doing and see him again in September. :smile:
  • Fat2FitMyDrive
    Fat2FitMyDrive Posts: 83 Member
    I think quite simply the fact that you are here asking for advice is evidence enough that you aren't happy with you. That is the biggest benefit from all this... Your happiness! Becoming more aesthetically pleasing to yourself (and maybe others if that's a personal goal), being healthier in general, having more energy, Living life instead of passing time, and growing your self worth are HUGE! You have to do this for you and simply starting this thread and being here tells me YOU WANT THIS! It won't be easy, but it will be worth it! Start today... Invest in yourself, Invest in your happiness!
  • Heirgreat
    Heirgreat Posts: 262 Member
    Ho my you are so young and getting it together now---good for you---no damage is not too late-- you can and will and are doing it now--good for you!,Time is going to go by and if you do this you will succeed there isn't any other way it can be! Keep logging food move more and don't watch scale too closely it will slow at times and even stall- but if you are moving watching the I ntake you will only succeed! Can't wait to see your progress you've already done well-- keep going don't wait till you are "old" LOL like me at 51 yrs old trying to get it together- do it now! Good for you. And by the way I do see progress Keep going!
  • catruledquilter
    catruledquilter Posts: 48 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I have started losing weight. I am pretty young. I have been fat for most of my life. I have lost 20 lbs but been in a rut. I worry that the damage is already done (not to say that I shouldn't lose the weight). I am upset because I feel like being fat for most of my childhood has already taken to toll on my body. I worry that it's too late. That I can't be healthy like people I know. Almost, like a smoker or maybe alcoholic? Even though I " quit" i still did the damage. Is this true? I have 80-100 lbs to lose. I've only lost twenty. I just would like to know if I've done the damage and really messed up my life ( irreversible damage). I don't have any diseases. But I didn't eat well. I'm 220 lbs now.

    I found an article online that you might be interested in seeing. It might give you the confidence you need to succeed.