Trying to Drop Alot

So, I'm kind of new to the Forums part but have been steadily using MFP for 45 days strong now. I am shooting to lose around 100lbs by September and a final goal of around 220lbs, hopefully in less than 2 years. My starting weight was 425lbs and am now at 401. I am working out regularly 3 days a week of mostly treadmill walking 2 miles + now and enjoy playing basketball from time to time. My diet consists of mostly the same routine everyday, and I'm fine with that. Usually fruit in the morning, salad for lunch and usually baked chicken for dinner. Looking for some people to keep me motivated and vice versa.

- Nate


  • woolfman72
    woolfman72 Posts: 25 Member
    You can add me if you like. I am currently 34lbs down from my original weight of 276lbs . I am currently shooting for 200lbs and could always use another friend to help motivate and keep me motivated. I log every day and have been using MFP for just about the same amount of time as you .
  • jec285
    jec285 Posts: 145 Member
    100 lbs in 4 months is pretty damn lofty, gl to you on that. I was 321 on on Christmas Day, I've lost 75+ in about 4.5 months. So I won't say it's impossible but it's definitely not healthy (won't say how many calories I eat a day because people will flip), and I need to eat a bit more eventually.
  • Nate929CT
    Nate929CT Posts: 5
    100 lbs in 4 months is pretty damn lofty, gl to you on that. I was 321 on on Christmas Day, I've lost 75+ in about 4.5 months. So I won't say it's impossible but it's definitely not healthy (won't say how many calories I eat a day because people will flip), and I need to eat a bit more eventually.

    I consider it healthier than being morbidly obese, which is where I am at now. It's only 75lbs more from my total goal of 100lbs by Sept. Extreme maybe, maybe not, but I consider it an achievable goal. Good luck to you on your goals as well. Anything is achievable as long as you have the will and determination.
  • Hi, Im Christy and I weigh 189. I would like to be 155 in a couple of months maybe my July 1st. I am drinking a lot of water and eating several small meals through out the day. I had a cheat day yesterday for Mother's Day, but I have been doing great other than that since the 3rd of May. It is hard for me as well because I am around food all day, I am a server. I know under this fat I am a beautiful person inside and out, I just ant my body back. I do not like the body I have now. I am here for you and we can motivate each other. :smile:
  • Nate929CT
    Nate929CT Posts: 5
    Hi, Im Christy and I weigh 189. I would like to be 155 in a couple of months maybe my July 1st. I am drinking a lot of water and eating several small meals through out the day. I had a cheat day yesterday for Mother's Day, but I have been doing great other than that since the 3rd of May. It is hard for me as well because I am around food all day, I am a server. I know under this fat I am a beautiful person inside and out, I just ant my body back. I do not like the body I have now. I am here for you and we can motivate each other. :smile:
    I feel the same exact way you do. My thinest time was when I was in Jr. High School. Then massive amounts of stress were coming from all over the place from my parents to my friends. I gained a lot after high school and fell into depression. Recently I have been changing my life a bit at a time. More importantly, I am more happy now than I have been in a long time. Also, you can lose that weight, no problem. You just have to keep your motivation high and that beautiful person inside and out will be back in no time!
  • jec285
    jec285 Posts: 145 Member
    100 lbs in 4 months is pretty damn lofty, gl to you on that. I was 321 on on Christmas Day, I've lost 75+ in about 4.5 months. So I won't say it's impossible but it's definitely not healthy (won't say how many calories I eat a day because people will flip), and I need to eat a bit more eventually.

    I consider it healthier than being morbidly obese, which is where I am at now. It's only 75lbs more from my total goal of 100lbs by Sept. Extreme maybe, maybe not, but I consider it an achievable goal. Good luck to you on your goals as well. Anything is achievable as long as you have the will and determination.

    I didn't know you were counting the 25 you've already lost sorry. In that case I'd say yeah, it's obviously possible, I did it and you're bigger, so your BMR is higher than mine. I'd suggest walking 3 or so miles a day if you have the time to, that and a decent deficit will do wonders.
  • mamad5
    mamad5 Posts: 22 Member
    You might want to consider adding more protein to your diet. It takes more to digest. I just started the 17 day diet and lost 5pounds this week. Check into it?
  • Hey I'm Molly, I'm 23, and I have about 100 pounds to lose. I think its totally admirable what you are going to accomplish! Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi! I was 310 last summer and am under 180 right now with more to lose. Dropping a lot in a short amount of time is so difficult, but I think you can lose a substantial amount in a short amount of time as long as you really try to stick with it. I would be more than happy to support you. Also, my goal weight I'm trying to make by September, so maybe sharing a deadline with someone would help?

    Feel free to add me if you'd like, either way, good luck to you! :)
  • Travko
    Travko Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me, Nate (and anyone else). Finding motivating friends on here really does help.
  • jynxgirl
    jynxgirl Posts: 5
    I am down 60 lbs since september. I was able to lose weight quite easily without watching much of the amounts that I was eating, but keeping it relatively healthy... until I got to a wall. I upped my working out to 3+ hours a day split up into 2x a day. Sill nothing as far as weight loss. I was seeing a good deal of muscle and my body was still changing though. I decided to get a little more serious. I started using MFP about six weeks ago. I did not lose anything from end of January until beginning of April when I started using MFP. And am down about 20 lbs from just logging my food. Log log log. Stay on track and you will see the results. Feel free to add me. I love my instagram for motivation but think I should get more active on here as it is such a wonderful tool. My family thinks I am crazy. I just keep scanning everything and anything that is around :) And then put it down and say nope :) I am really enjoying MFP. So feel free to add me.