Looking for Vegans



  • Vegan here too, only way to be!
  • sarahaldinger
    sarahaldinger Posts: 74 Member
    Nearly vegan.
    Working my way toward it.
    Feel free to add. :)
  • AdryHezekiah
    AdryHezekiah Posts: 3 Member
    Vegan here! Only about 3 weeks in but looking to stick with it. I was vegan for 4 years in my teens/20s but relied too heavily on frozen and prepared foods which killed my wallet and was far from healthy. This time around I'm taking the time to really pay attention to what I eat. Cut out added sugars, white starches and a lot of fats. Been eating tons of greens, veggies, some fruit, whole grains and beans vs fake soy everything and overdosing on avocado and nuts. Feeling great! Down 10lbs, more energy and off my coffee and energy drink addiction.

    I'll post a great kale and whole grain salad recipe later!
  • Another vegan here :)
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    I eat vegan also, and we grow a lot of our food. I have an open diary. I also try to post recipes and photos on my blog http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/judydelo1
  • Hi all :)

    I'm vegetarian but looking to incorporate more vegan food into my diet!
    Any inspiration and vegan open diaries would help enormously!

  • YukiValentine
    YukiValentine Posts: 45 Member
    proud vegan here!
  • GatorUA
    GatorUA Posts: 38 Member
    Me too!
  • LauraMHartwell
    LauraMHartwell Posts: 2 Member
    And another vegan here! :)
  • Another one here too !
  • Myveganwellies
    Myveganwellies Posts: 10 Member
    I have a plant based diet too! Im really loving this app - such a great help :-)
    PS. does anyone know how to show my actual weight loss on the tracker thingy...... I lost 4stone before coming to myfitnesspal and Id really like my tracker to show it....
    my pictures show it.... but Id really like the tracker to show it when I log in!!
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    Im not a vegan I used to be a vegetarian but uni riuned that lol. I do however love vegan food but dont know many recipes besides the ones that use red lentils instead of mince. Any good recipes I would love!
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    under the community tab>go to groups tab> search vegan> enjoy! Next caller.
  • IllustratedHistory
    IllustratedHistory Posts: 11 Member
    Hello vegans! I'm vegan except for eggs (we have chickens) and bee products, and also gluten free. I would love to share recipes!
  • veaghan
    veaghan Posts: 4

    I am just committing to using MFP regularly now. I am an ethical vegan of four years now and about four months gluten free.
  • MemphisHellFire
    MemphisHellFire Posts: 38 Member
    hey, im not very creative with my meals i just use different seasoning's :P your welcome to friend me though x
  • jackie6888
    jackie6888 Posts: 21
    Whole food plant based vegan here.. following Eat to Live plan...So far so good! Feel free to add me.. I need more vegan friends!
  • amywise10
    amywise10 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm trying to get back into the Vegan lifestyle (quit the first time because my family wouldn't stop harassing me about it). I'd love to have some vegan friends to get inspiration from if you want to add me :)
  • amannduhh
    amannduhh Posts: 8
    i'm a vegetarian, and eventually will be vegan. i do eat vegan at times. feel free to add me and i would love to see some recipes shared, too :)

  • misdreagus
    misdreagus Posts: 30 Member
    Turned vegan this year and finding it really easy and I've discovered loads of new foods!