Protein Bars

dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
I am sure this has been asked Umpteenth Trillion Times, but I am not feeling the greatest, so I am just posing this here.

I have decided to start to have a protein bar on the days where I exercise. Small background: My schedule has changed quite a bit since I started this journey. I wasn't working, so I would exercise in the morning, and then be able to sustain my "eating back" calories throughout the day. Now that I am working again, I am exercising in the afternoon. The problem is that a lot of days, I don't eat a lot during the day and then exercise and then feel like I do now (kinda spacey, and drained). I usually gorge on something just to put some food in my tummy. I want to start having a protein bar BEFORE I exercise to try to avoid this feeling.

Here is the actual question: What is the best tasting protein bar out there, with not a ton of calories, or other crap, that tastes decent, and doesn't break the bank to buy? TIA!


  • jgbones
    jgbones Posts: 6
    I'm sure many will agree that Quest bars are one of the best bars out there. Lots of protein, many different flavors, no fake sugars (those artificial sweeteners are hidden in SO MANY of them and kill my stomach!), accommodating of people who are gluten free, and tasty to boot. Texture is funky at first but they grew on me!
  • wehave4
    wehave4 Posts: 97 Member
    I have found the Quest bars are the most edible. They come in many different flavors and are about 180-190 calories, 20-21g of protein, 7-8g of total fat, sodium 310mg, potassium 95mg, total carbs 22g, sugars 1g, and dietary fiber 17-18g. My favorite flavors are Cookies & Cream, Strawberry Cheesecake, and Cookie Dough. :)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Protein bars put me in a bad head space. To me, they are like chocolate bars and send me on a quest of my own to eat 3-4 in a row... Not good. They are expensive I guess but you can get them on sale over the internet so look out for deals.

    I prefer a protein shake on weight training days, gives me an extra whack of protein and doesn't' send my head into a binge-spin.

    Of course, you could always just EAT more protein - like as in real food - on that day.
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    I would definitely be up for a protein shake as well. Do they have ones that are premade? As you can tell, I have never really looked into this before. (But I knew I could turn to the awesome and supportive people on the forums ;) ) LOL
  • amyjmoseley
    I eat Juice Plus protein bars. They are a 100% whole food. Plant based. Gluten free. No GMOs. They have shakes also.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I prefer Life Choice brand either peanut butter or double chocolate. Taste as good as it gets.

    21-22g protein, 8g fat, 125mg sodium, total carbs 14g

    Works for me. Higher protein than just about anything with low sodium/carbs. Worth mentioning, I would hazard very cheap compared to Quest bars and the like.
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    I love Lara Bars.

    They're my go-to on the run breakfast and post workout snack. I stock up when I'm in the States though because they're 10 for 10 at Fred Meyer most of the time and $2-4 in Canada.

    I know they aren't the pinnacle of good energy bars, but they're accessible to me as tasty and convenient.