C25K - Still Sore - Do I need more time between workouts?



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    it depends on what's sore. if it's muscle then suck it up princess :tongue:

    it's it's tendons and joints then definitely take some time off.

    you might find using compression sleeves on your calves/shins will help.

    i dont quite get what people are saying about if you're able to walk for 40 minutes then you should be able to run without being sore. walking and running are 2 totally different things. running isnt just a sped up version of walking if your using good form. one of the main differences is that in walking you land on your heels while in running in good form you're either landing at the midfoot or the fore foot depending on your stride.

    regarding the pace, i think a lot of that will have to do with stride. i'm obese (still have 30 pounds to lose until i'm no longer that) 5'5 and my jog pace is a 10:12 mile which is a bit more than 6 mph. anything slower and it feels weird and anything more ( at the moment) and i can't last for too long.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Wow, way to go on running in the snow! I was recently visiting family in the east where it is very cold and snowy and I was thinking of the runners that do it all seasons-I'm spoiled here on the coast!

    Glad the new shoes made a difference for you! There are lots of great articles out there on how to take care of your running shoes and how to tell when you're ready for new ones.

    I agree with the other posters that if you are exceptionally sore you might be going at too fast a pace on your runs. If you feel too sore for a run on a running day you could always try a walk and then run the next day. Definitely listen to your body. Good luck!
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Give yourself another days rest. Also, are you stretching?
  • Regallily
    Regallily Posts: 7 Member
    I started C25K on Sunday and made it through W1D1. There was little difference between my brisk walk and my jog...but I did it! I was completely done for the rest of the day...but I did it! Today was W1D2, my calves were still a little sore...but I did it! I'm listening to my body but haven't been stretching...what stretches should I be doing?

    My first attempt at a 5K will be May 3rd...9 days before my 24th wedding anniversary and 6 days before my husband and I embark on a 7 day cruise to Bermuda. And dammit, I plan on using the jogging track on the ship!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    good job on getting out there in the cold and making this happen!

    yes, give yourself more time to recover. in fact, i'd probably just repeat work out 1 if i were you. then do work out 2 twice. you've got plenty of time to train, so take it nice and slow and ease into it.

    warm up before every work out with some jumping jacks and some dynamic stretching. and do a nice cool down walk and a stretch after each work out too.
  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    I also find that after I run (I graduated C25K and now am on the C210K) that five minutes of walking cool down was not enough. I would do that and then sit on my butt the rest of the evening and be sore the next day. I have gotten into the habit of walking approx 15 minutes (leisurely- walking my dog) and I find that helps SO much with soreness the next day.
  • I just did W2D2 today and actually did a little extra as I was feeling so good, however I put it down to something I read in the FAQs ... it went something like this ...

    Q: 'How fast should I run?'

    A: As slowly as possible! You probably wont be running much faster than you are walking, but you can work on speed once the programme is complete, just keep running!

    So, take a rest and slow down! :)
  • VoodooChummy
    VoodooChummy Posts: 53 Member
    I also find that after I run (I graduated C25K and now am on the C210K) that five minutes of walking cool down was not enough. I would do that and then sit on my butt the rest of the evening and be sore the next day. I have gotten into the habit of walking approx 15 minutes (leisurely- walking my dog) and I find that helps SO much with soreness the next day.

    This can't be stressed enough. I completely agree with recommending extending your cool down walks. It goes a long way to help reduce muscle stiffness later in the day.
  • apeacefulway
    Just wanted to update that I finished the C25K program and am about halfway through the 10K program. Down 70 pounds now :)
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Well done, clearly you got past the sore phase and have kept going.

    Keep it up.
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    Wow, I am SOO glad I read this before my week 1, day 1 session today!

    I have previously tried the c25k program twice and both times I stopped after trying the first week workout a few times and finding it impossible! I now realise I was doing it all wrong before by running full throttle in the first few minute segments (after which I would just walk the rest of the time). But this time I JOGGGED slowly and found it not only much easier but enjoyable! Whilst cooling down this time I even felt like I could have done more - which bodes very well for next week! This time around I'm feeling very proud of myself and am actually looking forward to progressing along the course. :-)

    Apeacefulway - very encouraging to see you've completed the program and are onto the 10k one less than 3 months after your initial post! Hopefully I'll be able to say the same in August! Also - you started the program in the snow?! I doth my cap to you.
  • apeacefulway
    I wish that were true. I still get pain. I think I have some kind of sciatic issue. I just push through it and take longer rests between workouts to heal. I'm hoping as the weight continues to come off things are going to get easier.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    That is awesome! Good for you!! I am looking to start the 10K program myself this week.