Help! What do you eat for lunch?

hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I'm aiming for a lower-carb lifestyle, but I'm being defeated by lunch. For forty years, lunch has meant sandwiches, bagels, or yogurt. In principle, yogurt would still work, but the flavored ones are loaded with sugar. So what does the low-carb eater eat for lunch??




  • PolkaDot88
    PolkaDot88 Posts: 71 Member
    I like to cook a chicken breast or two every week, cut it into strips, and bring a portion of it every day on top of a different salad. Spinach is my favourite, and you can find a whole bunch of recipes online for homemade salad dressings that can really change it up. Make sure you bring the dressing in a separate dish so the salad doesn't get soggy.
  • why have you decided to do low carb? that does make it much more difficult to pack lunch! I know it can be done but I'm not choosing that just curious why you personally feel healthy grains won't work for you?
  • Salads my friend!! Or I snack on lots of stuff through the day, rather than having an actual lunch. I fill up on almonds, tuna, eggs, chicken, sausages, cottage cheese, salad, veggies (broccollini and tzazhiki is DELICIOUS) yoghurt, and if I'm craving carbs, I have some fruit or some crackers with cheese. Do NOT deprive yourself of carbs if you're really wanting them.. you'll end up binging on a loaf of bread. I find it helps me to have one carb meal a day (eg; I had scrambled eggs on a slice of rye for breakfast today)... that keeps any carb cravings at bay.
  • I currently eat 1/2 cup of sweet potato or brown rice. And many green veggies... with chicken or fish.
  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    I have small amount of cheese, a chopped up green apple and a protein shake for lunch :)
  • I like to have 2 slices of oven roasted turkey with 2 slices of Arnolds sandwich thins (100 calories for both slices) and load it with lettuce, tomato and a spicy mustard. Make a big salad. Also, I have a yogurt around 10-10:30 so I'm not starving by lunch. Hope this helps.
  • texasguy
    texasguy Posts: 21 Member
    I have just been counting calories and calories only not worrying to much about bread vs meat and the weight is flying off. I would try the low carb diet but i know long term i can't keep that up, so i am not going to kill myself staying away from bread.
  • UneJolieFemme
    UneJolieFemme Posts: 86 Member
    Hello Holly !

    I often cook myself an omelette when I am home. I make sure to load it with fresh veggies, it's delicious ! You could also try
    quiches, when you are at work - without the crust, of course. Its not bad at all and it can change from the sandwich/salad routine.

    Once a week, I cook a huge pot of homemade soup/potage. When you add chicken or other meats, you get your proteins and a lot of vitamins.
  • MadisonLeavens
    MadisonLeavens Posts: 31 Member
    Hey there... Try the Greek yogurts. They are lower in carbs waaaay higher in probiotics and protein. There are seveer brands out there, Chobani and Frage are popular ones, but Dannon makes one too.

    For lunch, for low carbs, I would eat lean lunch meats, low-fat string cheese and some yogurt. If you want a little carbs, you can also have celery with fat free cream cheese with or without raisens (y'know, the old "ants on a log" treat).

    Hope this helps
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member

    I'm going low-carb because when I just cut calories, all I eat are carbs, and I'm starting to get worried about diabetes. Also, I'm not really very good at making little adjustments to my lifestyle. I can't just eat a little less of the less healthy things because my brain doesn't really understand "smaller portion sizes." It does understand "don't eat that." :-)

  • LadyMarylou
    LadyMarylou Posts: 43 Member
    Soups are a great option, with vegetables and few pieces of chicken with fresh herbs and spices!
  • colestephens
    colestephens Posts: 11 Member
    I drink Shakeology for lunch nearly every day. When I dove into P90X, I followed the diet plan as well. I knew I needed to eat healthier...high protein, low fat, etc. But I can only take so many salads before I'm sick of them. The nutrition in Shakeology takes all the guesswork out of at least 1 of my meals each day.

    I'm not supposed to advertise on here...and I respect learn about it from any Beachbody coach or search for it on the web.
  • UneJolieFemme
    UneJolieFemme Posts: 86 Member
    I forgot to add... A great way to save time is also to cook more food at dinner's time and eat the left overs for lunch... I find it more motivating to cook a really good, healthy dinner when I know it will actually be for 2 meals.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    i have fruit or vegetables with a protein (chicken, tuna, shrimp) to balance or make a salad out of it. if i do my version of a carb, it's like nut thins crackers with cheese.
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Soups are the way forward. You can make a big pot at the start of the week that can be used for your lunchs during the week. Homemade ones are delicious, really filling and a great way of having a low calorie lunch. Definitely worth a try. Good luck!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Yep, soup is a great way to go. I also have toast with grilled tomatoes and mushrooms, salads, fruit, a bowl of baked beans and cooked tomatoes, natural yoghurt wth berries etc. If I'm in a hurry or the cupboards are bare, I'll have a bowl of porridge with honey and fruit - lunch is not a big meal in my day, I am an evening eater so save my calories for later on!!
  • k8tmama
    k8tmama Posts: 58
    Yesterday I made a salad with lettuce, thin-sliced deli ham cut in strips, a little blue cheese, 1/4 c of sunflower seeds, a hard-boiled egg, and some blue cheese dressing. It was AMAZING. I have never "dieted" without cutting out all fat possible, and I've always been hungry. This is something I can live with. I've also done egg salad with a salad, and one day at home two slices of broiled eggplant with a little olive oil (I have a mister), topped with melted mozzerella and a little salsa. SO good. Love celery with a little blue cheese dip. I think salads will be my go-to meal, and I also keep a bunch of Green Giant packaged veggies on hand. They fill out a meal without adding much in the way of carbs.

    Good luck with this! I know for me, I've never felt so satisfied while watching what I eat, and I've already lost five pounds.

  • This is what I basically eat every day for lunch.

    Mission Low Carb Tortillas - Soft Taco Wrap, 1 Tortilla
    Generic - Lettus - Shredded
    Tomatoes - Red, ripe, raw, year round average, 2 slice
    Oscar Mayer - Carving Board Slow Cooked Ham, 2 oz.
    Grey Poupon - Mustard - Deli, 1 tsp

    The only real carbs are in the wrap, which has 18
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    homemade low sodium soups are a terrific option!

    i do like a little carbs in my daily routine - like today i have a whole wheat pita.........but

    i also have fruit, carrots & hummus. i almost always have these staples in my lunch bag.
    i also like to laughing cow cheese and low fat yogurt.

    on the weekends i have omelets a lot! and fill them with whatever left over veggies we have.

    good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • If you like sandwiches for lunch try the Flatout Light flatbreads, they are around 90 cal, 9g fiber, 6 net carbs and really pretty good.
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