1 Year MFP and 7 Months Lifting Heavy

husseycd Posts: 814 Member
So, I don't know if I'm a success story, per se, but this is my one year MFP progress post. Disclaimer: Sorry for the "standing on the toilet" photos. I've actually been taking them in the same location for years for my own records because it's easy. Never thought I'd be sharing them with, well, anyone. :blushing:

I have definitely made progress. I came here not overweight, but feeling a little fluffy at 138 lbs (I'm 5'5") and wanting to lose about 5 lbs. I wasn't making a dent in those pounds on my own, and realized I needed to get serious.

Right after I joined here I found Paleo, then Primal. Now, I don't eat strict Primal, or necessarily believe it, but loosely following the "diet" has been amazing. Cutting out grains (90% of the time) made weight loss really easy. I immediately dropped 6 lbs or so in the first 6 weeks and then slowly dropped even more over the summer until I was maintaining around 128 lbs. BTW, my thoughts on why cutting grains (and white potatoes) from my diet worked so well has more to do with calorie density, satiety, and cravings than anything else. But totally another post.

By August I was thinner than I'd been since high-school, but not 100% crazy with my body. I felt top-heavy, thick in the middle, and my legs and butt left a little to be desired. I'd been a hobby aerialist for 3 years at this point (still am. Think circus arts), so my once-upon-a-time scrawny pencil arms were no more. Still had the skinny lower legs. I suffered, and still do, from what I call Q-Tip leg syndrome.

So I joined the Lifetime Fitness by my work and started hitting the squat rack 2-3x/week. My measurements and weight really haven't changed much, though I have gained 1-2 lbs. I can clearly see the added mass in my thighs, and my abs seem a little more defined. I am definitely stronger, and my aerial skills have improved dramatically.

Moving forward, I'd love to cut down to 125 ish for the summer. I'm not having much luck though. Vacation and Friday happy hours keep getting in the way. :drinker: But worst case I'll continue to recomp over the summer. I'm considering a small bulk next winter. Looking at my "before" photos and knowing I've only lost 8 lbs kinda freaks me out though.

Onto the pictures!

The pictures are deceiving, but my thighs are actually smaller in the current photo. I've actually lost about 1.5" off my measurements (I lose weight fairly evenly). My hips are just so narrow. There is definitely no "thigh gap" in my future.


[img]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee322/jivete/Lifting progress/SideComparsionMay2013-2014.jpg[/img]

And the before I started lifting photo:

[img]http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/ee322/jivete/Lifting progress/F-08192013.jpg[/img]

Nothing spectacular, but hopefully it helps someone!


  • Chikipiwi
    Chikipiwi Posts: 117 Member
    Look at those abs!! Awesome work.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    Awesome! You can see the change. I so wish I can get there. I'm 5'3" 118 lbs (last I checked) and wanting to tone up so bad. I go to the gym three nights a week and just do weights but its been three months and just doesn't see the difference, I know it takes time but I need help.
  • mdinms
    mdinms Posts: 42 Member
    you look AMAZING!
  • running_tall
    running_tall Posts: 213 Member
    Definitely see the change! Well done!!!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    You look incredible! Love, LOVE the definition in your abs and legs both!
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Thanks, everyone! Seeing progress definitely keeps me motivated to continue.
    Awesome! You can see the change. I so wish I can get there. I'm 5'3" 118 lbs (last I checked) and wanting to tone up so bad. I go to the gym three nights a week and just do weights but its been three months and just doesn't see the difference, I know it takes time but I need help.

    I think it took me about 5-6 months to start really seeing a difference in my legs. My arms/abs have been several years in the making, but I've noticed huge improvements in the same 6 months. Keep at it!

    I do workout every day. A couple days are sometimes just mountain biking or hiking or something, but in addition to the gym, I play on an aerial apparatus 4-5 days a week. A couple days of silks, a couple days of pole, usually some lyra (though I've been slacking on it lately).

    BTW, for anyone interested, I do a modified Stronglifts program. I added split squats, good mornings, and barbell glute bridge. I was skipping the arms and back, but added them recently. I also do 5x3 up to 8x3 (and then usually increase the weight). 5 sets just bores me to tears.
    This inspires me to continue my lifting, hoping to see some change in about a year or so

    Definitely keep going! I'm can't wait to see where I am by the end of summer!
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