Hello everyone

Hey! I'm attempting to lose weight for the summer and gain more self confidence. I want to be healthy that's the overall goal for me. I just have such a hard time controlling my sugar cravings, I also lack the motivation to stop it. It's been a struggle for me to lose weight but I'm tired of making excuses so I'm hoping to start a long journey of health with myfitnesspal. Great meeting you all!


  • Joshyusernametaken
    Joshyusernametaken Posts: 50 Member
    All in the mind! Don't forget to train that muscle too! Just think.. Is all that time and work spent training and exercising worth that candy bar or extra bad meal? Make your self feel guilty before you eat those calories!
  • Lizplus3
    Lizplus3 Posts: 53 Member
    Feel free to add me - I know what you mean about sugar - it is hard to get over it, but you can. It took me about two weeks to get back the withdrawls of sugar but now it is not a big deal at all. I still have my two pieces of candy here and there and I eat skinny cow ice cream. You can do it and I know it can be hard - push threw and know that it gets better! I had to put myself on the shake protein bar diet the frist two weeks - once I stopped feeling the need to have chocolate every moment I removed some of the shakes and bars and put in healthy food choices. Now I am on clean healthy food (eatting bad every now and again) with no shakes and no bars. I feel awesome!!!
  • Latresa89
    Latresa89 Posts: 8
    Thanks! I will definitely keep that in mind! What do you usually have for a snack? I've been trying to eat fruit which only helps a little.
  • Latresa89
    Latresa89 Posts: 8
    Thanks so much for the advice! I definitely will try some Skinny Cow products! I've been chocolate free for a day now so I'm hoping I make it throughout the weekend lol