Finally filled out my profile...

Hi guys, I've been using this for a while, but finally filled out my profile. I'm 27, live right outside of Louisville, KY and I'm ready to make a change. My doctor threatened to put me on blood pressure medication if I didn't get my act together, so here I am trying to eat better and be more active. I tend to work out at the gym at my job, and my downfall is Sprite. I love them. I'm craving one now, but I'm drinking this water. I hope to be active in this community! Come by and say hi! :smile:


  • Jenniwren83
    Jenniwren83 Posts: 19 Member
    You're so lucky having a gym at your work. The closest i have is 8 flights of stairs! When you say sprite, you mean the drink right? I struggle with water, it just doesn't taste as good :)
  • brittinpink
    brittinpink Posts: 8 Member
    I love water, but I crave that sugar from Sprite. I dislike drinking water because it makes me run to the restroom too much!
  • Oscarinmiami
    Oscarinmiami Posts: 326 Member
    I hate water....I am a 45 year addict to Coca-Cola 12 pack a day habit, with 10 kidney stones to date...I am down to 1 coke a day and I have lost 12 pounds, but my stomach is much smaller...but I hate strong we can do this together